Chiropractic Health & Wellness Blog

How You Can Help Improve Your Back Health

January 1, 2017
How You Can Help Improve Your Back Health
While one of our primary goals for all of our North East Minneapolis chiropractic patients is to give you the best musculoskeletal health possible, the reality is that we can only do so much in the few minutes a week that we see you. This means that a bulk of the responsibility falls back on you and the behaviors you do or do not engage in that can ultimately affect your back health.
What types of behaviors?
  • Paying attention to your posture. When you walk, stand, or sit with poor posture, you’re not only fatiguing your muscles as they work to keep you upright, but you also limit your mobility as your discs and joints fall out of line. One way to break this habit is to put a sticky note someplace where Quick read more or view full article you will see it often, reminding you to sit or stand up straight.
  • Taking your vitamins. Certain vitamins and minerals can help improve the strength and stability of your spine. These include vitamin D and calcium, the two nutrients that Harvard Medical School calls the “keys to strong bones.”
  • Drinking enough water. When you’re born, your spinal discs are comprised of 80 percent water. This enables them to work as they should. Therefore, in order to keep them operating at maximum function, you want to make sure you drink enough water.
  • Getting more active. If you tend to spend a lot of time sitting, you may notice the effects in your back due to the inactivity. Of course, the way to remedy this is to simply get more physical activity. Even if it’s not a standard exercise program, anything you can do to move around more can help.
  • Letting go of your ego. Sometimes it’s easier to do things yourself versus asking for help. However, if you lift things that are too heavy or awkward for you, then you risk injuring your back, potentially setting you up for massive problems both immediately and later in life. Ask for help when you need it. It may keep you from being in pain, making it more than worth it.
All of these things, in addition to regular chiropractic treatments, can help you improve the health of your back. If you want more ideas, just ask us the next time you’re in our Northeast Minneapolis chiropractic office! We’d love to help you get and stay back pain-free!

Call your Chiropractor or local Chiropractic Clinic if you have any questions!

Feel free to check out our website and our facebook page for more insight and information that could help you!

Lyn Lake Chiropractic NorthEast Minneapolis  Website and location on the New clinic.

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Best Chiropractor 2016 Minnesota Monthly

May 31, 2016

Best Chiropractor 2016 Minnesota Monthly

Lyn Lake Chiropractic 

There’s an electrifying energy at Lyn Lake Chiropractic. When you open the door to the hip, loft-like clinic, you’re greeted by friendly smiles, rockin’ tunes piping in from ceiling speakers, and staff of some of the most dedicated chiropractors and massage therapists in the metro area. The atmosphere is upbeat, fast-paced, and family-friendly. It quickly becomes obvious that the Lyn Lake Chiropractic staff loves what they do.

Dr. Kevin Schreifels, Dr. Ryan Jones, and four massage therapists treat car accident patients, prenatal, children, anyone with back pain, and those suffering from running injuries and athletic injuries. As the Official Chiropractors of The Twin Cities Marathon, the doctors—both avid marathoner—have a wealth of knowledge and deep understanding of running injuries. 

At Lyn Lake Chiropractic, every patient gets a great deal of muscle work done, including massage and muscle stretching prior to adjustments. Quick read more or view full article High-tech rehab equipment is also used to speed up the healing of injured muscles.

Schedule an appointment with the 24-hour answering service (so convenient!) or online. Same-day appointments are often available with these Minneapolis Chiropractors.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic • 2937 Lyndale Ave. S., Mpls., MN • 612-879-8000

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How to Deal With Neck Pain Between Chiropractic Visits

March 21, 2016
How to Deal With Neck Pain Between Chiropractic Visits

If there’s one concern that we hear a lot from our Minneapolis chiropractic patients it is how to effectively deal with pain in and around the neck area. 

Sadly, this type of issue is prevalent for a number of people as one survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that, after back pain and headaches or migraines, neck pain was the third most common type of chronic pain reported. So how can you deal with this issue effectively (between chiropractic visits), if this is a concern for you?

For starters, you want to limit the activities that aggravate your neck pain, making it worse and causing the area to become even more inflamed. This doesn’t mean doing nothing as that can actually hurt more than help. Quick read more or view full article It just means slowing down a bit and doing less of those activities until your neck starts to feel better.

Depending on the cause and extent of your injury, light stretching to the muscles and soft tissues in and around the neck area can sometimes help reduce the pain as well. Two to try include a corner stretch and the levator scapula stretch. (Click here to see how to do each of these.)

Additionally, when you’re able, you might want to apply a cold or hot compress to your neck to help reduce swelling, relax any stiffness, and lessen the pain. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then remove it for a minimum of 40 minutes before reapplying. And never put the hot or cold source directly against your skin; buffer with a towel instead to prevent any type of external damage that could further instigate your pain.

Finally, if you have less-than-stellar posture which could be contributing to your sorer than normal neck, simply sitting, walking, and standing straighter can oftentimes help. This means paying attention to your spine no matter what you’re doing, making any necessary adjustments if you notice that you’re slumping forward or otherwise leaning.

Neck pain may be common, but that doesn’t mean that you have to just accept it. Here at Lyn Lake Chiropractic, our number one goal is to help our Minneapolis patients become and stay pain-free. If you want that for yourself too, then call our office and schedule your appointment today! Minneapolis Chiropractic at 612-879-8000

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Seniors Benefit From Chiropractic Care

January 25, 2016
Here at Lyn Lake Chiropractic, a good portion of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients are 65-years-old or older. Additionally, that number is expected to grow quite a bit over the next few years. In fact, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging reports that this portion of the population will almost double by the year 2040, increasing from 14.1 percent to 21.7 percent. 

Whether you’re in this age bracket now or soon will be, chiropractic care can help you grow older with less pain and, ultimately, more grace. How?

Chiropractic for Back Pain Among the Elderly
As one report published in Chiropractic & Manual Therapies points out, “the most common reason for an older adult to see a DC is musculoskeletal pain, most often lower back pain.” Fortunately, chiropractic is an effective option for this problem which is all too prevalent in aging individuals. 

For instance, a case study involving an 83-year-old Quick read more or view full article man found that after just eight chiropractic treatments, his spasms and tenderness was gone, his pain dropped from a 10 out of 10 to a 4 out of 10 on a pain scale, and he was able to better care of his disabled wife. Additionally, he still reported enjoying these same benefits four months after the study concluded.

A Lower Risk of Falling
Another issue that some seniors struggle with is dizziness. Unfortunately, this contributes greatly to the high number of falls reported by members in this age range, a problem which the Vestibular Disorders Association states applies to somewhere between 20 and 40 percent of our nation’s elderly. 

Chiropractic can oftentimes help as, in one case, researchers studied 14 people aged 65 and older, assessing the results of eight weeks of chiropractic care (which consisted of two visits per week) on the participants’ dizziness. One-half of the individuals who had this problem prior to the chiropractic sessions reported that this issue resolved completely by the end of the study. Some participants also reported experiencing better balance, another factor that is partially responsible for this group falling.

Although there are more benefits of chiropractic, these are the main two which affect people 65 and older. Therefore, if you fall into this age range and live in the Minneapolis  55408 area, call Lyn Lake Chiropractic and schedule an appointment today. We’re here to help you age as gracefully as we can! 612-879-8000 Minneapolis Chiropractor. Read Less

How to Shovel Snow Without Hurting Your Back

January 25, 2016
Have you ever gone out to shovel your Minneapolis drive or walkway, only to feel your back ache as a result? If so, you aren’t alone as statistics provided by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons indicate that more than 200,000 people are injured in the U.S. annually as a result of trying to get rid of snow and ice by hand. 

Does this mean that you are stuck with it until spring arrives if you want to keep your back in good health? Of course not. While you can’t always avoid injury 100 percent of the time, there is a way to shovel snow that is better for your spine and all of the muscles and soft tissues that surround it.

Proper Snow Shoveling Technique
Ideally, protecting your back starts before you even pick up a snow shovel. Because moving snow from one area to another is rather physical Quick read more or view full article in nature, you want to make sure your muscles are warmed up and ready to work. One way to do this is to walk in place or on a treadmill for a few minutes. If you have a stationary bike or some other cardiovascular exercise equipment, that would work too.
Once you’re ready to go outside and start moving the white stuff, using proper technique can save you from a lot of discomfort and low back pain.

The safest method, according to the experts at Spine-health, involves:
  • Directly facing the snow or ice you intend to move.
  • Putting one hand on the handle of the shovel and the other as close to the shovel itself as possible.
  • Instead of bending your back to pick it up, bend at the hips first and then the knees, utilizing your leg muscles to do a majority of the work.
  • When you go to move the snow, move your entire body in the new direction versus just twisting your back.
  • Walk the shovel of snow or ice to the new location and drop it, minimizing injury from heaving or throwing it.

Do these five things and you’ll reduce your risk of back injury while getting rid of the snow and ice we commonly get in the Minneapolis area. Also, make sure you come in for your regular chiropractic visits too and the staff at Lyn Lake Chiropractic will do our best to keep you back pain free! Minneapolis Chiropractor at Lyn Lake Chiropractic 612-879-8000 Read Less

Chiropractic Good for Your Heart

January 25, 2016
February 14th is a holiday designed specifically to celebrate the love-filled feelings that you have for your spouse, parents, children, and everyone else you hold near and dear to your heart. Well, the staff at Lyn Lake Chiropractic want to make sure all of our Minneapolis patients have hearts that are as healthy as possible, which is why we’d like to share how chiropractic can help with this.

Heart Benefits of Chiropractic
For starters, chiropractic can help lower your heart rate, thus lowering your risk of cardiovascular-related issues like heart attack or stroke. For instance, in one study, each participant was asked to wear a heart monitor before and after a chiropractic session. Researchers found that the individuals’ heart rates decreased slightly post-manipulation. Furthermore, their pain “was reduced significantly” too, which is an added bonus!

Chiropractic has also been found to lower blood pressure, a Quick read more or view full article condition that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports affects one-third of U.S. adults. In fact, one piece of research published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that “systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly” in  individuals who were treated with chiropractic adjustments to their middle back. As a side note, the participants also reported experiencing lower levels of anxiety, again showing how chiropractic offers many benefits physically and mentally.

Improving Heart Health
Of course, there’s more to a healthy heart than engaging in chiropractic care. Therefore, here are some suggestions to help you improve your heart health, courtesy of Harvard Medical School:
  • Get daily physical exercise. Even if you can’t do a lot at the beginning, every little bit counts.
  • Increase your fruit and vegetable intake. Because they’re loaded in vitamins and nutrients, these two food groups can not only help your cardiovascular system, but all of your other bodily systems too.
  • Ease up on sugary drinks. This can help keep your weight in check which is always good for your heart.
  • Take the time to de-stress. Constantly feeling worried about things isn’t beneficial to your heart, so stop every once in a while and breathe or count your blessings to ease the stress on your heart.
If you’d like to see how chiropractic can help you improve the health of your heart (and rest of your body), come see us at Lyn Lake Chiropractic. We’re the Minneapolis chiropractors who care! Read Less

Lyn Lake Chiropractic help?

December 20, 2015
Have the Winter Blues? We May Be Able to Help!

Do the cold Minneapolis temps have you down?  Do you wake up every day feeling like you have less and less energy to handle all of your work and home activities, tempting you to want to hibernate until spring? If so, you aren’t alone.

Statistics published in the American Family Physician suggest that roughly five percent of the population struggles with the winter blues, also called Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD for short. Also, for those affected, the symptoms associated with this condition (such as fatigue and depression) can last almost half the year. 

This makes finding ways to ease SAD critical to improving the quality of life for a large amount of our patients. How can Lyn Lake Chiropractic help?

Although most people think that chiropractic is only beneficial when it comes to easing back or Quick read more or view full article neck pain, research has found that chiropractic can actually have a positive effect on mood. For instance, one study published in the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research found that five out of the six participants experienced relief of their anxiety and depression symptoms after just 12 chiropractic visits primarily aimed at treating the cervical, or neck portion of their spine. 

These individuals also reported a “decrease in muscle tension and pain and increase in mental clarity and physical energy” after engaging in chiropractic care. This makes this particular treatment method soothing not only physically, but mentally as well.
Massage therapy can often help ease these types of symptoms as well. In fact, one meta-analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry even concluded that “massage therapy is significantly associated with alleviated depressive systems.”
Part of the reason this type of remedy is so beneficial to your mental health is in the way that it relaxes you. It eases the tension in your body by releasing tense muscles and it also reduces the stress in your mind as you let your thoughts wander while our experienced therapists help rid your body of the negative emotions that can sometimes make this colder part of the year more difficult to handle.
If you’re struggling with the winter blues and live in the Minneapolis area, contact Lyn Lake Chiropractic today and find out what we can do to help you lift your spirits all year long! Read Less

Exercise Safely Outdoors In the Winter

December 20, 2015

How to Exercise Safely Outdoors In the Winter

Here in our Minneapolis chiropractic office, we see a number of patients with sports-related injuries. While some are due to overuse or pushing too hard, others are a result of the weather. Specifically, winter offers some challenges that you don’t see other times of the year—especially in Minnesota.

Because we get our fair share of cold temperatures, snow, and ice, it’s important to take precautions if you like to exercise outside in the winter months. Here are a few to consider:

  • Warm up properly before. Warming up your muscles is advised any time of year, but it is even more critical when it is colder outside. This means taking 5 to 10 minutes at the beginning of your workout and engaging in a light-intensity cardiovascular activity such as walking or riding a stationary bike.
  • Stretch your muscles after. Stretching after you work Quick read more or view full article out outdoors helps keep them from tensing up, which means less pain and soreness in the next few days. Massage can help with soreness as well, so this is something to consider if you are engaging in a high-intensity or long-distance training or event held outdoors that will likely leave you fatigued.
  • Stay hydrated. Although you might not get as thirsty exercising outdoors in the winter as you do in the summer, you’re still losing water through sweat, so it’s important to stay hydrated. For this reason, be sure to take a water bottle with you so you can sip on it as you go.
  • Dress appropriately. Ideally, you want to wear clothes that wick the moisture away from your skin because, as we just discussed, you’re likely going to be sweating despite the colder temps. Also, it’s a good idea to dress in layers so you can keep your body at a healthy temperature throughout your entire workout, from beginning to end.
  • Mind your step. Because snow and ice can be prevalent in this area, you always want to be mindful of where you’re stepping to avoid a slip and fall. Although this is basic common sense, we still wanted to mention it because it is important to consider.

Do these five things and make your winter workouts safer. Also, don’t forget to come into our Minneapolis chiropractic office for your regular visits so we can help keep your spine healthy enough to sustain your active life…even in these colder months!

Lyn Lake Chiropractic Minneapolis Chiropractor - 612-879-8000

Dr. Kevin Schreifels

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Posted by Dr. Kevin Schreifels

Sinus Problems Chiropractic Can Help

December 18, 2015

Sinus Problems Got You Down? Chiropractic Can Help


This time of year, it isn’t uncommon to see many of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients struggling with sinus issues. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that almost 30 million adults are diagnosed with sinusitis on an annual basis, prompting over 11 million office visits. So this is a rather common problem in other regions as well. Admittedly, sometimes the issues can only be resolved by seeing a Quick read more or view full article medical doctor and being prescribed medication, but chiropractic can usually also help as well. 

The reason chiropractic is beneficial when it comes to your sinuses is that vertebral alignment is necessary in order for your sinuses to drain properly. Specifically, if the fluids don’t flow as they should due to issues within your spinal column, it increases the likelihood of swelling in that region and this is when problems begin as the drainage begins to accumulate, sometimes becoming infected as a result

Research has proven the benefits of chiropractic care when it comes to effectively dealing with recurrent sinus problems. For instance, there was one case study which involved a 12-year-old boy who was dealing with sinus infections every couple of months. Even though he was taking antibiotics to help control them, they kept reappearing over and over again—that is, until he started chiropractic care. 

After just two sessions with a chiropractor, he was finally able to quit taking his antibiotic as the infection was no longer present. Additionally, once he had completed three weeks of chiropractic care, researchers noted that he had better movement in his neck and upper-middle spine, allowing him to carry his head in a more upright, thus healthier position. 

Based on the amount of progress he made in a relatively short period of time, researchers concluded that "both patient and parents are aware of the quality of life that is returning as an apparent result of chiropractic care.” In other words, chiropractic can help not only relieve the bothersome symptoms of sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, headache, and fatigue), but it can essentially give you your life back by dealing with these issues once and for all.

If you struggle with sinus issues and live in the Minneapolis area try our Minneapolis Chiropractor  Dr. Kevin Schreifels at  Lyn Lake Chiropractic at (612) 879-8000 and schedule an appointment with us today!

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Posted by Dr. Kevin Schreifels

Fun Ways to Increase Spine Health This Winter

November 27, 2015

Fun Ways to Increase Spine Health This Winter 


Most of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients realize that physical activity is important when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight and reducing your risk of disease. However, getting in enough regular movement is also beneficial to your spine. This makes finding fun ways to burn excess energy critical to lessening the chances that you’ll experience back pain, neck pain, or any other issues commonly associated with an inactive and inflexible spinal column. 

Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to stay physically active during the winter months if you’re an outdoors person because of the snow and ice we tend to get in this region, but that doesn’t mean that you have to hibernate until Quick read more or view full article spring to benefit your spine either. In fact, there are several fun ways to stay active (and healthy) this colder time of year. 

For instance, although fresh fallen snow may stop you from hitting the trails if you’re concerned about slipping and falling, you can still get in a great workout (and create some amazing memories) by joining your kids or grandkids in building a snowman or a snow fort. You can even use colored water in spray bottles to create a beautiful finished product. 

And if it isn’t the type of snow that packs well, shoveling the walkway or drive can be enjoyable if you prefer to engage in physical activities that also have a purpose. Certainly, it may be easier to pay someone else to do it, but the sense of accomplishment you feel when you look at all of the progress you’ve made is often worth the effort. 

Winter weather is also great for many fun sports ranging from skiing to sledding to ice skating, and more. So, grab the family or a friend and find a local hill or frozen pond and test your skills while having some laughs at the same time. That way, you can stay active this winter AND have fun while doing it, giving you a healthier body and spine. 

Don’t forget to keep up with your chiropractic visits too. Call our Minneapolis Chiropractic Clinic today at (612) 879-8000 to schedule your next appointment with our Minneapolis Chiropractor.

(As a side note: It’s always recommended that you consult with your physician before taking part in any new or higher intensity physical activity than you’re used to in order to ensure that you can do so safely.)

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The Graston Technique: What It Is and Why We Use It

October 27, 2015

The Graston Technique: What It Is and Why We Use It


Here at Lyn Lake Chiropractic, our goal is to help all of our Minneapolis patients achieve maximum health and wellness. That’s why we pride ourselves on offering a variety of different techniques designed to both prevent and treat musculoskeletal issues. And one that we use regularly is the Graston Technique.

What Is the Graston Technique?

The Graston Technique is a method which involves using stainless steel instruments to help effectively reach scar tissue or other soft tissue adhesions and get them to release, providing you with greater movement and less pain. The goal of the Graston Technique is to resolve both the symptoms and the cause of the issue, which means short and long-term relief.

Chiropractors aren’t the only ones that use the Graston Technique either. It is also commonly used by physical therapists, Quick read more or view full article athletic trainers, and other types of therapists and medical professionals in a number of different fields. What makes this technique so desirable to health care workers around the world?

Why Do We Use It?

Well, the reason we use the Graston Technique at Lyn Lake Chiropractic is simple: It works. There have been numerous research studies on this particular method of treatment and many have found extremely positive results.

For instance, one study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics involved 10 subjects with plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis, foot pain is diagnosed when the band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot becomes inflamed, resulting in heel pain—especially first thing in the morning. However, after just a few treatment sessions using the Graston Technique and doing some in-home stretches, the participants experienced less pain and greater functionality. 

Additionally, this technique is good for sports-related injuries. For example, a University of Wisconsin study published in the Journal of Undergraduate Kinesiology Research involved 14 athletes and assessed the range of motion in their shoulders before, during, and after engaging in care with the Graston Technique. Based on the results, the researchers concluded that this particular technique helped improve shoulder motion, which makes it a great addition to the standard stretching and strengthening training programs.

To find out if the Graston Technique can help you ease your pain or discomfort, call our Minneapolis chiropractic office today and schedule an appointment 612-879-8000. We’ll do what we can to get you the relief you deserve!

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Chiropractic Great for Expectant Mothers

October 27, 2015

Chiropractic Great for Expectant Mothers


Pregnancy is definitely a memorable time in a woman’s life. When you’re getting ready to welcome your precious little one into the world, feeling his or her tiny body growing inside of you, it can bring about excitement about the new life that is about to come. One way to make it even better is to come into our Minneapolis chiropractic office for regular spinal manipulations.

