Chiropractic Health & Wellness Blog

Running injuries

August 22, 2011
Twin Cities Marathon and Twin Cities 10 miler is only 41 days.  If your training for the great Twin Cities Marathon please take the time to heal between your long runs. Remember when you start having any type of pain, Achilles tendonitis, ITB issues, knee pain, hip pain or foot pain,  please get checked out right away. The quicker you get treated, the quicker you will heal to continue your training for the big day!

We see so many athletes that train so hard for a race and they start having pain they either keep running or ignore the issue until the race get's close.  Then, they come in, take the extra time and get treated right away!  Don't wait!!, Our chiropractors have helped thousands of runners and have the knowledge and expertise in treating running injuries.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic treat runners and have amazing results!

Did you know we now have five Lyn Lake Chiropractic locations? If you're on the North side of Minneapolis, look us up! Or in the St Paul area, check us out!