Research Confirms Chiropractic Benefits During Labor and Delivery

Various research studies have found that chiropractic care offers a lot of benefits for expectant mothers. Perhaps the most common one is relief from back pain often caused by the structural shifts in your body during pregnancy. In fact, approximately three-quarters of the expectant mothers who engage in chiropractic care during their pregnancy report experiencing relief after just a few treatment sessions.

Not only is this important for Quick read more or view full article a more pleasurable pregnancy, but relieving back pain is critical when you’re in labor as well. How? Women who have back pain during their pregnancy are three times more likely to have back labor, which refers to the intense back pain that some feel when giving birth. Thus, avoiding the pain while you’re carrying your child increases the likelihood that you will avoid it when delivering too.

Chiropractic Deemed Safe During Pregnancy

Of course, one of the top questions that a lot of pregnant women have when it comes to receiving chiropractic care, or any type of care for that matter, while expecting is whether or not it is safe. After all, it needs to be harmless for mother and baby alike. The good news is that it is.

Even the American Pregnancy Association endorses chiropractic for expectant mothers to help deal with common pregnancy issues such as increased back curvature, changes to the structure of the pelvis and posture, and sometimes nausea. Plus, since spinal manipulations open up the nerves to let the brain communicate effectively with the rest of the body, it allows all of your systems to function maximally, which means a healthier pregnancy and birth.

If you’re currently pregnant and want to make this time in your life as healthful and pain-free as possible, call Lyn Lake Chiropractic in Minneapolis and schedule a visit. Both you and your baby are our priorities!


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Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

October 27, 2015

4 Lesser Known Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

Although most people consider massage a luxury, something they can enjoy only when they have a spare bit of cash or when they’ve endured a week so stressful that they can’t even think straight, the reality is that massage therapy offers a lot of health benefits. Most aren’t very well-known though, so here are four of them to consider in case you are looking for a good reason to come into our Minneapolis chiropractic office and enjoy a massage (or two):

  1. Reduced anxiety. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports that anxiety is one of the top mental issues in the U.S., afflicting roughly 40 million adults and costing over $42 billion annually due largely to repeat doctor visits. However, many studies have found that massage helps lessen feelings of anxiousness, which means that you’ll not only feel Quick read more or view full article better, but you’ll also potentially spend less time in the doctor’s office.


  1. Improved digestion. Johns Hopkins Medicine reports that therapeutic massage is helpful in easing chronic constipation. Therefore, if you find your bathroom time difficult and lengthy, a visit with one of our Minneapolis massage therapists may be just what you need to kind of “get things moving along.”


  1. Fewer headaches. If you suffer from regular, chronic headaches or migraines, research has proven that massage will likely help. In fact, in one study published in the American Journal of Public Health, the participants reported that they experienced fewer headaches after just one week of massage therapy. Furthermore, the headaches that they did have were shorter in duration, so the positive effects were twofold.


  1. Better sleep. When you are stressed and anxious or dealing with some type of physical pain due to an injury, your sleep will likely suffer. Fortunately, because massage helps resolve both anxiety and pain, you’ll probably notice that you have an easier time getting and staying asleep when engaging in regular massage therapy. Sleep has even been found to improve in cancer patients who engage in massage therapy which shows just how powerful this type of therapy is.

If you’re ready to experience these benefits (and more), contact Lyn Lake Chiropractic in Minneapolis at (612) 879-8000 and schedule your appointment today. Your health will thank you!

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Natural Ways to Relieve Headaches

September 29, 2015
5 All-Natural Ways to Relieve Headaches

When your head is pounding, it can feel almost impossible to simply live your life. And even though you have work, home, and family obligations, you may find that the only thing that makes you feel better is lying in bed or on the couch, which may be okay if you only have headaches occasionally. But if you tend to experience head pain more often than not, like some of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients do, then you are probably looking for a better solution.

Certainly, there are a number of medications out there designed to help you relieve your headaches and migraines, but they’re not always the best option. Either the ingredients in them make you feel wired and keep you up all night, or they make you so drowsy that you can’t stay awake long enough to hear about your Quick read more or view full article child’s day when they get home from school. 

So, if you’re looking for some all-natural headache cures that work, here are five to try the next time your head pain strikes:

  • Watch your diet. Certain foods have been found to actually trigger headache and migraine pain, which means that watching your diet can help reduce the number of head pain episodes, as well as lessening their duration and intensity. Some foods and ingredients to watch out for, according to WebMD, include cheeses, food additives such as nitrites and food coloring, Chinese food (thanks to the MSG), chocolate, caffeine, dried fruits, crackers, canned soups, and cold foods like ice cream. It also helps to keep a food diary so you can identify triggers specific to you.
  • Do some stretching exercises. Sometimes headaches are caused due to tight muscles in the neck and shoulder area, which makes loosening them critical to relieving the headache pain. One stretch to try is simply tilting your head from side to side as far as you can. Another involves standing up straight and rolling your shoulders back, bringing your shoulder blades together as close as you can. No matter which type of stretches you do, be sure to use slow and controlled movements so you don’t aggravate the area even further. 
  • Get a massage. If your headaches are due to stress and tension, a massage may be just what you need to help relax your tense muscles and your mind. Here at Lyn Lake Chiropractic, we offer soft tissue and massage therapy services to all of our Minneapolis chiropractic clients, potentially helping you lessen or eliminate your head pain entirely. In the meantime though, don’t be afraid to take a few minutes and give yourself a nice, soothing temple or neck massage. It may just release some of the pain and make you feel a better almost instantly.
  • Take peppermint oil and rub it on your forehead and temples. One study published in a German health publication found that, when compared to a placebo, individuals who took two peppermint oil capsules (each one containing 10 grams of 10% peppermint oil) and also spread some of the oil on their temples and foreheads experienced greater levels of relief in just 15 minutes time, with the positive effects lasting an hour later. This is definitely a great all-natural way to say goodbye to your head pain.
  • Engage in regular chiropractic care. Of course, we would be totally remiss if we didn’t tell you how great engaging in regular chiropractic care can be for easing your chronic headache pain. If your headaches are due to tension, they typically respond well to chiropractic since these particular types of headaches are often caused by subluxations (misalignments) in your neck area. Even migraines symptoms can lessen with chiropractic care, as one study conducted by a doctor at Macquarie University revealed that 22% of chiropractic patients experienced a “substantial reduction” in migraine symptoms as a result of treatment, with an additional 50% reporting “quite noticeable improvement.”

If you suffer from frequent headaches, make an appointment at Lyn Lake Chiropractic today. Our Minneapolis chiropractors will do what we can to help you relieve, and possibly even eliminate, all of your head-related pain!

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4 Simple Ways to Ease Back Pain

September 29, 2015

4 Simple Ways to Ease (Or Even Eliminate) Your Back Pain

Although our Minneapolis chiropractic patients experience a number of positive benefits from regular spinal manipulations, back pain is definitely one of the top reasons they keep coming through our door. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that roughly 60-70% of all people will experience this type of pain at some point in their lives, hitting the 35-55 year old age group the hardest. 

What can you do to help ease or even eliminate your back pain if you fall somewhere in these all-too-high ranges? Here are four options to consider:

  • Get and stay active. Some people with back pain shy away from physical exercise, but oftentimes this type of pain can be lessened simply by moving about more. Worried it is going to make the pain worse instead of better? Don’t be. Research confirms Quick read more or view full article that “exercise is safe for individuals with back pain.” Just don’t overdo it and you’ll be fine.
  • Watch your posture. If you’re slouching or otherwise have poor posture, you could easily be making your back pain worse. Instead, stay aware of your form and keep your head facing forward, your shoulders down and back, and your pelvis slightly tilted and you’ll likely feel better because of it.
  • Limit your texting time. Dr. Kenneth K. Hansraj, Chief of Spine Surgery at New York Spine Surgery & Rehabilitation Medicine conducted a study to determine the effect that constantly having your head tilted forward (like when texting) has on the spine. What he found was that just leaning your head forward 15 degrees more than doubled the weight of your head on your spinal column. Tilt your head 60 degrees and it’s like having a 60 pound head. No wonder too much texting makes your neck and upper back hurt!
  • Buy a new mattress. When your mattress is broken down from years of use, then buying a new one can potentially help you get rid of your back pain. Be sure to choose one that supports your spine best, and if you’re not sure which one that would be, ask us and we’ll be glad to give you some pointers so you find the right one for you!

Do these four things, in addition to regular visits to Lyn Lake Chiropractic, your Minneapolis chiropractor, and it will increase the likelihood that your back pain will become a thing of the past!

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Sports Injury? See Your Minneapolis Chiropractor!

September 29, 2015

Want to Prevent or Treat a Sports Injury? See Your Minneapolis Chiropractor!


While having any type of injury is obviously no fun, sports injuries can seem ten times worse. This is largely because, in addition to the pain and aggravation they usually cause, sports injuries can also keep you from engaging in the one activity that makes you smile and brings you joy. 

Quick read more or view full article style="font-size:14px;">So, preventing these types of injuries helps you live a happier life and one way to achieve that goal is to make (and keep) regular appointments with Lyn Lake Chiropractic, your Minneapolis chiropractor. How does chiropractic help you avoid sports injuries?

Chiropractic as a Sports Injury Preventative

The main reason chiropractic is such a great preventative for sports injuries is that keeping your spine aligned allows your brain to effectively communicate with the rest of your body via your central nervous system, which is housed in your spinal column. This means better muscle response, improved performance, and a whole host of other sports-related benefits in addition to fewer sports injuries.

In fact, research published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders confirms chiropractic’s injury prevention effect on the lower body. In this particular study, 59 semi-elite Australian Rules footballers were split into two groups. Both received medical and sports management, but only one (the intervention group) received sports chiropractic treatments—first weekly, then bi-weekly, then monthly—for a period of 7 ½ months.

Each athlete was assessed prior to the study, as well as at the end. Based on a comparison between the groups, researchers concluded that chiropractic helped lower the number of lower-limb injuries these elite athletes endured, primarily when it came to strains and non-contact knee injuries.

Chiropractic Also Beneficial Should An Injury Occur

Of course, in addition to chiropractic helping prevent sports injuries, it is also beneficial should an injury occur. That’s why an estimated one-third of all American NFL football teams have a chiropractor on staff with three-quarters of the teams having referred a player to a chiropractor, even if one wasn’t immediately available. 

The types of sports injuries that can often be treated with a visit or two to your Minneapolis chiropractor include: neck pain, headaches, sprains, knee injuries, tendonitis, shin splints, elbow injuries, and more.

To prevent or treat your sports injury, make an appointment with Lyn Lake Chiropractor today. We’re here to make all of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients feel better before, during, and after participating in their sport of choice!

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Our Minneapolis Chiropractors Can

September 29, 2015

3 Ways Our Minneapolis Chiropractors Can Help You Improve Your Child’s Health and Wellness


As a parent, your child’s health and wellness is probably one of your most important priorities, if not the top one on your list. Well, the doctors and staff at Lyn Lake Chiropractic feel the same as we want all of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients—no matter how young they are—to experience the highest level of health possible. 

Quick read more or view full article initial;">What types of benefits does chiropractic care have to offer children? Here are three to consider…

Ease of Asthma Symptoms

The American Lung Association reports that “asthma is one of the most common chronic disorders in children, currently affecting an estimated 7.1 million children under 18 years.” Furthermore, asthma can actually result in death if not managed properly, which makes addressing this particular condition critical to not only your child’s quality of life, but their life period. Fortunately, chiropractic can help and research confirms it.

For example, one case study involved a 7-year-old male child who had suffered with asthma since he was only five months old. In fact, between his asthma, allergies, and frequent colds, this poor kid missed school at least once a month if not more and, as a result, often found himself sitting in the doctor’s office instead of the classroom. However, after just two weeks of chiropractic care, he was able to go off his asthma medication completely. Plus, he went an entire school year without missing any days due to illness, showing just how positive the chiropractic treatments were on him as a whole.  

Improvement in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost 10% of children between the ages of 3 and 17 are diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD for short. This equates to roughly six million children in the United States, with young boys being diagnosed almost three times more often than girls. If your child falls into these numbers and has been diagnosed with ADHD, then it is possible that chiropractic care in our Minneapolis chiropractic office can help alleviate some of the symptoms. 

For instance, in one study published in Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, four young boys between the ages of 9 and 13 with ADHD were assessed during a course of chiropractic treatment. Based on feedback from parents, teachers, and the boys themselves, researchers concluded that chiropractic resulted in “improvement in ADHD symptoms (ie, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness, as well as behavioral, social, or emotional difficulties).” Just imagine what this could do for your child’s achievement levels both personally and academically!

Fewer Learning and Behavioral Issues

When improving a child’s health and wellness, we would be remiss if we didn’t talk about learning and behavioral issues. After all, sometimes neurological issues can cause problems in these particular areas, which can ultimately lower your child’s quality of life as it negatively affects their ability to learn, stress levels at home, and so much more. One way to help lessen these effects is to have your child engage in regular chiropractic care. What can chiropractic do for a child behaviorally?

Well, one particular study set out to answer that question, so researchers decided to look at what effect, if any, chiropractic had on learning impaired students. They did this by splitting a group of 24 students into two, with one-half of the young participants engaging in chiropractic and the other half receiving no treatment at all. Here are just a few of the positive results achieved by some of the group members who had chiropractic treatments:

  • One high school student went from failing three different classes to passing all of them, switched from having low morale to being highly motivated,  and even became coordinated enough to become involved in athletics…all while eliminating all medications.


  • Another high school student who was taking Ritalin was also able to stop taking this particular medication, all while experiencing gains in both reading comprehension and speed.


  • Yet another student who was in elementary school was able to be taken off medications as well, receiving other benefits from the chiropractic care such as a reported better attitude, higher academic grades, and fewer behavioral problems.

There are many reasons chiropractic is great for improving children’s health and these are just three. To see what our Lyn Lake Chiropractic Minneapolis chiropractors can do for your child, call and schedule an appointment today. Their health is our priority!

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Lyn Lake Chiropractic Official Chiropractor of Twin Cities Marathon

September 17, 2015

Lyn Lake Chiropractic is Proud to be the Official Chiropractor of Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon!


If you’re going to the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon, “the most beautiful urban marathon in America,” on October 4th, make sure you look us up because
Lyn Lake Chiropractic, home of your trusted Minneapolis chiropractors, is the official chiropractor of the race!

We love the Medtronic Twin Quick read more or view full article Cities Marathon because it is the perfect event for the beginner and novice runner alike. Plus, it offers many wonderful perks such as free transportation from various areas in and around Minneapolis and Saint Paul, a special little gift for all of the runners to remember this particular accomplishment, and blankets and beer at the finish line. Does it get any better than that?

So, what is our role in all of this?

Chiropractic and Marathon Running

When it comes to running, there are some pretty common injuries that can occur, such as:

  • Shin splints – tightness or pain in the lower leg
  • Achilles tendonitis – achiness or shooting pain in the heel area
  • Stress fracture – pain in the lower leg, often confused with shin splints
  • Runners knee – pain in and around the kneecap
  • Plantar Fasciitis – tightness or pain on the bottom of the foot and/or heel area

Fortunately, chiropractic has been proven to be an effective treatment remedy for all of these conditions. For instance, one of the techniques we use for a lot of our Minneapolis chiropractic patients who run is called the Graston Technique. The Graston Technique involves taking one of six specially designed stainless steel instruments and moving it expertly to reach the injured area and relieve the issue causing the pain and discomfort.

We also offer RockTape which is a type of kinesiology tape that a number of runners use to help prevent or relieve common running injuries. It contains no latex so it is safe for people with allergies, and it also helps boost performance, so if you’re looking for a little edge, RockTape may help!

A Couple Quick Tips for Reducing Running Injuries

If you’re running in the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon on October 4th, our Minneapolis chiropractors would love to see you! However, we also want to help you stay injury free, so make sure you stretch beforehand, run with good posture, and keep your gait so your foot isn’t overstepping your knee.

See you at the race…and good luck! Lake Chiropractic - Runners helping Runners!

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If I Need a Chiropractor After An Auto Accident?

September 13, 2015

How Do I Know If I Need a Chiropractor After An Auto Accident?


Here at Lyn Lake Chiropractic, we’ve had a number of Minneapolis chiropractic patients who have been involved in some type of auto accident, ranging from minor fender benders to crashes that have resulted in major physical trauma, at some point or another in their lives. Unfortunately, this really comes as no major surprise since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that “motor vehicle crashes Quick read more or view full article are the leading cause of injury and death in the U.S.” 

However, the one question that is asked quite often is how to know if you need a chiropractor after being involved in an auto accident. So, let’s examine that more in-depth now.

When you’re in a car crash, sometimes it is immediately evident that something is wrong. For instance, you may notice that there is pain present in various areas of your body (such as back pain or neck pain associated with whiplash), which is a clear sign that something just isn’t right.

Or, you might begin experiencing headaches or dizziness, start to have difficulty sleeping, or are feeling just overall irritable. In these cases, even if there are no physical marks present, making the decision to seek medical treatment via chiropractic care is typically an easier one. Obviously, something is going on internally and it’s best to find out what it is so it can be treated effectively and the pain and other possible symptoms minimized.

Yet, when there is no pain present, and no other signs at all that you may be injured externally or internally, you are less inclined to get yourself checked out and assume that you’re 100% okay. While this may seem logical, the reality is that you could have actually sustained an injury in the accident and don’t even realize it.

The reason this can happen is that sometimes pain and other symptoms don’t come to the surface for days, weeks, months, or even years to come. Furthermore, not seeing a doctor because of a lack of symptoms can greatly impact your ability to overcome the injury at a later point in time as some studies have confirmed that delayed treatment can negatively affect positive outcome capabilities.

Now, some people believe that minor accidents (like the ones that don’t leave any marks on the vehicles or involve super-slow speeds) aren’t capable of creating injury that requires chiropractic treatment. But one study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found otherwise. 

In this case, the researcher found “a lack of relationship between occupant injury, vehicle speed and/or damage.” Specifically, even when crash speeds were as low as 2.5 miles per hour, physical injury could result. So, it doesn’t matter how minor the auto accident is, you may have an injury that needs medical attention to resolve it effectively.

In short, any time that you’re involved in a car accident, no matter how minor it may seem and how good you feel afterward, you still want to follow up with your Uptown Minneapolis chiropractors to ensure that you’re okay and that your spinal discs and vertebrae are still in their proper and healthy place. With a quick exam, Drs. Schreifels, Eckstein, and Jones will be able to tell what injury, if any, exists or if further testing needs to be conducted to make sure you weren’t hurt in any way.

We even have a 24-hour answering service which allows you to call no matter when you have an auto accident and get your appointment scheduled to come in. Remember…the sooner you get in to see us at Lyn Lake Chiropractic in Minneapolis, Minnesota after a car crash, the sooner you will start to heal and the better your chances of recovery!


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Success in the Business World With Better Posture!

March 25, 2015

Success in the Business World With Better Posture!


Harvard Business School recently distributed an article entitled, "The Power of Posture" stating that your stance, broadly speaking, signals to the world how energetic, confident, and powerful you are. Slumped shoulders, a slow pace, and a sagging belly are taken by the world to mean that you lack confidence, that you don't have much energy, and that you are probably less important, successful, and powerful as a result. 


These impressions may be neither accurate nor fair, but they are the inevitable results of the fleeting impressions. Before your next meeting, take a couple of Quick read more or view full article minutes to "power pose" by standing with your feet apart, hands on your hips, and breathe deep while you visualize a successful outcome to the meeting.


Depression and Energy Can be Contolled by you!


In the journal Biofeedback, a study found that simply choosing to alter body posture to a more upright position can improve mood and energy levels. The subjects walked down a hallway in a slouched position and then skipped down the hallway.


The whole group reported slouched walking decreased energy levels while skipping increased energy. The participants were also asked to rate their general depression levels. Those generally more depressed noted far lower energy levels after slouched walking than those who were generally not experiencing depression.


Increase energy throughout the day. Try the 50/10 rule if you sit a lot at work or at school. For every 50 minutes you sit, get up and move around for 10 minutes. Walk the halls with a colleague while discussing a project, take the stairs outside for a quick breath of fresh air or stand up and stretch.  


Aging - Your future risk of Disability and neck pain and back pain!


Did you know that your posture can predict your future risk of disability? According to a Japanese study just published in Journals of Gerontology Series A the shape of a person's spinal column may be an indicator of their need for home assistance later in life. If you knew you could do something now to change things down the road, would you do it? No one wants to require help with bathing, feeding, dressing, going to the bathroom and other simple activities of daily living later in life. 


To check your posture look in a mirror, watch the windows when your walking down the street, take a look and see how your posture is doing.  Some people tell us poor posture is from having neck or back pain, they feel better when the slouch or lean.  If you feel your having posture issues and would like some help correcting your posture with the help of chiropractic please feel free to call us or reach out to a chiropractor near you!   Lyn Lake Chiropractic Minneapolis, MN 612-879-8000

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Chiropractic can help with stress.

January 14, 2015

Work, family, bills and other issues in your life can cause a great deal of daily stress. So why is it some people deal with these stress situations better than others?   Stress can cause your muscles to tighten up causing your spine to twist and roate out of place casuing neck pain and back pain - depends on where you carry your stress. Most people carry their stress in their shoulders and neck, some in their lower back, everyone is different.

You might be surprised to find that chiropractors are full of sound good advice on ways to deal with stress in your life.  When you are receiving regular chiropractic care and massage you will begin to learn that improving nerve and spinal function has a positive affect on your emotional, mental, and physical function in your life.

Chiropractors and Massage Therapist understand that problems with your spine and nervous system Quick read more or view full article come from 3 primary stresses:  Physical, Chemical & Emotional.  

If stress is taking its toll on your life, call your local chiropractic clinic.  Chiropractic care can help. We see many patients everyday with neck pain, headaches and upper back pain. It’s amazing how many of these patients tells us they didn’t do anything streneous to cause their pain.  We ask them if they have extra stress at work or home, and they usually tells us yes!  Our thought is, why not keep your body and spine working at 100% function so you can deal with the stress that comes at us daily!  Try Chiropractic!

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Tips to Prevent Injury while Shoveling

December 2, 2014

The months ahead bring lots of snow for us and with it comes frequent snow removal.  The American Chiropractic Association suggests the following tips to help you avoid muscle strain and other injuries when shoveling:

  • Do some stretching before you grab the shovel.
  • Use a lightweight, ergonomically-designed shovel.
  • If possible, push the snow straight ahead. Don't try to throw it; walk it to the snow bank.  Avoid sudden twisting and turning motions.
  • Bend your knees to lift when shoveling.  Let the muscles of your legs and arms do the work, not your back.
  • Take frequent breaks – a fatigued body asks for injury.
  • Stop immediately and seek medical attention if you feel faint, dizzy or have chest pain.

If after a few days you continue to feel soreness or muscle strain, it may be time to visit your chiropractic clinic, a chiropractor can help you feel better.

I just woke up with neck pain.

November 30, 2014

Neck pain is one of the most common complaints patients have when they come to a chiropractic clinic for the first time, second only to lower back pain. Neck pain affects all of us at some point in life.

Some patients come in and tell us they just woke up with neck pain. If you wake up with neck pain with very limited range of motion, this may be due to torticollis, or Wry Neck. Feels like muscle spasms in your neck. Torticollis (I just woke up with neck pain.) can be caused by exposure to a draft, changes in weather, trauma, stress, hard work out or after a cold or flu. When in doubt, seek chiropractic care to speed up your healing and get rid of the neck pain. 

Chiropractic care can help reduce the pain quickly, it's better than just thinking I'll just wait for a Quick read more or view full article couple of days, the sooner you get in the faster you'll heal. Why not is my thought, if you're in pain why not try chiropractic.

If you have any questions please feel free to call Lyn Lake Chiropractic and just speak to one of our chiropractors or make an appointment and see if we can help.

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Poor posture is often due to?

September 30, 2014

Have you ever glanced at your reflection in a storefront window or mirror as you walked by and noticed your posture? Scary, isn’t it? We all know that we should stand up straight but we soon forget when we get busy and stop thinking about it.

Poor posture is often due to years of standing slouched and this bad “habit” usually starts at a young age. Just look around when you’re in an airport or shopping mall and notice the many people have poor posture. In fact, people’s posture may reflect their attitude – if they’re happy, sad or depressed. Poor posture may be related to self-consciousness, especially during adolescence. It is also genetic as we frequently see a “trait” throughout family members with similar postural tendencies.

The most common postural fault associated with headaches is the forward based head and shoulders. From the side, it appears that the head Quick read more or view full article is significantly forward relative to the shoulders, the upper back is rounded forward and the shoulders are rolled forwards and rotated inward. One exercise that helps reduce this postural bad habit is tucking in the chin and pretending a book is balancing on top of the head. The objective is to not allow the book to slide forward off your head and land on your toes!

It takes approximately 3 months of CONSTANT self-reminding before the new “good habit” posture becomes automatic, so be patient. Soon you’ll “catch yourself doing it right” without thinking about it.

Frequently, posture is faulty lower down the “kinetic chain.” The first link of the chain is the feet and the last link is the head. Since we stand on two feet, any change in that first link or the feet, can alter the rest of the chain, especially areas furthest away – the head, resulting in headaches. For example, if one leg is short, the pelvis drops, the spine shifts (scoliosis), the shoulder drops and the head shifts trying to keep the eyes level. A short leg usually needs to be managed with a heel lift, an arch support or combination of both to properly treat the headache patient.

Most health care providers EXCEPT Chiropractors typically ignore these issues. A Chiropractor are specifically trained to analyze posture and correct it. You can depend on our clinic for up-to-date treatment approaches such as these.

Have any questions, feel free to call Lyn Lake Chiropractic for a Free Consultation!

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Whiplash - Summer is over.

September 26, 2014

The summer is over. The kids are back in school. There is still some awesome weather ahead before the snowflakes start flying.  Autumn in Minnesota is a treasured time with the nice weather, and beautiful fall colors. Call me crazy, but I like this time of year. It averages 72 degrees – perfect to enjoy the great outdoors. And Minnesota has a lot of fun places to go and a lot of ways to get there… cars, motorcycles and everything else. Unfortunately when we hit the road some of us hit each other.

Accidents are accidents… you can’t plan for them — they just happen! People have car accidents all the time. Sometimes drivers get into small accidents – fender benders in a parking lot, 5 MPH.

Whiplash is the common name given to the injury where there is a hyperextention (increased backward motion) and hyperflexion (increased forward motion) of the cervical (neck) spine Quick read more or view full article and is also known as Acute Soft Tissue Neck Sprain.

When whiplash injury occurs, the soft tissues – the tendons, ligaments and muscles – which support the head and neck become stretched out of their natural range of motion and torn.

The muscles and ligaments of the neck contract in order to prevent excessive motion and protect you from further serious injury such as a neck fracture or spinal cord injury.  This is called a stretch reflex (myotatic reflex).

More simply put, the head is dramatically thrust forward and backward. Car accidents (rear-end collisions) are usually the cause whiplash injuries.

Although whiplash is most frequently the result of a rear-end collision, whiplash can occur in several other situations including:

It takes a trained Minneapolis MN Chiropractor to know what to look for.  Usually hospitals and MD’s will check vital  signs, make sure there are no life-threatening conditions and release the patient with pain relief medication. Pills do not correct the damage to soft tissues and other systems that can lead to future pain. There are special chiropractic treatments for such conditions. If you are having problems, you should see a chiropractor. Or, call Lyn Lake Chiropractic.


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Posted by Dr. Kevin Schreifels

Car Accident

September 26, 2014

The summer is over. The kids are back in school. There is still some awesome weather ahead before the snowflakes start flying.  Autumn in Minnesota is a treasured time with the nice weather, and beautiful fall colors. Call me crazy, but I like this time of year. It averages 72 degrees – perfect to enjoy the great outdoors. And Minnesota has a lot of fun places to go and a lot of ways to get there… cars, motorcycles and everything else. Unfortunately when we hit the road some of us hit each other.

Accidents are accidents… you can’t plan for them — they just happen! People have car accidents all the time. Sometimes drivers get into small accidents – fender benders in Quick read more or view full article a parking lot, 5 MPH.

Whiplash is the common name given to the injury where there is a hyperextention (increased backward motion) and hyperflexion (increased forward motion) of the cervical (neck) spine and is also known as Acute Soft Tissue Neck Sprain.

When whiplash injury occurs, the soft tissues – the tendons, ligaments and muscles – which support the head and neck become stretched out of their natural range of motion and torn.

The muscles and ligaments of the neck contract in order to prevent excessive motion and protect you from further serious injury such as a neck fracture or spinal cord injury.  This is called a stretch reflex (myotatic reflex).

More simply put, the head is dramatically thrust forward and backward. Car accidents (rear-end collisions) are usually the cause whiplash injuries.

Although whiplash is most frequently the result of a rear-end collision, whiplash can occur in several other situations including:

It takes a trained Minneapolis MN Chiropractor to know what to look for.  Usually hospitals and MD’s will check vital  signs, make sure there are no life-threatening conditions and release the patient with pain relief medication. Pills do not correct the damage to soft tissues and other systems that can lead to future pain. There are special chiropractic treatments for such conditions. If you are having problems, you should see a chiropractor. Or, call Lyn Lake Chiropractic.


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Posted by Dr. Kevin Schreifels

Minneapolis Chiropractic Care for Neck pain

June 12, 2014

Minneapolis Chiropractic Care for Neck pain is a non-surgical treatment option that can help reduce your neck pain symptoms.

Some neck conditions that can improve with chiropractic care are:

  • cervical intervertebral disc injuries that don’t require surgery
  • cervical sprain injuries
  • degenerative joint syndrome of the neck
  • facet joint sprain
  • Whiplash

How Does a Chiropractor Diagnose Neck Pain?

Your chiropractor will evaluate your spine as a whole because other regions of the spine may be affected as well—not just your neck. Along with treating the spine as a whole, Minneapolis chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic treat the “whole person,” not just your specific symptoms. 

Before deciding which approach to try for your pain, the our chiropractor will do a thorough examination to diagnose the specific cause of your neck pain.

He will determine any areas of restricted movement and will look at how you walk as well as your overall posture and spinal alignment. Doing these things can help your chiropractor understand your Quick read more or view full article body mechanics.

In addition to the physical exam, you’ll also go through your past medical history with the chiropractor, and he or she may take x-rays or order imaging tests (eg, an x-ray or MRI) to help him or her diagnose the exact cause of your neck pain.

All these steps in the diagnostic process will give your chiropractor more information about your neck pain, which will help your chiropractor create a treatment plan customized for you.

Your chiropractor will also rule out a neck pain condition that will require surgery—if he or she believes your neck pain would be better treated by surgery, then you’ll be referred to a spine surgeon.

Chiropractic Treatments:

Your chiropractor may use a combination of spinal manipulation, manual therapy, and other techniques as part of your treatment plan for neck pain.

Below are some spinal manipulation techniques your chiropractor may use.

  • Flexion-distraction technique is a gentle, hands-on spinal manipulation that involves a pumping action on the intervertebral disc instead of direct force.
  • Instrument-assisted manipulation also known as Activator - a hand-held instrument to allow your chiropractor to apply force without thrusting into the spine.
  • Specific spinal manipulation helps restore joint movement using a gentle thrusting technique.

Your chiropractor may also use manual therapies to treat your neck pain to help relax your muscles, relieve muscle spasm and hopefully relieve your pain.

  • Graston or Active Release Techinque ( ART ) uses special instruments to diagnose and treat muscle tension which helps resore injured muscles, tendons and ligaments. 
  • Manual joint stretching and resistance techniques can help reduce neck pain and other symptoms.
  • Therapeutic massage can help relax tense muscles.
  • Trigger point therapy is used to reduce tight, painful points on a muscle.

Other therapies may also be used to ease neck pain symptoms.

Therapeutic exercises may also be recommended—these can help improve overall range of motion in your neck and prevent neck pain from progressing.

The treatments listed above are simply examples of possible chiropractic treatments for neck pain; your actual treatment plan will depend on your diagnosis. Your chiropractor should thoroughly explain your treatment options so that you know what will happen. If you have any questions please always feel free to ask questions and ask you chiropractor doing the exam to explain what and why they are deciding on your treatment plan or options.

Most chiropractors are there to help people and enjoy making people feel better with working with your body.  If needed medication and pain meds might be needed, conatct your medical doctor but for sure follow up with a chiropractor or P.T. to correct what is causing your pain.

If your reading this blog or posting and would like a Free Consulation at  Lyn Lake Chiropractic please call anytime 612-879-8000.  Or if you would like us to help refer you to a chiropractor in your area, call us we will help find you a chiropractor near your home.

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Running Injuries need a Sports Chiropractor

April 27, 2014

Many athletes and runners have started to rely on sports trained chiropractors. While physical therapy can focus on strengthening and coordination, chiropractic care is designed to improve joint mobilization, making sure that all the joints in the body are moving correctly.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic believes that sports chiropractic care has evolved to incorporate the best of both worlds of joint mobilization techniques and soft tissue repair, creating a new gold standard of best practices in treatment plans for patients especially when the chiropractor specialize in running injuries.

Chiropractic emphasizes that not only do all the joints in the body need to move correctly, but they also need to move in coordination with the soft tissue – a healthy body is one where all the factors are Quick read more or view full article working well together. Runners who decide to visit a sports chiropractor should expect, a thorough evaluation of bio-mechanics including:

• How they are moving, How they are standing, What the arch of the foot looks like, How the knees are aligned, How the hips are aligned.

Once an evaluation is completed, sports chiropractors will create a treatment plan taking into account the needs of each specific patient to decide between a variety of techniques, each designed to help the body to heal and to help the athlete prevent further running injuries. 

Some types of chiropractic treatment for running injuries 

Active Release Technique (ART) is a combination of massage and stretching where trained therapists apply deep tension while they move a joint through a range of motion. ART is used primarily for adhesions deep in the muscle.

Active Release Technique can be beneficial – especially for iliotibial band and hip injuries – is that it combines different muscle work that breaks down scar tissue while also emphasizing correct flexibility. Through Active Release you can actually "elongate (stretch)  some of the muscle fibers making those muscles more pliable and therefore healthier.

Graston Technique is a therapy best used for surface level scar tissue that uses handheld stainless steel tools to break down scar tissue-releasing adhesions.

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) stimulates surface muscles to contract releasing tension as a complement to other techniques.

Staying healthy is a constant concern for professional athletes who get constant care from stretching to active release to heat or ice. Most adults or mature athletes, on the other hand, do not make the time every day to use a foam roller, apply ice or heat or keep up with stretching. Runners who have overcome an injury should consider ongoing preventive care.
Lyn Lake Chiropractic feel they can help running injuries with adjusting your spine, hips, knees, ankle and your feet.  They use many different treatments such as Adjusting, Massage, ART, Graston, Ultrasound, Stretching, Cold Laser and Rock Tape

Our chiropractor will be glad to help with assessing your running shoes or sport shoes to make sure you have the right support, and if we feel you need a different pair of running shoes we will refer you to one of our favorite running stores. 

If you have any questions please look for s sports chiropractor close to your home or call Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

"Runners Treating Runners"



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TMJ Chiropractic Care

March 22, 2014


There are two temporomandibular joints (TMJ), one on each side of the face. They connect the jawbone to the skull and act like sliding hinges to open and close the mouth. They are important in chewing, talking, biting, singing, and making facial expressions.

The TMJ complex involves the jawbone, skull, tendons, ligaments, muscles and 2 discs. The discs are like cushions within each joint. The muscles around the TMJ include superficial muscles (close to the surface), and deep muscles (deep within the tissues), and they are collectively called the muscles of mastication.

Problems with the TMJ or the surrounding structures cause temporomandibular dysfunction. This Quick read more or view full article is often referred to as TMJ.



There are many causes of dysfunction. Any problem with the bones, joints, muscles or connective tissues around the joint can cause TMJ. Some of the more common causes include the following:

1) Injury- falling, car accidents, fights and any direct trauma to the area can cause damage to the joint and muscles.

2) Disc dislocation- the cushioning disc within the joint itself can become dislodged or stop gliding properly which can cause the joint to stop opening and closing properly.

3) Tight muscles- the muscles that attach the head to the jaw can become tight enough that they pull the jaw to one side when opening and closing the jaw.

4) Stress- stress can cause tension in all the muscles, which can contribute to grinding and clenching the jaw.

5) Weak posture- the muscles that attach to the head and jaw also attach to the neck and shoulders. Stress on postural muscles alters motion in the TMJ.


Due to the potential complexity of determining the cause of TMJ symptoms, it is always best to seek treatment with a health care professional familiar with all the different causes of TMJ. Most TMJ is benign and responds well to chiropractic care. The chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic can help determine the cause of TMJ symptoms, and help you decide if chiropractic care for TMJ might help you.


TMJ problems can have many symptoms that can be present all the time, or come and go with motion, chewing, stress levels, or opening and closing the jaw. Some of the common symptoms of TMJ include the following:

• Jaw Pain.
• Pain in the face or neck
• Ear pain
• Headaches
• Difficulty chewing
• Inability to open the mouth
• Clicking
• Jaw locking or popping
• Stiffness


A health care professional familiar with all the causes of TMJ symptoms can evaluate your condition to determine the cause of symptoms. Once the cause has been determined, most TMJ symptoms will resolve with conservative, non-surgical, treatment.

Biomechanical Issues

The TMJ slides, glides and rotates. As the mouth starts to open the jawbone begins to rotate. As the mouth opens more widely the TMJ glides down and forward and continues to rotate slightly. The reverse happens when closing the mouth. There is a soft disc in the middle of the joint that cushions the joint and glides with the bottom part of the joint. Muscles, tendons and ligaments stabilize the TMJ.

There are two joints, one on each side of the face, that are connected by the one jawbone. If muscles on one side of the face are stronger than the other they will pull the jawbone to one side when it is opening and closing. This causes uneven wear and tear on the joints. Any muscle in the body become stronger with use and weaker with disuse- the muscles of mastication follow this same rule. When one side of the jaw is used more than the other side of the jaw, like chewing on one side consistently (especially with gum chewing), the stronger muscles pull tighter and cause the jaw to move unequally.

The disc within the joint can become locked in one place and stop gliding with the jawbone. If this happens it can block the motion of the TMJ so that the mouth cannot open all the way.

The muscles around the jaw connect to the front and back of the neck. Poor posture, with the shoulders rounded and the head forward, causes stress on all the muscles around the neck, including the jaw muscles. This frequently contributes to TMJ pain.



While many medical doctors will listen to the symptoms and provide medications that temporarily relieve pain, or refer to a surgeon, chiropractic for TMJ includes a thorough examination of the muscles, ligaments, joints, posture, and gait, as well as discussing past injuries and lifestyle habits that may be contributing to your condition. The chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic also have specialty training in complex joint and soft tissue problems that may cause TMD. This training gives patients the confidence that their doctor is providing thorough chiropractic TMJ pain relief.


Most TMJ conditions respond well to conservative treatment like chiropractic, and do not require surgery. Chiropractic care for TMJ generally includes several techniques, each chosen to relieve specific causes of TMJ. At Lyn Lake Chiropractic  incorporates:

Chiropractic adjustments: Gentle, controlled, and directed adjustments delivered to your joints and tissues to restore optimal movement and function.

• Myofascial Release (MFR): TMJ pain can be associated with overly tight and over worked muscles in the jaw, shoulder, neck and upper back. MFR works with the muscles and the soft tissues between the muscles to relax them and optimize their function. Similar to massage, MFR is a more focused and deep treatment of the soft tissues to relieve pain and restore movement.

Active Release Technique (ART): This is a very targeted treatment of specific regions in the muscles and other soft tissues to release scar tissue, and impure muscle function.

If you have any question please feel free to call 
Lyn Lake Chiropractic or call your local chiropractor.

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The Olympics and Chiropractic

March 11, 2014

Well, the Olympics are over once again. We'll have to wait another 4 years to see all the new skills that the winter athletes have perfected. One of the things that I found interesting was the fact that chiropractic care was a part of this years Olympic games.

Of course, this isn't new. Chiropractors have been working hand in hand with athletes for many years. With the intense training and inevitable injuries that athletes have to overcome, it's really not surprising that Quick read more or view full article they would turn to chiropractic care.

Dealing with injuries properly and promptly is the best way to make sure an athlete stays at the top of their sport for as long as possible.

Athletes understand the importance of avoiding drugs and realize that dealing with the underlying problem is the only real way to ensure it is fully healed and can't have an adverse affect on their overall performance.

Chiropractic can not only help heal injuries, it can also be helpful in preventing them. By improving posture, range of motion, flexibility and increase blood flow chiropractic can help the athletes get more out of their game while also avoiding injuries.

You don't have to be a world class athlete to benefit from chiropractic edina and I can do more than help you if you are injured. I can also help you keep your body in alignment which can greatly reduce the instances of injury in the first place.

Want to get more out of your game... or just your life? Come to Lyn Lake Chiropractic. Together we'll find the right treatments to get you back to the top of your game...or just make sure you stay there! Read Less

Are You Just Masking Your Pain?

March 11, 2014
Your body is an amazing machine. It can not only let you know when something is wrong, it can also, in many cases, fix itself with little to no additional help. Pain is the primary method your body uses to let you know something is wrong. The vast majority of pain you feel is mechanical in nature which means there is a dysfunction in your joints, muscles and other soft tissue.

If you deal with this pain and find and correct the underlying problem, you may be able to get rid of the underlying problem once and Quick read more or view full article for all instead of just temporarily masking the pain and continue to suffer. When you feel pain what do you do first? Reach for a bottle of over the counter pain medication? Many people do, and while that's not a bad thing in and of itself, you must remember that pain medications only cover up or mask the feelings of pain. They do nothing to fix the underlying problem.

If you've got joint dysfunction and your body is trying to tell you something is wrong by sending you pain signals but if you're taking medications to block the pain, what do you think will happen? Yep, you will continue with your normal day to day activities and that joint dysfunction will grow worse and spread to other soft tissue causing even more damage. Common problem we see is when runners have foot pain, they just ignore the pain until it gets so bad they can't even walk!  Take the time to address the problem and get treated.

When you have dysfunction in a joint it can also affect the soft connective tissue. When a joint isn't working the way it should the muscles around it can also become stretched and damaged. When the brain realizes that a joint isn't working properly it will send signals to the surrounding soft tissue to allow them to compensate for the injured joint -- which puts more stress on other muscles and soft tissue.

As you can see, all of this can cascade out of control very quickly.

This is why it is so important to never just mask pain when you feel it. Always find the cause of the pain and try to fix it. It's like if you have a rock in your shoe, if you take the time to fix the problem you'll be able to keep running painfree.

Check out some running injuries we treat on our web page. Running Injuries.

Whenever you or someone in your family has any kind of pain, Call Lyn Lake Chiropractic. Together we will find the right solution for your unique issues and try to resolve the underlying dysfunction before it causes more pain and injury.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic will help you actually get better and not just mask the pain so you feel better!  We provide chiropractic care for Minneapolis MN, St. Louis Park MN, Edina MN, Richfeild MN and more. Read Less

Sports chiropractor for a running injury?

February 1, 2014

The cycle of many running injuries goes something like this: After admitting that the pain was more than just soreness, you listened to your orthopedic surgeon talk about options ranging from surgery to rehabilitation. You spent months in physical therapy trying to rebuild strength and repair soft tissue damage, eventually hitting a plateau, only to wonder if you'll ever go out for a run again. Avoid Running injuries be pro-active in your care.

The desire to get back out to run is why many runners seek alternative rehabilitation plans that include seeing a sports chiropractor for targeted treatments for their injuries. In my case, after two months in physical therapy, my pain was shifting from my hip to Quick read more or view full article my iliotibial band and psoas muscle, and I knew that it was time to try something new if I ever wanted to run again (or even sit for any length of time).

Why see a sports chiropractor for a running injury?

Although physical therapy is often the first line of defense in rehabbing a running injury, many athletes and runners have started to rely on sports medicine-trained chiropractors. While physical therapy can focus on strengthening and coordination, chiropractic care is designed to improve joint mobilization, making sure that all the joints in the body are moving correctly. Sports chiropractic care has evolved to incorporate the best of both worlds of joint mobilization techniques and soft tissue repair, creating a new gold standard of best practices in treatment plans for patients.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic emphasizes that not only do all the joints in the body need to move correctly, but they also need to move in coordination with the soft tissue – a healthy body is one where all the factors are working well together. Runners who decide to visit a sports chiropractor should expect, according to Lyn Lake Chiropractic a thorough evaluation of bio-mechanics by their chiropractor, including:

• How they are moving.

• How they are standing.

• What the arch of the foot looks like.

• How the knees are aligned.

• How the hips are aligned.

Once an evaluation is completed, sports chiropractors will create the "recipe for the treatment stew" – taking into account the needs of each specific patient to decide between a variety of techniques, each designed to help the body regenerate healthy cells to "activate healing mechanisms."

Four types of chiropractic treatment for running injuries 

1. Active Release Technique (ART) is a combination of massage and stretching where trained chiropractors apply deep tension while they move a joint through a range of motion. ART is used primarily for adhesions deep in the muscle.

2. Graston Technique is a therapy best used for surface level scar tissue that uses handheld stainless steel tools to break down scar tissue-releasing adhesions.

3. Functional dry needling ( aka: Deep Tissue Massage ) is used for very deep trigger points to release tension in the muscles through deep muscle stimulation provided by the needles. Dry needling can be helpful for injuries involving the psoas muscle, which is a critical hip flexor muscle for runners.

4. Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) stimulates surface muscles to contract releasing tension as a complement to other techniques.

Active Release Technique for runners 

After three months of not being able to run, in almost constant pain ranging from my iliotibial band to the back of my hip and then into my psoas muscle, I was admittedly ready for anything when my orthopedist suggested trying Active Release Technique. According our chiropractor, the reason that Active Release Technique can be beneficial – especially for iliotibial band and hip injuries – is that it combines different muscle work that breaks down scar tissue while also emphasizing correct flexibility. Through Active Release, as our chiropractor explains, you can actually "elongate some of the muscle fibers making those muscles more pliable and therefore healthier."

Anyone preparing for ART should know that this is not a particularly gentle treatment. I tried telling myself that it would be like a deep tissue massage, which I enjoy, although I quickly learned that while highly effective (after three weeks my pain, though still there, was incrementally improving), the pressure and work on the muscles is deep and sometimes painful.

How to stay healthy for the long term

Staying healthy is a constant concern for professional athletes who get constant care from stretching to active release to heat or ice. Most adults or mature athletes, on the other hand, do not make the time every day to use a foam roller, apply ice or heat or keep up with stretching. Runners who have overcome an injury should consider ongoing preventive care, ranging from every two weeks to every six weeks to maintain progress and reduce future injuries.

Spring is coming soon, so when you start your spring training don’t forget to keep Lyn Lake Chiropractic the Official Chiropractor Of The Twin Cities Marathon on your speed dial.  Call if you have any questions or need some quick TLC to keep you running.

chiropractic minneapols 55408

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Sports chiropractor for a running injury?

February 1, 2014

The cycle of many running injuries goes something like this: After admitting that the pain was more than just soreness, you listened to your orthopedic surgeon talk about options ranging from surgery to rehabilitation. You spent months in physical therapy trying to rebuild strength and repair soft tissue damage, eventually hitting a plateau, only to wonder if you'll ever go out for a run again. Avoid Running injuries be pro-active in your care.

The desire to get back out to run is why many runners seek alternative rehabilitation plans that include seeing a sports chiropractor for targeted treatments for their injuries. In my case, after two months in physical therapy, my pain was shifting from my hip to Quick read more or view full article my iliotibial band and psoas muscle, and I knew that it was time to try something new if I ever wanted to run again (or even sit for any length of time).

Why see a sports chiropractor for a running injury?

Although physical therapy is often the first line of defense in rehabbing a running injury, many athletes and runners have started to rely on sports medicine-trained chiropractors. While physical therapy can focus on strengthening and coordination, chiropractic care is designed to improve joint mobilization, making sure that all the joints in the body are moving correctly. Sports chiropractic care has evolved to incorporate the best of both worlds of joint mobilization techniques and soft tissue repair, creating a new gold standard of best practices in treatment plans for patients.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic emphasizes that not only do all the joints in the body need to move correctly, but they also need to move in coordination with the soft tissue – a healthy body is one where all the factors are working well together. Runners who decide to visit a sports chiropractor should expect, according to Lyn Lake Chiropractic a thorough evaluation of bio-mechanics by their chiropractor, including:

• How they are moving.

• How they are standing.

• What the arch of the foot looks like.

• How the knees are aligned.

• How the hips are aligned.

Once an evaluation is completed, sports chiropractors will create the "recipe for the treatment stew" – taking into account the needs of each specific patient to decide between a variety of techniques, each designed to help the body regenerate healthy cells to "activate healing mechanisms."

Four types of chiropractic treatment for running injuries 

1. Active Release Technique (ART) is a combination of massage and stretching where trained chiropractors apply deep tension while they move a joint through a range of motion. ART is used primarily for adhesions deep in the muscle.

2. Graston Technique is a therapy best used for surface level scar tissue that uses handheld stainless steel tools to break down scar tissue-releasing adhesions.

3. Functional dry needling ( aka: Deep Tissue Massage ) is used for very deep trigger points to release tension in the muscles through deep muscle stimulation provided by the needles. Dry needling can be helpful for injuries involving the psoas muscle, which is a critical hip flexor muscle for runners.

4. Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) stimulates surface muscles to contract releasing tension as a complement to other techniques.

Active Release Technique for runners 

After three months of not being able to run, in almost constant pain ranging from my iliotibial band to the back of my hip and then into my psoas muscle, I was admittedly ready for anything when my orthopedist suggested trying Active Release Technique. According our chiropractor, the reason that Active Release Technique can be beneficial – especially for iliotibial band and hip injuries – is that it combines different muscle work that breaks down scar tissue while also emphasizing correct flexibility. Through Active Release, as our chiropractor explains, you can actually "elongate some of the muscle fibers making those muscles more pliable and therefore healthier."

Anyone preparing for ART should know that this is not a particularly gentle treatment. I tried telling myself that it would be like a deep tissue massage, which I enjoy, although I quickly learned that while highly effective (after three weeks my pain, though still there, was incrementally improving), the pressure and work on the muscles is deep and sometimes painful.

How to stay healthy for the long term

Staying healthy is a constant concern for professional athletes who get constant care from stretching to active release to heat or ice. Most adults or mature athletes, on the other hand, do not make the time every day to use a foam roller, apply ice or heat or keep up with stretching. Runners who have overcome an injury should consider ongoing preventive care, ranging from every two weeks to every six weeks to maintain progress and reduce future injuries.

Spring is coming soon, so when you start your spring training don’t forget to keep Lyn Lake Chiropractic the Official Chiropractor Of The Twin Cities Marathon on your speed dial.  Call if you have any questions or need some quick TLC to keep you running.

chiropractic minneapols 55408

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Car Accident Whiplash Injury And Treatment

January 17, 2014

Although whiplash is a very common occurrence in car accidents, whiplash injuries can also occur in sports, where impacts from behind are common. As a matter of fact, any activity or accident which involves the head being snapped forward and backward suddenly and rapidly can result in whiplash. Whiplash injury is a very serious reality for those victims.

Whiplash refers to an injury to the soft tissues of the neck and upper back including the ligaments, tendons, and muscles. The symptoms of whiplash include neck pain and stiffness amongst many others. Upper back and shoulder pain can also occur. Depending on the severity Quick read more or view full article of the whiplash injury and the health of the person involved in the accident, whiplash injuries can heal within weeks or can linger and turn into chronic conditions that last for years and lead to pain and sometimes disability.

If you have been involved in a car accident and have sustained whiplash injury, it’s important to see a minneapolis chiropractor or medical doctor for a diagnostic evaluation and determination of the extent of your injuries. Most injuries are similar to those of muscle strains and include soft tissues injuries to the muscles and ligaments. Whiplash is a more complex injury because there may be damage to the cervical discs as well as soft tissue damage. Your chiropractor can refer you to a physician should the extent of your injuries fall outside of chiropractic alternative care.

Recent studies have shown that early movement and activity, rather than immobilization, helps reduce the symptoms of whiplash as well as encourage recovery of the upper back and neck. Your minneapolis chiropractor or physician may recommend the use of a soft cervical collar to help support the head and relieve pressure on the neck while ligaments heal. More readily available treatments for whiplash include plenty of rest, ice, compression and elevation. Ice may be applied for the first 24 hours, followed by gentle active movement. Over the counter pain medications are also helpful to reduce inflammation and pain. They are reliable and effective when used appropriately for moderate pain relief.

Neck pain and upper back injuries are one of the most common problems resulting from a car accident. Car accident neck injuries can result in symptoms such as pain in your neck, headaches, pain in your shoulders, arms or hands, reduced range of motion in your neck, numbness, weakness and slower reflexes in your arms and hands, and muscle spasms in your neck.

To understand car accident neck injuries, you have to know something about the anatomy of your spine. This is why working with doctors of chiropractic to correct whiplash type injuries makes so much sense. Chiropractors are specifically trained to deal with spinal issues resulting from impact trauma and much more. Through diagnostic examination, digital x-rays and hands on manipulation, your local chiropractor can diagnose, treat and adjust you back to optimal health.

Chiropractor focus on the treatments for different neck injuries using alternative methods of rehabilitation including adjustments, physical rehabilitation, lifestyle changes and wellness programs. However, given the severity of the neck injury your chiropractor can refer you to a medical doctor who can then assist recovery and alleviate inflammation and pain with medications and in the most serious cases surgery.

Typical neck injuries include neck sprains - whiplash where injury to the ligaments has occurred by virtue of being stretched or torn in the neck, resulting in a neck sprain, which can cause pain and stiffness. Then there are neck strains where the muscles in the neck are stretched or torn. Neck pain are typically called “pulled muscles” and often occur when the muscles are suddenly and powerfully contracted or when they stretch outside their normal range of motion. This can be the case in a car accident or even sporting accidents and collisions.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic -  Chiropractors specializing in car accident, workers compensation, whiplash injury, back pain, and much more.

Contact our Chiropractor for more information.

Contact us for a free evaluation.

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Posted by Best Chiropractor in my mind!

Chiropractic Extremity Adjustments

November 16, 2013

Chiropractors are known to help many people with neck and back pain, and the majority of chiropractic practices work on conditions relating to the neck and back.  Most all chiropractors also work on the different extremity joints of the body.  Some chiropractors specialize more in sports injuries, and occupational injuries and perform adjustments on these joints more than other chiropractors.  Today I will talk of the common extremity adjustments that can help people with many joint conditions.

Let’s start at the foot, and head upward.  The foot has 13 bones, and all of these Quick read more or view full article bonesfoot painarticulate with their neighboring bone.  Many times due to traumatic events in sports and/or injuries relating to auto or work these joints become misaligned and dysfunctional.  Each one of the thirteen bones and their related joints can be manually adjusted and/or adjusted utilizing hand instruments.  The long axis distraction of the talus adjustment is probably the most popular and well known chiropractic adjustment.  It can be beneficial for sprained ankles, plantar fasciitis and other conditions relating to the foot.

Heading north the knee joint can be adjusted also by manual and/or mechanical device.  My favorite adjustment is an adjustment on the medial meniscus which helps the meniscus function better.  The fibular head also goes anterior often.  There are great fibular head adjustments to ease lateral knee pain.

Adjustments on the hips and pelvis are very common.  The main hip adjustment is a long axis distraction maneuver.  This adjustment helps many patients with arthritis in their hip.

wrist painThe upper extremity adjustments are more commonly used than the lower extremity adjustments.  As patients often have common injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff injuries and frozen shoulder.  Shoulder adjustments include sternal clavicular ac joint adjustments and glenohumural adjustments.  Chiropractors also utilize many muscle techniques when addressing shoulder injuries.  There are 8 carpal bones in the wrist, and all of these articulations can be adjusted by chiropractors.  The middle bone in the wrist is called the lunate.  This bone many times falls forward and closes the carpal tunnel.  Adjusting this bone is my favorite adjustment to help someone with carpal tunnel syndrome.

The last joint is the elbow.  The radial head is the most often misaligned joint in the elbow.  Adjustments on the cranial head are very helpful with common elbow injuries.

If you are suffering from any type of extremity injury, most chiropractors will have treatments that will help you recover.

Author:  Michelle Caron

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Chiropractic and Whiplash

November 10, 2013

Chiropractic and Whiplash

Many Minneapolis auto accident injuries do not show symptoms until weeks or even months after the crash. However, even without symptoms, internal damage to the musculoskeletal system and soft tissues can happen immediately. At Lyn Lake Chiropractic our chiropractors and entire wellness team have helped thousands of Minneapolis - St. Paul patients safely recover from whiplash and other auto injuries. 

One of the most stressful events in life is dealing with the issues that occur after an auto accident. The first thing a person thinks about after the crash is the car. Most people are not aware that some injuries are not detected for months or even years. It is absolutely imperative that anybody that is in an auto accident immediately go see a Doctor trained in soft tissue injuries.

Quick read more or view full article border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-family: Helvetica, Arial, FreeSans, sans-serif; line-height: 20px;">Whiplash is the common name given to the injury where there is a hyperextention (increased backward motion) and hyperflexion (increased forward motion) of the cervical (neck) spine and is also known as Acute Soft Tissue Neck Sprain.

When whiplash injury occurs, the soft tissues – the tendons, ligaments and muscles – which support the head and neck become stretched out of their natural range of motion and torn.

The muscles and ligaments of the neck contract in order to prevent excessive motion and protect you from further serious injury such as a neck fracture or spinal cord injury.  This is called a stretch reflex (myotatic reflex).

More simply put, the head is dramatically thrust forward and backward. Car accidents (rear-end collisions) are usually the cause whiplash injuries.

Although whiplash is most frequently the result of a rear-end collision, whiplash can occur in several other situations including:

* Tipping accidents

* Bicycle accident and motorcycle crashes

* A direct blow to the face, neck, head, or back (usually from playing sports)

* Diving into shallow water

* Roller coasters that hyper-extends the neck or causes it to be snapped suddenly and violently in the wrong direction. Head, neck, and back injuries, and even whiplash are commonly reported amusement park injuries.


Symptoms of whiplash include headaches; visual disturbance; neck pain and stiffness; restriction of movement; and shoulder, neck, or arm pain. These symptoms may or may not be felt immediately. It is estimated that most whiplash injuries are not felt for several hours, days, and in some cases even five years after the original injury.

Whiplash Injuries and Chiropractic

Studies are clear that whiplash patients make a faster, less painful recovery, return to work and could return to activities faster and are the most satisfied when utilizing chiropractic when compared to covering up the symptoms with medications that have negative side effects that interfere with being able to think and ultimately, reduce productivity.

Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments Ease Whiplash Pain

Whiplash and whiplash-associated disorders is a common affliction in the United States with up to 42% of patients exhibiting long term symptoms, and that if they are still symptomatic after three months there is about a 90% chance that they will remain so. Most treatments used in dealing with this ubiquitous problem have not been shown to be effective by rigorously controlled scientific studies. The one exception to this finding is Chiropractic.

Chiropractic has been a blessing to millions of people suffering from neck and whiplash problems, saving many sufferers from unnecessary drugs and surgery.

Even if you are not in pain following a whiplash incident, it is important to receive prompt attention to your injury, as the structural balance of your neck and spine is important to your health. We can assist in your recovery by correctly adjusting your neck and/or spine so it has the chance to heal properly.

Please just take the time and get checked out by a chiropractor soon.


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Plantar fasciitis

May 23, 2013

Plantar fasciitis is a pain on the bottom of the foot. It is a condition that normally does not respond well to traditional methods of treatment. It causes muscular dysfunction and sharp pain. Very common injury for runners.

The plantar fascia is a band of fibers which runs from the heel bone to base of the toes. Plantar Fasciitis occurs when these tissues are irritated and become inflamed.

Plantar fasciitis can be caused by any number of things from too much standing, wearing unpadded shoes on hard ground, or repetitive stress to a diet low in vitamin C, being overweight, or an increase in activity among other things.

Chiropractic care helps in treating plantar fasciitis.  Lyn Lake ChiropracticOfficial Chiropractor of the Twin Cities Marathon has been treating running injuries more more than 13 years with awesome success. Our Minneapolis Chiropractor enjoys treating runners beacsue they are runners. Lyn Lake Chiropractic offer so many different treatments Quick read more or view full article that help keep runners and athletes.

Some of the many different treatments we offer:

Active Release Technique is a patented, active hands-on soft tissue treatment with a movement based massage-stretching technique that treats dysfunctions within muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. 

Graston Technique is an innovative, patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively detect and treat scar tissue, adhesions, and restrictions that affect normal function. Graston is used to break down the scar tissue so it can be absorbed by the body. 

Therapeutic Ultrasound is a form of deep therapy created by sound waves. When applied to soft tissues and joints, the sound waves are a form of micro-massage that helps reduce swelling, reduce scar tissue, increase blood flow, and decrease pain, stiffness, and spasms leading to faster healing times. 

Cold Laser Therapy or Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a treatment that uses specific wavelengths of light to interact with tissues and is thought to help accelerate the healing process. It can stimulate all cell types including muscle, ligament, cartilage, nerves, and bone allowing a number of conditions to be treated. 

Kinesiology Tape is a type of tape that uses a bio-mechanical lifting mechanism to lift the skin increasing the blood flow around the muscle, facilitating the natural healing process.  It is often used with athletes as a way to help joint stability without inhibiting normal range of motion of the joint or muscle being treated. Lyn Lake Chiropractic is Certified Rock Tape Doc Clinic!

Lyn Lake Chiropractic Specializes in treating Sports Injuries. We work with kids, weekend athletes, high school and college athletes, and pro athletes. Anyone that is active can end up with a sports injury that would benefit from being treated by a sports chiropractic clinic.

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Sports Injuries

May 23, 2013

Plantar fasciitis is a pain on the bottom of the foot. It is a condition that normally does not respond well to traditional methods of treatment. It causes muscular dysfunction and sharp pain. Very common injury for runners.

The plantar fascia is a band of fibers which runs from the heel bone to base of the toes. Plantar Fasciitis occurs when these tissues are irritated and become inflamed.

Plantar fasciitis can be caused by any number of things from too much standing, wearing unpadded shoes on hard ground, or repetitive stress to a diet low in vitamin C, being overweight, or an increase in activity among other things.

Chiropractic care helps in treating plantar fasciitis.  Lyn Lake ChiropracticOfficial Chiropractor of the Twin Cities Marathon has been treating running injuries more more than 13 years with awesome success. Our Minneapolis Chiropractor enjoys treating runners beacsue they are runners. Lyn Lake Chiropractic offer so many different treatments Quick read more or view full article that help keep runners and athletes.

Some of the many different treatments we offer:

Active Release Technique is a patented, active hands-on soft tissue treatment with a movement based massage-stretching technique that treats dysfunctions within muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. 

Graston Technique is an innovative, patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively detect and treat scar tissue, adhesions, and restrictions that affect normal function. Graston is used to break down the scar tissue so it can be absorbed by the body. 

Therapeutic Ultrasound is a form of deep therapy created by sound waves. When applied to soft tissues and joints, the sound waves are a form of micro-massage that helps reduce swelling, reduce scar tissue, increase blood flow, and decrease pain, stiffness, and spasms leading to faster healing times. 

Cold Laser Therapy or Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a treatment that uses specific wavelengths of light to interact with tissues and is thought to help accelerate the healing process. It can stimulate all cell types including muscle, ligament, cartilage, nerves, and bone allowing a number of conditions to be treated. 

Kinesiology Tape is a type of tape that uses a bio-mechanical lifting mechanism to lift the skin increasing the blood flow around the muscle, facilitating the natural healing process.  It is often used with athletes as a way to help joint stability without inhibiting normal range of motion of the joint or muscle being treated. Lyn Lake Chiropractic is Certified Rock Tape Doc Clinic!

Lyn Lake Chiropractic Specializes in treating Sports Injuries. We work with kids, weekend athletes, high school and college athletes, and pro athletes. Anyone that is active can end up with a sports injury that would benefit from being treated by a sports chiropractic clinic.

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Sciatic Leg Pain - Sciatica Pain

May 6, 2013

Facts on Sciatic Leg Pain

Your sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in your body, and runs from the lower back, down through the buttock, and all the way into the lower leg, where it controls the muscles in that area. It also provides sensation to the thighs, legs, and the soles of the feet. When the sciatic nerve becomes irritated for some reason and causes pain, this pain is known as sciatica. Sciatica refers to the various symptoms associated with the irritation, and does not give any indication as to the root cause of the irritation.

Much of the low back pain and leg pain reported is sciatic pain, and it is most evident in the age bracket of 30 to 50 years old. It is more commonly a result of general wear and tear, rather than an injury.

Symptoms of Sciatica

The most obvious giveaway that you are Quick read more or view full article suffering sciatic pain is when it follows the route of the sciatic nerve, as previously described, and is typically apparent only on one side of the body. However, there are variations in how exactly that pain is felt, including tingling, aching or burning. It depends on where the sciatic nerve is being affected. Some patients may also feel pins-and-needles in the toes or foot, or muscle numbness/weakness in the affected leg or foot

More often than not, sciatica first manifests slowly, then increases in intensity, often being accentuated after sitting or bending, or sudden movements such as sneezing or coughing.

Diagnosis of sciatica

This starts with your doctor of chiropractic taking a complete patient history. Your descriptions of where the pain is, how it is felt, when it began, and which activities cause you most pain, are all important in helping to form a diagnosis. It is also necessary to undergo a physical and neurological examination, with a particular focus on your spine and legs. Your ability to perform certain activities will be monitored to assess your sensory strength, muscle strength, and reflexes, and any pain resulting from these activities.

Diagnostic imaging, such as x-ray, MRI, or CT scan may be ordered by your doctor of chiropractic if it is felt there may be more at play, such as a serious underlying problem. This may happen if there is no improvement in symptoms following 6 to 8 weeks of conservative treatment.

Treatment options for sciatica

Conservative care, including chiropractic treatment, is a very effective solution for most people suffering from low back pain or sciatic pain. As there is an array of possible causes of sciatica, treatment plans will be individually tailored depending on what your chiropractor finds in your particular case. When we talk about “conservative”, it refers to the absence of surgical procedures or medication. Instead, chiropractic seeks to rectify spinal problems, thus restore spinal movement and reduce the inflammation that’s causing the sciatica. 

Treatment at Lyn Lake Chiropractic may include spinal manipulation and adjustments, the application of ice/heat therapy, Ultrasound, Traction, Active Release Technique (ART), Massage and rehabilitative exercises. If you have any questions please call your local chiropractor or call Lyn Lake Chiropractic to schedule an appointment today!

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Auto Injury, whiplash web pages added

May 5, 2013

Many Minneapolis auto accident injuries do not show symptoms until weeks or even months after the crash. However, even without symptoms, internal damage to the musculoskeletal system and soft tissues can happen immediately. At Lyn Lake Chiropractic our minneapolis chiropractor and entire wellness team have helped thousands of Minneapolis - St. Paul patients safely recover from whiplash and other auto injuries. 

One of the most stressful events in life is dealing with the issues that occur after an auto accident. The first thing a person thinks about after the crash is the car. Most people are not aware that some injuries are not detected for months or even years. It is absolutely imperative that anybody that is in an auto accident immediately go see a Doctor trained in soft tissue injuries. 


While whiplash is a common injury from auto accidents, another common complaint of crash victims is Quick read more or view full article that they don’t “feel like their normal selves”. They may also experience other symptoms like dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, back pain, muscle stiffness or spasms, neck pain, numbness and tingling in their arms or legs, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, irritability, memory loss and difficulty concentrating. 

The reason people choose minneapolis chiropractic care for treatment of injuries sustained in auto accidents is simple – chiropractic care is exceptional in the treatment of soft tissue injuries, especially of the spine. Since the most common injuries associated with these events are sprains and strains of the spinal muscles and ligaments, it is only natural that chiropractic be the treatment of choice. 

It is imperative that people involved in auto accidents consult with a doctor who is trained in the biomechanics of the human body; someone who treats these injuries every day. 

Often, passengers can be hurt more than a driver, especially if it is a side wreck or T-bone type of collision. Children can suffer the same injuries as adults and should be given the same care despite a feeling by the parent that a child can’t be “that injured” if no bones are broken or there is no bruising to the skin. Put it this way: if damage was done to a vehicle that actually bent metal, the people inside the vehicle surely absorbed that force as well. 

Due to the body producing adrenaline at the time of an accident, a hormone that acts as a natural pain killer, people are able to muster the courage to move through the impact and “take care of business”.  As mentioned above, it is often days or weeks later that the full impact of the car crash is felt. A trained Chiropractor can be a brilliant source of diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue and joint injuries. 

In addition, x-rays or MRI’s (if indicated) will be used to check for any structural damage. 

Lyn Lake Chiropractic routinely evaluates and treats auto accident victims and makes any appropriate referrals to other health care providers if necessary. Our primary responsibility is to provide the proper care and submit the required medical reports to the insurance company or attorney (if one is involved) so the rights of the patient are protected. 

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Posted by Lyn Lake Chiropractic

Specialized Rock Tape Chiropractic Clinic

May 4, 2013

What is Rocktape?

RockTape is a special kind of tape known as kinesiology tape. First used by acupuncturists and chiropractors in Japan, today kinesiology tape is used by practitioners throughout the world to treat injuries and improve sports performance.

While the use of kinesiology is often associated with athletes such as Serena Williams, Kerri Walsh and Lance Armstrong, the reality is that RockTape is effective for the treatment of a wide variety of problems, not just sports injuries.

What is Rocktape used for?

• Achilles tendonitis
• Plantar fasciitis
• Jumpers knee (PFS)
• ACL/MCL issues
• Rotator cuff
• Groin and hamstring pulls
• Lower back issues
• Shin splints
• Tennis and golf elbow
• Pain associated with pregnancy
• Postural correction and shoulder pain

Improving Sports Performance

While we can’t turn a 5 hour marathoner into a 3 hour runner, we do have Quick read more or view full article methods to help you break the 3 hour barrier if you’re already close. When applied properly, Rocktape can help athletes improve form and decrease fatigue through better blood flow. These are the two most critical aspects of increasing performance in almost any sport.

How does Rocktape work?

When we manufacture RockTape, we introduce a bias into the weave of the fabric so it stretches in one direction and not the other. This creates a bio-mechanical lifting mechanism that lifts the skin away from the soft tissue underneath, which allows more blood to move into an injured area to accelerate healing and recovery.

What is Rocktape made of?

Rocktape is a natural-hybrid product and consists of 97% cotton, 3% nylon and uses no drugs. The adhesive is a hypo-allergenic acrylic based adhesive and contains no latex.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic is a Certified FMT Rock Tape Doc Clinic.  Meaning we have taken extra courses to become certified to offer our patients one more thing we can offer to help you heal from any injury or problems you are dealing with.



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Low back pain from extra body weight

February 21, 2013
Recent research confirms what most people already suspected-that overweight and obese adults are at increased risk for low back pain. Specifically, the extra weight significantly increases the risk for lumbar spine disc degeneration. The study, which involved more than 2,600 men and women over the age of 21, revealed that narrowing of the disc space was more pronounced among obese individuals. As a result of excess stress being exerted on the discs, which function as "shock absorbers" between vertebrae, they degenerate (bulge and herniate). Fat cells may also play a role in back pain by causing chronic low-grade inflammation and low back pain. It is hoped that these findings give overweight individuals added reason to rid themselves of excess pounds.

If you have health reasons to lose weight, add regular chiropractic care to your other health practices.Chiropractic places and emphasis on nutritional and exercise programs, wellness and lifestyle modifications Quick read more or view full article for promoting physical and mental health. Come to Lyn Lake Chiropractic and Call us at 612-879-8000. The answers you need. The care you deserve.

P.S. A bulging/herniated disc may impinge on an adjacent nerve root, resulting in pain, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, and/or organ dysfunction in any part of the body served by the nerve in question. Read Less

carpal tunnel syndrome

February 19, 2013
When numbness,tingling, and muscle weakness occur on the "thumb side" of the hand, carpal tunnel syndrome is usually suspected. This repetitive motion injury involving the hand and wrist is caused by pressure exerted on the median nerve, which runs through the "carpal tunnel" created by the hand. Chiropractors also know to look elsewhere to find the cause of symptoms. Specifically, the "brachial plexus" is a network of nerves that originates in the neck and shoulders and controls the hand, wrist, and elbow along with into the fingers. If there is pressure on any of these nerves, the result may cause symptoms similar to those of carpal tunnel syndrome due to pinching of the nerves.

Chiropractic can be of enormous benefit in treating carpal tunnel syndrome and similar wrist pain and hand pain.

Please call Lyn Lake Chiropractic (612) 879-8000. We are dedicated to helping you achieve the optimal, most positive results from your treatment. Come to our Quick read more or view full article _fcksavedurl="" href="">Minneapolis chiropractic clinic and get the answers you need. The care you deserve.

P.S. "referred pain" is pain experienced at a location in the body that is different form the site of the painful stimulus. Read Less


September 30, 2012
CAR ACCIDENTS: Ouch! We encounter car accidents every day. As we drive to and from work, run errands and cart the kids around to their activities, we daily contend with poor road conditions and drivers that are distracted or impaired in som
e way. While we do our best to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe on the road, sometimes our efforts are not enough.

When you are involved in an accident as the result of another driver's negligence, you may be entitled to take legal action to recover your damages.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic specializes in treating whiplash injuries, auto accident injuries and bicycle accident injuries. Whiplash injuries are very common in car accidents. Whiplash injuries occur, in part, due to the fact that the muscles do not have enough time to brace themselves.

Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care utilizes manual manipulation of the Quick read more or view full article spine to restore the normal movement and position of the spinal vertebrae. It is by far, the single-most effective treatment for minimizing the long-term impact of whiplash injuries, especially when coupled with massage therapy, trigger point therapy, exercise rehabilitation and other soft tissue rehabilitation modalities at Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

Whiplash injury occurs when the body reacts to a deceleration or acceleration force by hyperflexion or hyperextension of the neck. Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic specializes in treating whiplash injuries, auto accident injuries and bicycle accident injuries. Whiplash injuries are very common in car accidents. Whiplash injuries occur, in part, due to the fact that the muscles do not have enough time to brace themselves.

If you have been involved in a car accident, whiplash injuries need to be taken very seriously. Because symptoms of a whiplash injury can take weeks or even months to manifest, it is easy to be fooled into thinking that you are not as seriously injured as you really are. Symptoms from a car accident and whiplash can include anything from radiating pain into the shoulder, elbow pain, wrist pain or hand pain, lower back pain, headaches, jaw pain and more.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic treats victims of auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, and is featured in Your Legal Guide.

Injuries from Whiplash Trauma
Whiplash injuries can manifest themselves in a wide variety of ways, including neck pain, headaches, fatigue, upper back and shoulder pain, and low back pain. Due to the fact that numerous factors play into the overall whiplash trauma, such as direction of impact, speed of the vehicles involved, as well as sex, age and physical condition, whiplash symptoms commonly have a delayed onset, often taking weeks or months to become evident.
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Pain in the Neck

May 30, 2012

The Real Pain in the Neck- Your Forward Head Posture

Did you know that the adult human head weighs between 10 and 12 pounds?  With your head properly placed over your shoulders, your spine will have the chance to be in the best alignment possible.  As your head moves forward inch by inch, your heads weight and stress on the spinal column increases.  Every inch  you move forward, you increase the perceived weight of your head by 10 pounds.  That means having a your head posture move forward by 4 inches, your head will weigh 42 pounds. Having your head posture out of alignment will pull your whole spine and body out of alignment.  
 Quick read more or view full article margin-right: 1em; text-align: center;">

When your head translates forward, it forces muscles in parts of your neck to stretch and get longer, and others to contract and stay shorter.  It forces muscles to work harder to compensate for this imbalance.  These increased forces on your spine can cause can accelerate degenerative spinal disease (arthritis) and it doesn't have to do with your age.  
Your body attempts to compensate for this imbalance by altering its center of gravity and by deepening your curves.  However, these exaggerated spinal curves invariably lead to neuro-musculoskeletal imbalances, which effect your internal organs, and can also cause long term chronic pain.  
The scary part of this, is that you can have all of this happening, you may not have any pain.  
So you can have it and not feel it! 

Maximize your healthy spine and nervous system with Chiropractic.
                                                                                                Call your Chiropractor Read Less

Injured Workers Back To Work FAST

May 26, 2012

Injured Workers get back to work fast with chiropractic care.

Many workers’ compensation studies have shown chiropractic care to be superior to medical care in the treatment of on the job back injuries. Chiropractors have been able to get their patients out of pain and back to work faster and with lower treatment costs. For employers, this means that increased use of chiropractic care can reduce premium costs for benefits and contribute to improved productivity.

Injury in the workplace, following an auto accident or at home can be a serious matter. For your health and well-being, do not assume that immediate freedom from back pain or neck pain after an accident means you are fine. Too often, auto accident victims suffer ongoing symptoms years after the auto accident injury and insurance claims have been settled.

Employees may choose their health care provider for treatment of a work Quick read more or view full article injury. The Minnesota workers’ compensation statutes entitle an employee to reasonable and necessary medical treatment or supplies to cure or relieve the effect of the work injury.

Our equipment is the latest technology so that we can help you recover quickly and efficiently. We are totally committed to providing you the most comprehensive rehabilitation care.
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Patient satisfaction rate was 94%

March 5, 2012

Acute Neck Pain (Torticollis), Disability
 and Chiropractic:
Patient Satisfaction Results

The overall patient satisfaction rate was 94%

William J. Owens DC, DAAMLP


"Acute neck pain means immediate neck pain.  Neck pain that just started. This type of pain comes on suddenly and affects the ability to properly move your head in its proper range of motion. One serious type of acute neck pain is whiplash - the sudden jarring motion of your head going backwards and forward. This often occurs with a rear end collision. Acute neck pain can also be the result of a fall, sleeping awkwardly, a trauma or even a fall.. Often times when someone has just strained or irritated their neck in some way the pain is Quick read more or view full article most severe. There is usually inflammation, immobility, and muscle tenderness. Often with acute neck pain, the muscles or ligaments are involved".
The “real life” issue for the patient who either wakes up with this debilitating pain or is in an accident that causes it, is that taking drugs without narcotics is insufficient for relieving the pain. With the narcotics, one can be severely hampered and may not be able to go about his/her life. It is often a double-edged sword; take strong drugs and compromise your life or don't take drugs, receive no chiropractic care and suffer.
A 2006 study examined "...the extent to which a group of patients with acute neck pain managed with chiropractic [adjustments]...and the degree to which they were subsequently satisfied...A total of 115 patients were contacted, of whom 94 became study participants, resulting in 60 women (64%) and 34 men. The mean age was 39.6 years...The mean number of visits was 24.5...Pain levels improved significantly from a mean of 7.6...before treatment to 1.9...after treatment...The overall patient satisfaction rate was 94%" (Haneline, 2006, p. 288).
"There were reductions in disability recorded during the study that were statistically significant. Approximately 84% of the patients related that their activities were restricted before chiropractic treatment because of their neck pain, whereas only 25% still had activity restrictions at the time of the interview. Furthermore, 57% of those with physical restrictions described their disabilities as moderately severe or greater before treatment, whereas at the time of the interview, just 12% did (Haneline, 2006, p. 294).

"When comparing trauma with no-trauma cases, Trauma cases received more than 3 times as many visits. This difference may be related to tissue damage that often accompanies trauma, which, many times, heals imperfectly. In addition, patients with this type of problem may have ensuing long-term pain and physical impairment, which further shows that trauma complicates the recovery of acute neck pain (Haneline, 2006, p. 294).
This study along with many others concludes that a drug-free approach of chiropractic care is one of the best solutions to acute neck pain and returning to a normal life.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic would like to share this research with you since we see a great deal of neck pain.  Many patients come in with pain neck especially when they wake up with neck pain.

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Chiropractic for Chronic Ear Infections

February 1, 2012

An article by Jane Sheppard that I thought was worth sharing.

More and more parents are beginning to look to chiropractors to complement their children’s health care. Chiropractic care involves diagnosing spinal misalignments and correcting them by adjusting the spine. A slight pressure is most commonly used with children rather than the more forceful manipulation sometimes used with adults. Chiropractors attempt to get to the root cause of a health problem rather than just treat the symptoms. Misalignments of the spine (also called subluxations) can occur during childbirth, from tumbles or falls, or from any other normal activity. Misalignments left untreated can irritate the nerves and eventually disrupt the body’s ability to function properly. The purpose of a chiropractic adjustment is to help to restore the normal functioning of the nervous system so the body can heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery. Ear Infections and Quick read more or view full article href="">Chiropractic Ear pain is the number one reason for child visits to chiropractors. Many chiropractors believe that there is a strong link between the birthing process and recurrent ear infection… Ear infection accounts for over 35% of all pediatrician visits in the United States. Antibiotics, the usual treatment, are not always effective and may even lead to a recurrence of ear infections. Many children are dealing with a continuing cycle of repeat ear infections, which lands them back at the pediatrician for more antibiotics. For nearly 100 years, the chiropractic profession has claimed that ear and other upper respiratory infections respond favorably to chiropractic adjustments. A promising study published in the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics indicates that there is a strong correlation between chiropractic adjustments and the resolution of ear infections. 332 children with chronic ear infections participated in the study. Each child, ranging in age from 27 days to 5 years, was given a series of chiropractic adjustments. The results show that close to 80% of the children did not experience another ear infection within the six-month period following their initial visits. The six-month period included maintenance treatments every four to six weeks. Joan M. Fallon, D.C., the author of the study and the chiropractor who treated the children in the study, states that this pilot study can serve as a starting point from which the chiropractic profession can begin to examine its role in the treatment of children with chronic ear infections… chiropractic treatment is a conservative, drugless approach to consider trying if your child has a history of chronic ear infections.

 The Holistic Pediatric Association also provides an online directory of pediatric health professionals, including chiropractors. Related Article: Ear Infections: Alternative Solutions Fallon JM. The Role of the Chiropractic Adjustment in the Care and Treatment of 332 Children with Otitis Media. Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics. 1997; Volume 2, No. 2:167-183. Coulter ID. Efficacy and Risks of Chiropractic Manipulation: What Does the Evidence Suggest? Integrative Medicine 1998;1:61-66.

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Consumer Reports - Chiropractic Care

January 19, 2012
I like this article so I need to share, we see many patients at Lyn Lake Chiropractic and we see the awesome results with our hands on treatment, adjustments and rehab. Chiropractic does work and does help people not just in pain, but keep your body healthy!  I think really staying healthy and getting regular adjustments is the key to aging.  Why not is always my thought.  Why not take care of your spine, you brush your teeth everyday to keep them healthy, you workout to keep your heart healthy - so what are you doing to keep your spine healthy?  Regular adjustments seems to help keep my patients from having those really bad flare-ups when you neck or back hurts so bad your looking for some meds or drugs.

Plan ahead and get adjusted!!

Consumer Reports ~ May 2009 plus this Quick read more or view full article href="" target="_blank">second review.

April 10, 2009 —
A study in the May issue of Consumer Reports shows that hands-on therapies were tops among treatments for relief of back pain. The study, which surveyed more than 14,000 consumers, was conducted by the Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center.

According to the report, the survey respondents tried a variety of different treatments and rated the treatments on how helpful and satisfied they were with the results. The report concluded that hands-on therapies were the top-rated.

The report states that, “eighty-eight percent of those who tried chiropractic manipulation said it helped a lot, and 59 percent were ‘completely’ or ‘very’ satisfied with their chiropractor.”

The Results at a glance:

Professional Highly satisfied
Chiropractor 59%
Physical therapist 55%
Acupuncturist 53%
Physician, specialist 44%
Physician, primary-care doctor 34%

From their article:

About 80 percent of U.S. adults have at some point been bothered by back pain. The Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center recently surveyed more than 14,000 subscribers who had lower-back pain in the past year but had never had back surgery. More than half said pain severely limited their daily routine for a week or longer, and 88 percent said it recurred through the year. Many said the pain interfered with sleep, sex, and efforts to maintain a healthy weight. Back pain can be tough to treat. Most of our respondents tried five or six different treatments. They rated the helpfulness of the treatments tried and their satisfaction with the health-care professionals visited.

Hands-on therapies were among the top-rated. Fifty-eight percent of those who tried chiropractic manipulation said it helped a lot, and 59 percent were "completely" or "very" satisfied with their chiropractor. Massage and physical therapy were close runners-up.

Many of those who tried spinal injections found them to be very helpful, although the techniques their doctors used varied. Most respondents had used some type of medication. Forty-five percent of those who took prescription drugs said they helped a lot, double the percentage of those who said they were helped by over-the-counter medications.


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Seasonal Affective Disorder is a common problem

December 2, 2011

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a common problem for children and adults who are adjusting to life with less sunlight from shorter winter days and more time spent indoors.

If you find that you have less energy, are feeling depressed, overeating and sleeping longer but feeling worse then you’re likely suffering from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).

Consider these tips to help you get through the colder overcast months with your mind and body intact:

Indulge In The Day Light Hours. Regardless of how much sunlight you’ve lost, take advantage of the sun when you can get it. Whether it be a

Indulge In The Day Light Hours. Regardless of how much sunlight you’ve lost, take advantage of the sun when you can get it. Whether it be a
quick walk around the block, opening your curtains with intention each day Quick read more or view full article or finding an activity that will get you outdoors during the day, take advantage of that sunshine. Just because there is less light doesn’t mean you have to curb your activities.

Use The Sunlight To Set a Rhythm. A regular sleep-wake cycle will help regulate the other areas of your life- mentally and physically. When our bodies are familiar with a routine we just function better making us feel better. When you get up in the morning open your blinds to help your body connect wakefulness with sunlight. This can boost your mood and kick start your body for the day.

Stress Less. While the darkness can feel like a sad or stressful time to your body and there isn’t much you can do to change that, eliminate other stressful events in your life or at least keep them to a minimum. Many find to release stress they indulge in a physical activity that releases stress, visit Lyn Lake Chiropractic on a regular basis for a chiropractic adjustment or disconnect with relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation.

There’s no right way to deal with SAD but helping your body and mind to transition and thrive during the winter months is possible. Find ways to stay active and get as much sunlight as possible so that when spring arrives you’re ready for all of the things you didn’t remember missing so much.

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Low Back Pain, Early Intervention and Chiropractic

November 29, 2011

Acute (Severe) Low Back Pain, Early Intervention
and Chiropractic

87% of chiropractic patients showed improvement


William J. Owens DC, DAAMLP

One of the most common areas of the body to be hurt while working, playing sports, cleaning out the garage or any other household or life chore is the lower back. The American Chiropractic Association has reported that 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time. This represents a significant health concern, especially if many of the conditions contributing to low back pain go untreated.

The cause of the pain can be injuries as simple as a strained muscle or sprained Quick read more or view full article ligament to the more complicated intervertebral disc injury. Regardless of the structures involved, most of us have had a personal experience with lower back pain, either from an injury while working or simply waking up with it. Finding a doctor that can determine what exactly is wrong (creating an accurate diagnosis) and prescribing the right treatment is the most important aspect of getting well. In fact, one of the most dangerous phrases one can utter is, "Maybe the pain will go away," and is often adopted by too many sufferers.

According to a 2008 study by Globe, Morris, Whalen,
Farabaugh, and Hawk on low back pain disorders reported, "Most acute pain, typically the result of injury (micro- or macrotrauma), responds to a short course of conservative treatment [chiropractic care]. If effectively treated at this stage, patients often recover with full resolution of pain...Delayed or inadequate early clinical management may result in increased risk of chronicity and disability"

A 2005 study by DeVocht, Pickar, & Wilder concluded through objective electrodiagnostic studies (neurological testing) that 87% of chiropractic patients exhibited decreased muscle spasms. This study validates the reasoning behind the later study that people with severe muscle spasms in the low back respond well to chiropractic care and prevents future problems and disabilities. It also dictates that care should not be delayed or ignored due to risk of complications.

Chiropractic doctors are trained to determine the cause of the injury and have the experience to formulate an accurate and effective diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan. The cornerstone of that plan is the chiropractic adjustment. Chiropractic and lower back pain has been one of the most commonly researched topics to date. There is a large volume of research showing that the chiropractic adjustment is effective for treating lower back pain.

These studies along with many others conclude that a drug-free approach of chiropractic care is one of the best solutions for patients with low back pain. To find a qualified doctor of chiropractic near call Lyn Lake Chiropractic for a free consultation on how we can help you.
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Neck Pain and Chiropractic Treatment

November 13, 2011

Female patient presented with neck pain that had been present for 2 months. The pain came on gradually and without a specific cause. Her vocation is answering the phone for a busy mail order store. She works 40 hours a week, 5 days per week and never weekends. Pain worsens with work, especially by the end of the 8 hour shift. Other pain producers include driving more than 30 minutes, reading more than 30 minutes, and washing hair with the head back. Pain improves with resting the head on a chair or pillow, moving the head in circles, 600 mg of Ibuprofen (repeated 3x/day), and a hot shower. She describes the pain as an ache with intermittent sharp pain that is becoming more frequent, “…when I move the wrong way.” There is no shooting pain into the arms or hands.

Sound familiar? This is a “typical” neck pain patient that Quick read more or view full article presents to chiropractic offices around the world. What is different is that every person is unique and each case must be individually managed. For example, some patients “hate doctors” or are extremely anxious about going to any doctor. This might stem back to a prior “bad experience” with a health care provider at a very young age or perhaps even a more recent event. None-the-less, the approach used in this type of presentation may be best if it is very methodical, reassuring, and fully explained. A “low-force” type of manipulation may be best suited for this type of person as “cracking” of the neck may be too frightening for this patient. On the other hand, a different patient may not be happy unless there is a “good crack” and will not be satisfied until a chiropractic adjustment is performed.

It is equally important in both cases that a complete explanation of,

  1. What is the condition causing the symptoms?
  2. What can be done to treat it (that is, “what are my treatment options”)?
  3. Will the proposed treatment “fit” into my busy schedule, financial situation, and my philosophy about health care?

Providing answers to these questions will usually end with the best results, as the patient will understand the issues most important to them and will have confidence that those issues are understood and appreciated by the doctor. In both cases, management may include

  1. modifying the work station by switching to a head set rather than pinching a phone between the neck and shoulder;
  2. evaluating the patient at their work station to check for proper posture at the desk, proper computer monitor positioning, etc. and making modifications as needed;
  3. teaching the patient cervical range of motion exercises and other stretches that can be done at the work station, multiple times a day, that only take a minute or two;
  4. cervical traction (if this “feels good” when tested during the exam);
  5. use of a cervical or contoured pillow;
  6. neck / upper body strengthening exercises;
  7. the use of ice as needed;
  8. an anti-inflammatory diet (for example, a gluten-free diet);
  9. nutritional supplementation, as indicated. Of course, most of the time, all of these approaches do not have to be included, but are options.

Neck pain, headaches, and upper back pain are conditions are commonly treated by chiropractors. If you, a family member or a friend require care, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our service. We are proud that chiropractic care has consistently scored the highest level of satisfaction when compared to other forms of health care provision and we look forward in serving you and your family presently and in the future.

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Whiplash Minneapolis - Car Accident

October 26, 2011

Whiplash Minneapolis - Lyn Lake Chiropractic

Did you know Lyn Lake Chiropractic Specializes in treating whiplash injuries. Since the Lyn Lake Chiropractic chiropractors are the Official Chiropractors of The Twin Cities Marathon and specialize in treating running injuries. People don't know they do Specialize in treating car accident injuries, whiplash injuries and bicycle accidents.

Whiplash Injuries Minneapolis - Auto Accidents MN. Our Chiropractors are Here to Give You Pain Relief!

Whiplash injury occurs when the body reacts to a deceleration or acceleration force by hyperflexion or hyperextension of the neck. Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic specializes in treating whiplash injuries, auto accident injuries and bicycle accident injuries. Whiplash injuries are very common in car accidents. Whiplash injuries occur, in part, due to the fact that the muscles do not have enough time to brace themselves.

If you have been involved Quick read more or view full article in a car accident, whiplash injuries need to be taken very seriously. Because symptoms of a whiplash injury can take weeks or even months to manifest, it is easy to be fooled into thinking that you are not as seriously injured as you really are. Symptoms from a car accident and whiplash can include anything from radiating pain into the shoulder, elbow pain, wrist pain or hand pain, lower back pain, headaches and more.

Injuries from Whiplash Trauma
Whiplash injuries can manifest themselves in a wide variety of ways, including neck pain, headaches, fatigue, upper back and shoulder pain, and low back pain. Due to the fact that numerous factors play into the overall whiplash trauma, such as direction of impact, speed of the vehicles involved, as well as sex, age and physical condition, whiplash symptoms commonly have a delayed onset, often taking weeks or months to become evident.

A number of conditions those who have suffered from whiplash trauma experience include:

Neck pain
Neck pain is the single most common complaint reported by our patients who have experienced whiplash trama. Often the pain radiates across the shoulders, up into the head, and down between the shoulder blades. Whiplash injuries tend to affect all of the tissues in the neck, including the facet joints and discs between the vertebrae, as well as all of the muscles, ligaments and nerves.

Disc injury is also a common cause of neck pain, especially chronic pain. The outer wall of the disc can be torn during a whiplash trauma.

After neck pain, headaches are the second most common complaint from those suffering from whiplash injury. While some headaches are actually the result of direct brain injury, most are related to injury of the muscles, ligaments and facet joints of the cervical spine, which refer pain to the head.

TMJ pain
A less common, but very debilitating disorder that results from whiplash, is temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ). TMJ usually begins as pain along with clicking and popping noises in the jaw during movement. Our Minneapolis chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic are specially trained to treat TMJ problems. If we think you need additional care, we will refer you to a TMJ specialist outside our Minneapolis chiropractic clinic.

Lower back pain
Most people consider whiplash to be an injury of the neck. However, the lower back is also commonly injured as well. In fact, low back pain is found in more than half of rear impact-collisions in which injury was reported, and almost three-quarters of all side-impact crashes. This is mostly due to the fact that the low back still experiences a tremendous compression.

Healing from Whiplash Injury
With proper care, many mild whiplash injuries heal within six to nine months. Whiplash is a unique condition that requires the expertise of a skilled health professional specially trained to work with these types of injuries. The most effective treatment for whiplash injuries is a combination of Minneapolis chiropractic care and rehabilitation of the soft tissues .

Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care utilizes manual manipulation of the spine to restore the normal movement and position of the spinal vertebrae. It is by far, the single-most effective treatment for minimizing the long-term impact of whiplash injuries, especially when coupled with massage therapy, trigger point therapy, exercise rehabilitation and other soft tissue rehabilitation modalities by Minneapolis chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

If you or someone you know has been in an auto accident, please get checked out by a good chiropractor!  We always recomend you to see your Medical Doctor and a Chiropractor since they both offer something different that can help you.

If needed we will refer you to other healthcare providers - Neurologist, Orthopedist and more.  When you come to Lyn Lake Chiropractic we'll make sure you get the best care possible. Read our testimonies for more reference either online with Google or checkout our testimonies on our website.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us anytime at Lyn Lake Chiropractic 612-879-8000, we do have a 24/7 answering service.  If needed they will contact the chiropractors anytime to call you back. Read Less

Best Chiropractic Care for Runners

October 13, 2011
Review from - thought we'd share this with you!  Thank you!

Best Chiropractic Care for Runners

by Klovey36 at Citysearch

LynLake Chiropractic is the best clinic for runners hands down. I have been a patient of Kevin's for the last few years battling typical overuse injuries and have been impressed with the knowledge, speed of care and technique from all his staff.

But when I broke my foot four weeks ago, they surpassed all expectations. I limped in on a Friday morning, had an x-ray within 10 minutes at the clinic, suggesting 5th metatarsal fracture. Then Kevin took charge of my care - scheduled a MRI that morning and an ortho consult that afternoon and essentially created my treatment plan for me (thus giving me hope). For four weeks, I've been a regular frequent flyer for ice, stim, laser on the foot, ultrasound and massage on the achilles and Quick read more or view full article the occasional alignment problems from walking with a boot.

I always knew Kevin and his team were talented. But the level of expertise, dedication and kindness combined with much needed humor have been instrumental to get me moving these past few weeks.

Thank you LynLake.

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Most women have found that chiropractic care helpe

September 12, 2011
Are you looking for an event that offers genuine interaction,
connectedness and community?

Quick read more or view full article 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; outline-width: 0px; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; font-size: 15px; vertical-align: baseline; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: transparent; text-align: center; "> Join other expecting and new moms as they connect with companies that support their lifestyles and family transitions.

The first annual My Healthy Beginning Experience will take place on September 24th from 10am-6pm and September 25th from 10am-5pm at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.

Join other expecting and new moms as they connect with companies that support their lifestyles and family transitions.

The first annual My Healthy Beginning Experience will take place on September 24th from 10am-6pm and September 25th from 10am-5pm at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.

Here are just a few of things you can expect from the My Healthy Beginning Experience:

  • An interactive, entertaining stage and lots of comfortable seating
  • A private space for breastfeeding moms who prefer not to nurse in public
  • Plenty of fun, age-appropriate activities for the littles in your life!
  • Friendly, supportive, informative exhibitors to answer all your questions about what’s what in the world of pregnancy, birth early childhood.
  • PLUS: Help us donate 5,000 pounds of food to to help MN mamas feed their families! Get $1 off your admission fee of $6 (12 and under FREE!) by bringing along a non perishable nutritious food item for our Second Harvest Heartland food drive!  We will also accept: diapers, wipes, and baby food in cardboard or plastic packaging (No GLASS please!)


What will you take away from the My Healthy Beginning Experience?



* Peace of mind about your parenting style

* Inspiration to make a difference in your family’s life

* A sense of empowerment from what your community has to offer you!

Lyn Lake Chiropractic are proud partners with Mommy's Connections in Burnsville Minnesota.
"Most women have found that chiropractic care helped them avoid the use of pain medications during their pregnancy, and studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments help to reduce time in labor.  Read more......

Call for a free consultation!  Minneapolis Chiropractic Clinic 612-879-8000




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Consumers Reports July 2011

September 6, 2011
Back pain treatments

What helped our readers by Consumers Reports

Last reviewed: July 2011

Chiropractic outperformed all other back-pain treatments, and prescription medication rated about the same as deep-tissue massage, yoga, or Pilates. Over-the-counter medication was less helpful than hands-on therapies but performed about the same as progressive relaxation and meditation. (See the results for neck pain.)

What the research says!

Most back pain clears up on its own within a month or two. Staying active may curb pain and speed recovery. Acupuncture, chiropractic, and yoga are possibly effective for low-back pain. There might be some benefit to acupressure or meditation, but research is preliminary. A recent expert assessment found that spinal manipulation, exercise, standard medical care, and physical therapy appear to be equally helpful for low-back pain.

See a doctor if you have back pain with fever, numbness, weakness, a change Quick read more or view full article in bowel or bladder function, leg-muscle atrophy, a history of cancer, or pain associated with a recent trauma.

Back-pain treatments      % who used    % helped a lot

Chiropractic                             36%                 65%

Prescription medication           38%                 53%

Deep-tissue massage              24%                 51%

Yoga                                          9%                  49%

Pilates                                       3%                  49%

Acupressure                              3%                  45%

Swedish massage                     6%                  41%

Acupuncture                              8%                  41%

Shiatsu massage                      3%                   36%

Progressive relaxation              3%                   32%

Meditation                                 5%                   29%

Over-the-counter medication   58%                  28%

Deep-breathing exercises         6%                   23%

Magnesium supplements          4%                   15%

Glucosamine/chondroitin         14%                   12%

Vitamin D                                   8%                   10%

Differences of less than 5 percentage points are not meaningful.
Guide to the charts
The charts accompanying this report are based on responses to the 2010 Annual Questionnaire conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center. The red bars represent the proportion of readers using a treatment for a condition who said it “helped a lot.” Unless otherwise noted, the analysis of research findings came from the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, an independent research group, based on the scientific evidence that was current as of June 2011.
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Cervical and Lumbar Disc Herniations and Chiroprac

August 26, 2011

Cervical and Lumbar Disc Herniations and Chiropractic Care

80% of the chiropractic patients studied had good clinical outcomes


William J. Owens DC, DAAMLP

The term "herniated disc," refers to localized displacement of nucleus, cartilage, fragmented apophyseal bone, or fragmented annular tissue beyond the intervertebral disc space.[1]Simply stated, the annulus, or outer part of the disc has been torn completely through the wall allowing the inner portion, or the nucleus pulposis material to escape the inner confines in a “focal” or finite direction. Unlike a bulging disc, which an entirely different physiological process and diagnosis, caused by degeneration, a herniated disc is traumatically induced phenomena.
The highest prevalence of herniated lumbar discs is among people aged 30–50 years, with a male to female ratio of Quick read more or view full article 2:1. In people aged 25–55 years, about 95% of herniated discs occur at the lower lumbar spine (L4/5 and L5/S1 level); disc herniation above this level is more common in people aged over 55 years.[2]

Symptoms of a Cervical Herniated Disc

A cervical (neck pain) herniated disc will typically cause pain patterns and neurological deficits as follows:[3]

  • C4 - C5(C5 nerve root) - Can cause weakness in the deltoid muscle in the upper arm. Does not usually cause numbness or tingling. Can cause shoulder pain.
  • C5 - C6(C6 nerve root) - Can cause weakness in the biceps (muscles in the front of the upper arms) and wrist extensor muscles. Numbness and tingling along with pain can radiate to the thumb side of the hand. This is one of the most common levels for a cervical disc herniation to occur.
  • C6 - C7(C7 nerve root) - Can cause weakness in the triceps (muscles in the back of the upper arm and extending to the forearm) and the finger extensor muscles. Numbness and tingling along with pain can radiate down the triceps and into the middle finger. This is also one of the most common levels for a cervical disc herniation.
  • C7 - T1(C8 nerve root) - Can cause weakness with handgrip. Numbness and tingling and pain can radiate down the arm to the little finger side of hand.
Symptoms of a Lumbar Herniated Disc

The most common symptom of a lumbar disc herniation is pain. The pain is usually described as being located in the buttock with radiation down the back of the thigh and sometimes to the outside of the calf. The specific location may vary and depends on which disc is affected (and thus which nerve root is affected). The pain (and other symptoms and signs) come from pressure on the nerve root. The pain frequently starts as simple back pain and progresses to pain in the leg. When the pain moves to the leg, it is not unusual for the back pain to become less severe. Straining such as bowel movement, coughing or sneezing are all things that tend to cause the leg pain to worsen. Very large disc herniations may cause something known as the "cauda equina syndrome". This is a rare syndrome caused by a very large disc herniation putting pressure on many nerve roots. Signs and symptoms include urinary problems (either retention or incontinence), loss of leg or foot strength, "saddle" anesthesia (loss of sensation in the area of the body that would be in contact with a saddle), decreased rectal sphincter tone and variable amounts of pain (ranging from minimal to severe).[4]

A research paper published in a Peer Reviewed Medically Indexed Journal (scientific journal,) was conducted to evaluate how patients with disc herniations responded to chiropractic care.  The authors stated “all patients were evaluated before commencement of chiropractic care by MRI scans for presence of disc herniations. Pre-care evaluations also included clinical examination and visual analog scores [asking them to rate their pain by using a number from 0 to 10]. Patients were then treated with a course of care that included traction, flexion distraction [a specific Chiropractic technique], spinal manipulative therapy, physiotherapy and rehabilitative exercises. All patients were re-evaluated by post-care follow-up MRI scans, clinical examination and visual analog scores. Percentage of disc shrinkage on repeat MRI, resolution of clinical examination findings, reduced visual analog pain scores and whether the patient returned to work were all recorded.   This is an important study because it shows MRI scans pre-care and post-care. 

The paper goes on to report “Clinically, 80% of the patients studied had a good clinical outcome with post-care visual analog scores accompanied with resolution of abnormal clinical examination findings. Anatomically, after repeat MRI scans, 63% of the patients studied revealed a reduced size or completely resorbed disc herniation (completely resolved.)  One significant finding was “seventy-eight percent of the patients were able to return to work in their pre-disability occupations.”[5]
This study shows that Chiropractic care can be a very important part of treatment in patients, when clinically indicated with disc herniations.  Injuries such as disc herniations can have a negative impact on the ability to work and complete personal tasks.  Evaluating treatment options is paramount when deciding how best to fix the problem especially the non-surgical approach that Chiropractic offers to patients.  If you have an injury to your spine, the first step is making sure that you are diagnosed effectively and efficiently, and then engage in treatment as quickly as possible.   Although Chiropractic is effective in treating conditions in the early and late phases it has been shown to be most effective when started immediately.[6] 

This study, along with many others concludes that a drug-free approach of chiropractic care is one of the best solutions to herniated discs. To find a qualified doctor of chiropractic near you, call Lyn Lake Chiropractic and speak to Dr Kevin Schreifels at 612-879-8000.  

[5]Magnetic resonance imaging and clinical follow-up: study of 27 patients receiving chiropractic care for cervical and lumbar disc herniations. J MANIPULATIVE PHYSIOL THER, 1996 Nov-Dec; 19(9): 597-606
[6]Donald Aspegren, DC, MS, Brian A. Enebo, DC, PhD, Matt Miller, MD,  Linda White, MD, Venu Akuthota, MD, Thomas E. Hyde, DC, and James M. Cox, DC. FUNCTIONAL SCORES AND SUBJECTIVE RESPONSES OF INJURED WORKERS WITH BACK OR NECK PAINTREATED WITH CHIROPRACTIC CARE IN AN INTEGRATIVE PROGRAM: A RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF 100 CASES.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32:765-771. Read Less

Chiropractic Adjustments vs. Muscle Relaxants

August 23, 2011

Low Back Pain:

Chiropractic Adjustments vs. Muscle Relaxants

by Mark Studin DC, FASBE(C), DAAPM, DAAMLP


Chiropractic had a better outcome in 24% of the patients


Low back pain is one of the most common maladies among the general population and the incidence of occurrence was reported by Ghaffari, Alipour, Farshad, Yensen, and Vingard (2006) to be between 15% and 45% yearly. Hoiriis et al. (2004) reported it to be between 75% and 85% over an adult lifetime in the United States. Chou (2010) writes that, "Back pain is also the fifth most common reason for office visits in the US, and the second most common symptomatic reason..." (p. 388). Historically and based upon this authors 3+ decades of treating low back pain with treatment options that range Quick read more or view full article from heating pads, ice packs, over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, surgery, acupuncture and beyond, the most important questions are, "What works? What's proven and what has the best results with the least side effects allowing the patient to regain a normal lifestyle as quickly as possible."

Muscle relaxers are a common drug that has been prescribed by medical doctors for years for nonspecific low back pain. According to Chou (2010), " The term ‘skeletal muscle relaxants’ refers to a diverse collection of pharmacologically unrelated medications, grouped together because they are approved by regulatory agencies for treatment of spasticity or for musculoskeletal conditions such as tension headache or back pain." They are drugs that has been long studied and the effects and side effects have been well documented. Van Tudlar, Touray, Furlan, Solway, and Bouter (2003) concluded that, "Muscle relaxants are effective in the management of nonspecific low back pain, but the adverse effects require that they be used with caution"(p. 1978).

Chou (2010) also stated that, "Skeletal muscle relaxants are an option for acute nonspecific low back pain, although not recommended as first-line therapy because of a high prevalence of adverse effects" (p. 397). He reported that muscle relaxants had a moderate success rate defined by a 1-2 decrease in pain scales rated out of 10. Simply put, if a patient had a pain scale of 9, one could expect the muscle relaxers prescribed to bring the pain to an 8 or 7 at best and include all of the side effects. According to, side effects of muscle relaxants include:

More common

Blurred or double vision or any change in vision; dizziness or lightheadedness; drowsiness

Less common

Fainting; fast heartbeat; fever; hive-like swellings (large) on face, eyelids, mouth, lips, and/or tongue; mental depression; shortness of breath, troubled breathing, tightness in chest, and/or wheezing; skin rash, hives, itching, or redness; slow heartbeat (methocarbamol injection only); stinging or burning of eyes; stuffy nose and red or bloodshot eyes

Less common or rare

Abdominal or stomach cramps or pain; clumsiness or unsteadiness; confusion; constipation; diarrhea; excitement, nervousness, restlessness, or irritability; flushing or redness of face; headache; heartburn; hiccups; muscle weakness; nausea or vomiting; pain or peeling of skin at place of injection (methocarbamol only); trembling; trouble in sleeping; uncontrolled movements of eyes (methocarbamol injection only)


Blood in urine; bloody or black, tarry stools; convulsions (seizures) (methocarbamol injection only); cough or hoarseness; fast or irregular breathing; lower back or side pain; muscle cramps or pain (not present before treatment or more painful than before treatment); painful or difficult urination; pain, tenderness, heat, redness, or swelling over a blood vessel (vein) in arm or leg (methocarbamol injection only); pinpoint red spots on skin; puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes; sores, ulcers, or white spots on lips or in mouth; sore throat and fever with or without chills; swollen and/or painful glands; unusual bruising or bleeding; unusual tiredness or weakness; vomiting of blood or material that looks like coffee grounds; yellow eyes or skin.(


When comparing chiropractic spinal adjustments to muscle relaxants for low back pain, it first must be clarified that we are not discussing physical therapy or osteopathic manipulation. While different specialists render tremendous benefits to patients specific to various diagnoses, this research review is limited to a chiropractic spinal adjustment.

Wilkey, Gregory, Byfield, & McCarthy (2008) studied randomized clinical trials comparing chiropractic care to medical care in a pain clinic. "The treatment regimens employed by the pain clinic in this study consisted of standard pharmaceutical therapy (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, and gabapentin), facet joint injection, and soft-tissue injection. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machines were also employed. These modalities were used in isolation or in combination with any of the other treatments. Chiropractic group subjects followed an equally unrestricted and normal clinical treatment regimens for the treatment of [chronic low back pain] were followed. All techniques that were employed are recognized within the chiropractic profession as methods used for the treatment of [low back pain]. Many of the methods used are common to other manual therapy professions" (p. 466-467).

After 8 weeks of treatment, the 95% confidence intervals based on the raw scores showed improvement was 1.99 for medicine and 9.03 for the chiropractic group. This research indicates that chiropractic is 457% more effective than medicine for chronic low back pain.

Within that group of 457% falls patients cared for by muscle relaxants.

Hoiriis et al. (2004) reported in their raw data that the chiropractic groups responded 24% better in reducing pain and concluded that, "Statistically, the chiropractic group responded significantly better than the control group with respect to a decrease in pain scores" (p. 396). This was done in "blinded, randomized clinical trials [which] are considered the gold standard of experimental design" (Hoiriis et al., 2004, p. 396).



1. Ghaffari, M., Alipour, A., Farshad, A. A., Yensen, I., & Vingard, E.(2006).Incidence and recurrence of disabling low back pain and neck-shoulder pain. Spine, 31(21), 2500-2506.

2. Hoiriis, K. T., Pfleger, B., McDuffie, F. C., Cotsonis, G., Elsangak, O., Hinson, R., & Verzosa, G. T. (2004). A randomized clinical trial comparing chiropractic adjustments to muscle relaxants for subacute low back pain. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 27(6), 388-398.

3. Chou, R. (2010). Pharmacological management of low back pain. Drugs, 70(4) 387-402.

4. van Tudlar, M. W., Touray, T., Furlan, A. D., Solway, S., & Bouter, L. M. (2003). Muscle relaxants for nonspecific low back pain: A systematic review within the framework of the cochrane collaboration. Spine, 28(17), 1978-1992.

5., (2004). Skeletal muscle relaxants (systemic). Retrieved from

6. Wilkey, A., Gregory M., Byfield, D., & McCarthy, P. W. (2008). A comparison between chiropractic management and pain clinic management for chronic low-back pain in a national health service outpatient clinic. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 14(5), 465-473. Read Less

Check out something super cool on our website.

June 30, 2011
Please take a second and click on this link, it'll take you to google and just click on Lyn Lake Chiropractic web listing, and check out something super cool on our website.

But you need to go through the google ( minneapolis chiropractic ) to see this cool new website feature! Thanks... Just click on this link to google!

Thanks for checking!

My Back Hurt?!?

June 2, 2011
My Back Hurt?!?


Did you know that back pain will affect 80-90% of every single one of us in our lifetime? That is a staggering number if you think about it. Why is this? There happened to be many reasons. One is the simple fact that we carry two thirds of our weight above her waist. Many studies have shown that degeneration or arthritis can occur much sooner in two legged mammals versus four-legged mammals. A man who weighs 180 pounds carries roughly 120 pounds above his belt line.



So, every time he bends over, and then straightens up, he lifts 120 pounds plus whatever it is he is lifting. This is the reason why most back injuries occur by simply bending over to pick up a pencil. It doesn’t seem possible that a pencil could injure your back or cause low back pain, but Quick read more or view full article in reality it’s a pencil +120 pounds.




Next lets do a little physics. If you are to take a 5 pound weight and stretches out in front of your body with your arms the force of that 5 pounds is now equal to 50 pounds. Now let’s assume that you are picking up that 5 pound weight up off the ground. Now that 5 pounds is equal to lifting 170 pounds in the example used before. If you add a bend in a twist in the waist your complicating the problem tenfold. That’s actually quite amazing that we don’t injure our backs more and have more lower back pain. The mother lifting the bag groceries out of the trunk while holding her child is a recipe for disaster for having lower back pain or even upper back pain.




As if these two factors worked enough the majority of you reading this live and work in Minneapolis and have jobs we sit for long periods of time at a computer or a desk. Being in the seated position leaves the low back in a very vulnerable position creating even more problems when you become active. Sitting puts the back in a flexed position, or a slouch position, and is one of the worst possible postures we can put our bodies into, and we do it for hours upon hours.




In order to further appreciate why the low back is so vulnerable to injury, some basic understanding of anatomy is needed. When a human being is born the spine is made up of 33 individual bones. At the age of 18 five of those bones fuse to make up bone called the sacrum, which becomes the base of the spine and 4 of them for fuse to make up the coccyx, or the tailbone. This leaves five lumbar, or low back, 12 thoracic, or mid back, and seven cervical, or neck vertebrae. These are stacked up on top of each other like building blocks and are connected to each other by a shock absorbing disk in the front and two smaller facet joints in the back, acting like a tripod.




If we look at what normal should be the low back should carry roughly 80% of our weight in the front and 20% in the back. If our abdominal muscles are a bit out of shape and the pelvis rotates forwards, the curve in the low back increases and overloads the back of the vertebra (facets) making them vulnerable to injury. The shock absorbing pads called disks become injured when we do combinations of bending, lifting, and twisting. This can tear the outer tough fibers of the disk, allowing the central more liquid-like material to leak out. If this happens, the leaking or “herniated” disk can put pressure on the nerve that exits the spine and travels down our leg.




Now that we’ve given you an anatomy lesson let’s talk about some of the things that you can do to reduce the chances of entering your low back. Probably the most important thing that you can do to protect your low back is to keep yourself in shape. There are certain muscles that must maintain their strength to keep the low back and it proper position. The muscles not only need to be strong but they also need to be flexible, and therefore stretching is very important.




We realize that you have a choice in where you choose for your healthcare services. If you, a friend or family member requires care for low back pain, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our services and look forward in serving you and your family presently and, in the future.


Are you searching for chiropractic care for your spine? Call Lyn Lake Chiropractic today at 612-879-8000 to set up an appointment.


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Common Questions About Chiropractic

June 2, 2011

Common Questions About Chiropractic

Many everyday things can cause neck pain, such as watching TV, using your computer, reading a book or falling asleep in a chair or on an airplane. The temporary pain that results usually resolves on its own, especially when the offending activity is discontinued. When it doesn't, a more serious underlying problem may be indicated.

Here are the most common questions we get about headaches and neck pain:

Q: What causes headaches?

A: The three most common causes are physical trauma, emotional stress, or chemical toxins. Sometimes there may be a combination of factors. A thorough examination process helps identify the most likely cause(s).

Q: Why would a chiropractor take pictures of my lower back?

A: Many patients are surprised when their chiropractic examination involves other areas of their body besides the local site of their symptom(s). Some neck pain cases can be a compensation to problems in the feet, knees, Quick read more or view full article hips and lower back. We see you as a whole person, not just a collection of "parts."

Q: Will I have to have neck adjustments?

A: If your problem is the result of abnormal motion or position of spinal bones in the neck, cervical adjustments can be effective. There are many ways to adjust the neck and your chiropractor has become an experienced master. Years of practice make these spinal adjustments safe and effective. Much safer than common aspirin or muscle relaxers!

Q: How long will I need chiropractic care?

A: Some patients see quick improvement and then immediately discontinue their care. They often suffer a relapse since muscles and soft tissues have not had time to fully heal. Others discover that degenerative changes to their spines make periodic checkups a worthwhile investment. We'll make recommendations, but how long you benefit from chiropractic care is up to you.

If the weakest link in our bodies is our neck, stress shows up there. While chiropractic care cannot reduce the stress of your busy life, it can help improve your ability to handle and tolerate it. Without drugs or surgery!

Call Lyn Lake Chiropractic today!


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Whiplash Minneapolis - Lyn Lake Chiropractic

May 24, 2011
Did you know Lyn Lake Chiropractic Specializes in treating whiplash injuries. Due to Lyn Lake Chiropractic chiropractors are the Official Chiropractors of The Twin Cities Marathon and specialize in treating running injuries. People don't know we do Specialize in treating car accident injuries, whiplash injuries and bicycle accidents.

Whiplash Injuries Minneapolis - Auto Accidents MN. Our Chiropractors are Here to Give You Pain Relief!

Whiplash injury occurs when the body reacts to a deceleration or acceleration force by hyperflexion or hyperextension of the neck. Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic specializes in treating whiplash injuries, auto accident injuries and bicycle accident injuries. Whiplash injuries are very common in car accidents. Whiplash injuries occur, in part, due to the fact that the muscles do not have enough time to brace themselves.

If you have been involved in a car accident, whiplash injuries Quick read more or view full article need to be taken very seriously. Because symptoms of a whiplash injury can take weeks or even months to manifest, it is easy to be fooled into thinking that you are not as seriously injured as you really are. Symptoms from a car accident and whiplash can include anything from radiating pain into the shoulder, elbow pain, wrist pain or hand pain, lower back pain, headaches and more.

Injuries from Whiplash Trauma
Whiplash injuries can manifest themselves in a wide variety of ways, including neck pain, headaches, fatigue, upper back and shoulder pain, and low back pain. Due to the fact that numerous factors play into the overall whiplash trauma, such as direction of impact, speed of the vehicles involved, as well as sex, age and physical condition, whiplash symptoms commonly have a delayed onset, often taking weeks or months to become evident.

A number of conditions those who have suffered from whiplash trauma experience include:

Neck pain
Neck pain is the single most common complaint reported by our patients who have experienced whiplash trama. Often the pain radiates across the shoulders, up into the head, and down between the shoulder blades. Whiplash injuries tend to affect all of the tissues in the neck, including the facet joints and discs between the vertebrae, as well as all of the muscles, ligaments and nerves.

Disc injury is also a common cause of neck pain, especially chronic pain. The outer wall of the disc can be torn during a whiplash trauma.

After neck pain, headaches are the second most common complaint from those suffering from whiplash injury. While some headaches are actually the result of direct brain injury, most are related to injury of the muscles, ligaments and facet joints of the cervical spine, which refer pain to the head.

TMJ pain
A less common, but very debilitating disorder that results from whiplash, is temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ). TMJ usually begins as pain along with clicking and popping noises in the jaw during movement. Our Minneapolis chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic are specially trained to treat TMJ problems. If we think you need additional care, we will refer you to a TMJ specialist outside our Minneapolis chiropractic clinic.

Lower back pain
Most people consider whiplash to be an injury of the neck. However, the lower back is also commonly injured as well. In fact, low back pain is found in more than half of rear impact-collisions in which injury was reported, and almost three-quarters of all side-impact crashes. This is mostly due to the fact that the low back still experiences a tremendous compression.

Healing from Whiplash Injury
With proper care, many mild whiplash injuries heal within six to nine months. Whiplash is a unique condition that requires the expertise of a skilled health professional specially trained to work with these types of injuries. The most effective treatment for whiplash injuries is a combination of Minneapolis chiropractic care and rehabilitation of the soft tissues .

Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care utilizes manual manipulation of the spine to restore the normal movement and position of the spinal vertebrae. It is by far, the single-most effective treatment for minimizing the long-term impact of whiplash injuries, especially when coupled with massage therapy, trigger point therapy, exercise rehabilitation and other soft tissue rehabilitation modalities by Minneapolis chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

If you or someone you know has been in an auto accident, please get checked out by a good chiropractor!  We always recomend you to see your Medical Doctor and a Chiropractor since they both offer something different that can help you.

If needed we will refer you to other healthcare providers - Neurologist, Orthopedist and more.  When you come to Lyn Lake Chiropractic we'll make sure you get the best care possible. Read our testimonies for more reference either online with Google or checkout our testimonies on our website.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us anytime at 612-879-8000, we do have a 24/7 answering service.  If needed they will contact the chiropractors anytime to call you back.

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Sports chiropractic is a natural health care...

April 26, 2011
Lyn Lake Chiropractic Specializes in treating Sports Injuries. They work with kids, weekend athletes, high school and college athletes, and pro athletes. Anyone that is active can end up with a sports injury that would benefit from being treated by a sports Minneapolis chiropractic clinic.

Many amateur and professional athletes are sidelined with injuries that could be avoided. Others sit it out on the bench because their injury does not respond to ordinary treatment. Still, others are playing, but at less than peak efficiency, simply because their structural system is not balance. Progressive coaches, athletes, and doctors are realizing that pain killing drugs are not the answer. They merely cover up the symptoms, deceiving the athlete into actions which could make the injury more serious and longer lasting. 

Lyn Lake Chiropractic's approach to health closely relates to the needs of the sports participant. Most sports involve body contact, fast Quick read more or view full article starts and stops, and body positioning that places an unusual amount of strain on the back and structural system. Lyn Lake Chiropractic considers a person as an integrated being, giving special attention to the spine, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. 

Sports chiropractic is a natural health care method that stresses the importance of keeping all the systems of the body functioning efficiently so the player enjoys peak performance, experiences a minimum injury risk, and has fast recuperative powers. 

Many world class and Olympic athletes, as well as professional stars and teams, have retained sports chiropractors to provide care. Joe Montana, Nolan Ryan, Muhammad Ali, Kareem Abdul-Jubbar, and Carl Lewis all utilize chiropractic care. The Players Association of the NFL has officially incorporated sports chiropractors as a regular part of care. Chiropractors have been selected as attending doctors at the Olympic Games and at national and world championships in track and field, cycling, volleyball, powerlifting, aerobics, and triathlons. Lyn Lake Chiropractic will not only help get you out of pain, but will try to find the cause so your symptoms don't return.

"Lifting weights and seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis has made me a better golfer. I've been going to a chiropractor for as long as I can remember. It's as important to my training as practicing my swing."   – Tiger Woods.

Running injuries, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, and foot pain can be treated with chiropractic.

Shin Splints
This running injury often causes pain along either side of the lower leg. Symptoms vary greatly from dull tightness to a painful area along the lower leg. Injuries have a higher incidence of occurrence in athletes starting a new running or aerobic program. 

Achilles Tendonitis
Inflammation of the tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heel. Can be stiff at the beginning of a run and feel better during the workout. Pain varies from dull ache to acute, knife-like pain. Which can cause pain with Achilles Tendonitis while running or walking.

Stress Fracture
Usually located in either the lower leg (tibia or fibula) or one of the metatarsals (toes), the 2nd and 3rd toes being the most common. This type of running injury can be difficult to diagnose in its early stages and can be confused with shin splints. 

Runners Knee
Knee Pain
Usual symptoms of this running injury include pain directly under the kneecap, or the surrounding area. Climbing or descending stairs may cause knee pain. Usually the runners knee - running injury responds well our minneapolis chiropractor.
Heel Pain - Arch Pain - Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis
Foot Pain
Common type of running injury - varies from a slight tightness in the bottom of the foot to an intense heel pain that may worsen when getting out of bed in the morning and then lessen after a few steps. The pain is often reproduced if the toes are dorsiflexed (pulled up). An X-ray will sometimes reveal the running injury, known as plantar fasciitis, (foot pain) as a "heel spur" on the bottom of the heel. This running injury is usually due to an over pronation of the foot and ankle while walking and running. 

With plantar fasciitis, the pain is more severe when running on the balls of the feet. If pain is more intense on heel contact, a condition called Heel Spur Syndrome could be present. Heel Spurs result from excessive ossification (bone formation) due to the constant pulling of the fascia at the point where the fascia inserts on the bottom of the heel, this can be extremely painful. Minneapolis Chiropractors can help with this issue with adjusting your feet, ankle and extremities, massage, ultrasound, laser, taping. Our Lyn Lake Chiropractic Chiropractors would be glad to assess your shoes, running shoes or sport shoes and suggest the proper shoe your body needs to help correct the problem.

Ilio-Tibial Band Syndrome
These running injuries can manifest themselves anywhere along the entire length of this highly fibrous connective tissue running from the top of the hip to just below the knee. At its worst, pain can be very intense at either the outside of the hip to the outside of the knee. A complete biomechanical evaluation, foot to hip, is needed to diagnose the problem and prevent further running injuries. Stretching can aggravate running injuries of this type.

Want to stay up to date on the best tips to avoid running injuries? 
Call Lyn Lake Chiropractic. Read Less

We see a lot of knee injuries

March 16, 2011
We see a lot of knee injuries in chiropractic care, or people who suffer from knee pain. Chiropractic care is sometimes seen as alternative, especially when it comes to knee pain, to orthopaedic care. The chiropractor’s approach to knee pain includes an evaluation for possible spinal or pelvic involvement in addition to local knee dysfunction.

Knee pain can come from many sources like the following and the knee is unguarded and exposed to hostile elements, rendering it open to knee pain:
1. Injuries resulting from impact, running
2. Heavy blows to the knee from outside causes
3. Dashboard related afflictions with car accidents
4. Falls with direct impact

Soft tissue injuries resulting in knee pain are usually the result of either overuse or disuse. Some common presentations to a chiropractor’s office include:
1. Player of sports, runners, cyclist presenting with anterior knee pain. aka: runners knee.
2. Senior person suffering stiffness and knee pain.
3. Quick read more or view full article Young player with ache over the tibial tuberosity.
4. Person complaining of knee instability.

Knee pain treatment modality usually takes on a conservative stance. Most knee pain responds very well to a combination of non-invasive treatments such as chiropractic adjustments, Ultrasound, Laser, massage, applying heat or cold, exercise to strengthen the muscles that support the knee and temporarily restraining from activities that aggravate the knee pain.

To identify the true cause of your knee pain, Lyn Lake Chiropractic will initiate the following pre-treatment processes: take a detailed history, examine you and do neurological and orthopaedic testing and perform radiologic tests. Then a plan of management specifically for your case will be designed by your treating chiropractor.

Spring is here and everyone will be starting to push themselves again getting back into shape. Take it easy and if you have any pain, don't wait until the injury stops your activity or sport. See your chiropractor or call Lyn Lake Chiropractic for a Free Consultation to see if we can help. When in doubt we will refer you to an orthopedic clinic we feel can help you! Read Less

More Injuries As Runners Head Outside

March 4, 2011
By Reg Chapman, WCCO-TV - News March 2011

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — No matter how cold it gets, hardcore runners will always train. So, this winter has been rough.

Doctors across the metro are seeing an increase in people coming to their offices with injuries related to running on snow and ice.

Lots of snow, ice and fluctuating temperatures have left many of the trails and paths hard to navigate.

“I have a calf strain and that’s mainly because of the winter conditions, uneven pavement and ice and snow,” said runner Eric Hoglund.
Hoglund’s training for the Boston Marathon is on hold until the doctors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic help heal what hurts him.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic seen a steady flow of runners coming in with injuries.
“A lot of calfs, foot pain and ankle pain, hamstrings and then low back pain injuries. That seems to be the biggest thing now, due to the snow and ice,” said Quick read more or view full article Dr. Jill Field from Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

Dr. Jill Field says running where the ground is not clear is the cause of most runner’s pain.

“The foot hits the ground, it has a little bit more wobble to it, because it’s not a firm solid surface and then the hamstrings come into play because now we are trying to push off, but when we push off, the foot slips a little bit, “said Dr. Field.

While Dr. Jill Field chiropractor at Lyn Lake Chiropractic helps heal, John Long, the owner at Marathon Sports, is helping people feel a bit more at ease running in winter conditions.

All his employees are runners. They’ve been posting conditions of the trails around the lakes, the greenway and Minnehaha creek on the store’s Face book page. “The staff would say, ‘hey, this is what we thought the trails look like today’ and update and a lot of people on our face book would make their own comments, ” said Long.

Dr Jill Field says most runner’s injuries happen in the early morning, when the trails are icy or packed down and wobbly from lots of use the night before.
Chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic advice for runners: Know your limitations and if your body feels like it is working too hard to run, listen to it and slow down — at least until the snow and ice melts. Read Less

Kare 11 News Snow adding injury to insult

February 21, 2011
Snow adding injury to insult in Twin Cities

Kare 11 News: Report on 2/21/2011

MINNEAPOLIS -- Through all the snow that started Sunday morning, the accidents aren't just happening on the roads.

One hospital alone reported treating some 75 patients since Sunday due to snow-related mishaps. Those in the emergency room at Regions Hospital are seeing back injuries, heart attacks, frosbite and a whole lot more.

If you found yourself digging out, you're in good company, and a lot of company as well.

Shoveling can be an exhausting task, and considering the density of the snow, a back-breaking one at that. While every inch means that much more to shovel, it also means more weather related injuries.

"We've seen about 60 patients in the last 24 hours. Since the snowstorm started, we've seen a lot of injuries to the extremities, we've seen fractures, dislocations. Sprains is the majority of what we're seeing," said Andrew Zinkel, a Quick read more or view full article doctor with Health Partners Medical Group.

At Hennepin County Medical Center, they've received 23 patients to the emergency room with injuries from falls, frostbite, back pain, shoulder pain, cold exposure, hip pain, arm pain, knee pain, abrasions and head lacerations.

Visits to Lyn Lake Chiropractic heated up, literally.

"A lot of people coming in with shoveling injuries, whether it's low back and neck, sore arms and shoulders, hips, anything where people aren't used to getting out and shoveling every day," said a worker at the clinic.

Most people's muscles just aren't prepared for all of the twisting and the turning, not to mention the weight.

And while this may be the heaviest to date, despite our hopes, it's likely not the last considering we have to contend with March.

If your having any low back pain, neck pain, arm pain from shoveling give
Lyn lake Chiropractic a call at 612-879-8000 Read Less

Jason Lehmkuhle Wins Road Race - First American

February 20, 2011
Lyn Lake Chiropractic want to brag and scream out a Congratulations to Jason. Just ask Jason if chiropractic and getting adjusted on a regular basis pays off!!

Great Job Team USA and Jason!!!! Proud of you!!!

Jason Lehmkuhle won a tight sprint finish over Team NTT Nishi Nihon's Toyoyuki Abe at the 2011 Ome 30 km Road Race to become the first American to win the prestigious race since Greg Meyer's 1983 victory. Lehmkuhle was aggressive throughout the race, leading the field of over 15000 through the early kilometers and remaining at the head of the pack over the difficult ups and downs through the middle 20 km.

The pack, initially nine-strong, whittled down to a core of five by halfway. With roughly 5 km to go Lehmkuhle surged, first dropping eventual 4th-placer Atsushi Ikawa (Team Otsuka Seiyaku), then frequent leader Ryotaro Nitta (Team Konica Minolta). Local boy Daisuke Shimizu (Team Kanebo) was Quick read more or view full article the next to fall, leaving only Abe at Lehmkuhle's side. The pair rounded the final righthand corner together with Lehmkuhle on the inside, and in the last sprint to the finish Lehmuhle emerged a step ahead in 1:32:08 to take the win over Abe's 1:32:09. Shimizu hung on to 3rd in 1:33:15 with Ikawa just behind after having overtaken a fading Nitta.

Marathon great Hiromi Ominami (Yutic AC), running Ome as a tuneup for next month's Nagoya International Women's Marathon, won the women's race unchallenged in 1:46:27. Saori Makishima (Canon AC Kyushu), paced by her coach, 2:09:11 marathoner Akira Shimizu, was 2nd, with veteran Yoshimi Hoshino (eAthletes Shizuoka AC) 3rd. Read Less

#1 with Minneapolis Police Department

February 5, 2011

Dr. Kevin Schreifels - Dan Casper came in again just ahead of me in 7:02 for Top Fireman and #1 overall --- Congrats to Minneapolis Fire Department on a great win!

Voss is Top Cop again – Minneapolis Police Department, with the #2 overall in 7:21.

David Voss #1 with Minneapolis Police Department.

I proudly represented my fabulous sponsor Lyn Lake Chiropractic and in fact I had a Ms. Cathy Anderson? or something like that as a teacher from Minneapolis. She came up to me after the race and said she had just seen you at Lyn Lake Chiropractic and she loves you guys (who doesn't?)

Thank you again for sponsoring me. Handshakes and Hugs,

Dave Voss

The Challenge:
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is proud to announce its 30th year of going vertical to defeat cystic fibrosis. Help us make CF Quick read more or view full article stand for Cure Found by recruiting your friends, family, colleagues and neighbors to join us at the Climb for a Cure.

The Goal:
The goal: 1280 Steps. 50 Floors. 1 Cure.

Cystic fibrosis (CF) s a life shortening, genetic disease affecting approximately 30,000 children and young adults in the US. A defective gene causes the body to produce an abnormally think, sticky substance in the lungs and digestive system that hinders the body's ability to breathe and absorb nutrients. Currently, there is no cure. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is aggressively pursuing a cure for CF by efficiently investing in cutting edge, life saving science.

Thanks to all the athletes and volunteers for helping a great fundraiser this year. Read Less

Website to Better Serve Minneapolis, MN

February 3, 2011
Lyn Lake Chiropractic Launches New Website to Better Serve Minneapolis, MN

Lyn Lake Chiropractic announces the launch of their new Minneapolis, MN Website. With improved functionality, additional information and more interactive features, they hope to better serve their patients and provide them with the resources they need to make informed decisions regarding their health and wellness.

Minneapolis, MN (PRWEB) February 3, 2011

Lyn Lake Chiropractic has launched a new Website to better serve the Minneapolis, MN community and their patients. In addition to providing helpful information on common chiropractic injuries and treatments, the updated site features a regularly maintained blog, FAQ section and links to resourceful articles.

For over ten years, the chiropractors at Lyn Lake have been committed to providing breakthrough pain treatment. Their goal is to relieve pain and discomfort and help patients maintain a comfortable, productive and healthy lifestyle. From chronic back and neck pain, to whiplash and auto accident Quick read more or view full article injuries, they utilize cutting edge technology and techniques to help patients achieve maximum results.

“We have always strived to stay up to date with the best technology and practices in our industry,” says Dr. Kevin Schreifels, Doctor of Chiropractic and owner of Lyn Lake Chiropractic. “We see the new site as a way for us to better explain some of the common sources of pain that people experience as well as answer many of the questions they may have before they visit the clinic.”

In addition to being informative, now offers links to their Twitter, Facebook and YouTube profiles. “We want to provide our patients with as much information as possible, in the format that they prefer.

Whether they want to post on our Facebook page, or ask us a question through our Online form, we believe that it’s important to provide a means for a two-way interaction,” says Schreifels. “We would love the opportunity to treat the people who visit the site. But ultimately, we want to provide the community with a resource to help them make informed decisions about their health."

Lyn Lake Chiropractic clinic has a talented team of experienced chiropractors, massage therapists and personal trainers. They also offer a breadth of other services such as chiropractic for children and the elderly, chiropractic for pregnant women, treatments for headaches, running injuries, sports injuries, and other special add-on services such as nutritional counseling, lifestyle advice, and massage therapy.

To schedule your free consultation call the clinic’s 24-hour answering service at (612) 879-8000 or visit Lyn Lake Chiropractic at 2937 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis MN. The clinic also accepts walk-ins and “just driving by” appointments.

For more information about Lyn Lake Chiropractic visit or take a virtual tour of the clinic at Read Less

Arthritis and Chiropractic

January 16, 2011
Arthritis and Chiropractic

For many Americans, arthritis is an everyday struggle. Aches and pains are experienced sometimes while just moving around or walking. While most Americans already know that arthritis is a condition that they will have to live with for the rest of their lives, medicating the pain might not be the only answer.

Arthritis is an inflammation of a joint in the body that can be caused by a degenerative disease or even an allergen such as milk or red meat. The inflammation can be triggered at any point of the day and this condition can become a chronic problem where the pain becomes the focus of maintenance care.

Although pain meds will ease the pain, there are other alternative treatments that can help fight the inflammation and pain. Chiropractic treatment is a great way to help the body stay flexible and it allows the joints to stay mobile and Quick read more or view full article not become frozen. There are several different chiropractic techniques that are helpful, but the best results come from very light and gentle approaches towards the body.

Exercising and stretches can help the body stay flexible as well. Recent reports have shown that yoga and Tai Chi can also help the degenerative process that occurs in our joints.

Vitamin supplements such as antioxidants can help fight inflammation and glucosamine can possibly help the cartilage in the body. Also limiting red meat, dairy products and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can decrease inflammation triggers and keep your immune system healthy.

Having arthritis doesn't mean you cannot live a full active life.

How Can Chiropractic Help Arthritis?

Chiropractic for arthritis addresses the practical issue of getting the body to move more freely. Once the body is aligned to move with fewer restrictions, the need for pain-relieving medications lessens, or disappears altogether.

Chiropractic as a regular treatment will also help prevent arthritis, or at least its damaging effects. This form of prevention is probably the most crucial benefit in treating the disease.

The lifestyle changes and therapies associated with chiropractic will influence diet, exercise, and maintaining the body’s alignment that practitioners believe will offset health problems that might accompany arthritis.

Proper weight and a healthy immune system are both important factors in limiting the devastating effects of all forms of arthritis, especially osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Chiropractic—and the holistic health practices that often accompany it—offers multiple benefits in offsetting the dreaded effects of this disease that can take so many undesirable forms for so many people.

Call your local chiropractor or contact Lyn Lake Chiropractic and visit one of our Minneapolis Chiropractors for an evaluation to see if we can help you stay healthy! Read Less

Snow Shoveling Is Leading Cause Of Back pain

December 20, 2010
Snow Shoveling Is Leading Cause Of Their Winter Back Pain

A majority of physicians say that back pain is a year-round phenomenon. However, nearly half (45 percent) of primary care physicians, who report seeing more back pain sufferers during winter than any other time of the year, say patients cite snow shoveling as the primary cause of their winter back woes.

One quarter (27 percent) of primary care physicians note that patients frequently point to lifting, bending/leaning or twisting - activities generally associated with snow shoveling - as the causes of their back pain or muscle spasm.

Shoveling snow need not result in back pain and sore muscles, according to Lyn Lake Chiropractic Minneapolis Chiropractors.

Many people will likely be out shoveling in the next few days, if the forecast for heavy snow today and Saturday is correct. Even people with snow blowers might need to shovel some areas if more than Quick read more or view full article a foot of snowfalls.

"The first thing is to get the right shovel," said Dr. Kevin Schreifels, a chiropractor with Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic. Most hardware stores and home improvement stores sell ergonomically correct snow shovels.

"The equipment that you use is just as important as your body," he said. The old metal shovels are stiff, heavy and uncomfortable.

He recommended that the shovel have a handle that can extend to different lengths, to accommodate people of different sizes. Most new shovels are made of lightweight plastic that curves to hold the snow.

For the actual shoveling, Lyn Lake Chiropractic recommends pacing. "Take frequent breaks, and drink plenty of water to hydrate."

Eating and smoking before shoveling is not wise. Caffeine or other stimulants can also endanger the heart, when combined with strenuous shoveling. Lyn Lake Chiropractic suggests waiting until after you shovel to drink any caffeinated beverage.

They recommend holding the shovel in both hands with some distance between the hands to get leverage. When shoveling, maintain a good posture, allowing for the natural curve of the spine. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.

"Shovel close to the body, bend at the knees and lift with your legs," Schreifels said. He also recommended tightening the abdominal muscles to engage the body's strong core, which will keep the weight of the snow off the weaker back muscles.

"Dump the snow in front of you," he said. "Don't twist. Move your feet if you have to move the snow to the side. Scoop small amounts."

Keep up with the snow, he said. Don't wait until the snowfall has ended to start shoveling. "It's better to get out there as it comes," he said. Fresh snow is lighter.

Even people with snow blowers can be injured. "They push it too hard," he said. "They try to push it to go faster." They end up with acute low back pain.

After a big snowfall, he said, patients often come into their office with back and shoulder injuries.

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, “If you must lift the snow, lift it properly. Squat with your legs apart, knees bent and back straight. Lift with your legs. Do not bend at the waist. Scoop small amounts of snow into the shovel and walk to where you want to dump it. Holding a shovelful of snow with your arms outstretched puts too much weight on your spine. Never remove deep snow all at once; do it piecemeal. Shovel and inch or two; then take another inch off. Rest and repeat if necessary.”

Lyn Lake Chiropractic wants you to be safe this winter and take your time shoveling since Minneapolis has been getting a great deal of snow so far this year. The last 17 inch snow fall Lyn Lake Chiropractic seen many lower back pain injuries from snow removal and would just like to remind you to take your time. If you have any chest pain, please stop immediately and call 911, better safe than sorry!

If you want to learn more healthy living tips, you can visit the Lyn Lake Chiropractic Website at

Comment: James W. - December 11th, 2010

Great information! My dad injured his lower back shoveling snow about 15 years ago. He tried pain pills for a month (marginal improvement) before going to see the Chiropractor. After just a few adjustments, his low back pain went away completely! He now uses Chiropractic on a regular basis to prevent future injuries! Read Less

Back Pain-Lower – Can we help!

November 21, 2010
Back Pain-Lower – Can we help!

Eighty percent of people suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor's office, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. In fact, it is estimated that low back pain affects more than half of the adult population each year and more than 10% of all people experience frequent bouts of low back pain.

The susceptibility of the low back to injury and pain is due to the fact that the low back, like the neck, is a very unstable part of the spine. Unlike the thoracic spine, which is supported and stabilized by the rib cage. This instability allows us to have a great deal of mobility to touch our toes, tie our shoes or pick something up from the ground, but at the cost of increased risk of injury.

As long as it Quick read more or view full article is healthy and functioning correctly, the low back can withstand tremendous forces without injury. Professional power-lifters can pick up several hundred pounds off the floor without injuring their low back. However, if the low back is out of adjustment or has weakened supporting muscles, something as simple as taking a bag of groceries out of the trunk of their car, picking something up off the floor, or even simply bending down to pet the cat can cause a low back injury.

Until recently, researchers believed that back pain would heal on its own. We have learned, however, that this is not true. Recent studies showed that when back pain is not treated, it may go away temporarily, but will most likely return. It is important to take low back pain seriously and seek professional chiropractic care. This is especially true with pain that recurs over and over again. Contact our chiropractor at Lyn Lake Chiropractic... we can help!

The Causes of Low Back Pain -
There are many different conditions that can result in low back pain, including: sprained ligaments, strained muscles, ruptured disks, trigger points and inflamed joints. While sports injuries or accidents can lead to injury and pain, sometimes even the simplest movements, like picking up a pencil from the floor, can have painful results. In addition, conditions such as arthritis, poor posture, obesity, psychological stress and even kidney stones, kidney infections, blood clots, or bone loss can lead to pain.

Due to the fact that there are a whole lot of things that can cause low back pain, and some of those things can be quite serious if left untreated, it is important to seek professional help. Chiropractors and Medical Doctors are the experts at diagnosing the cause and determining the proper treatment for low back pain. Here are some of the most common causes:

Subluxations -
Whenever there is a disruption in the normal movement or position of the vertebrae, the result is pain and inflammation. In the lumbar spine, these usually occur at the transition between the lower spine and the sacrum. Subluxations can lead to debilitating low back pain. Fortunately, subluxations are easily treatable and often times a significant reduction in pain is experienced almost immediately after treatment.

Disc Herniations -
Contrary to popular belief, a herniated disc does not automatically mean that you are going to suffer from low back pain. In fact, one study found that almost half of all adults had at least one bulging or herniated disc, even though they did not suffer any back pain from it. On the other hand, herniated discs can be a source of intense and debilitating pain that frequently radiates to other areas of the body. Unfortunately, once a disc herniates, they rarely, if ever, completely heal. Further deterioration can often be avoided through regular chiropractic care, but a complete recovery is much less common.

Sprains, Strains and Spasms -
This is commonly the source of low back pain among the weekend warriors. You know, the type who have very little physical activity during the week, but once the weekend arrives, they push themselves way too much. By the end of the weekend, they are lying flat on their back counting down the hours before they can get in to see their chiropractor. Overworking the muscles or ligaments of the low back can lead to small tears in the tissues, which then become painful, swollen and tight.

Stress -
Whenever you become stressed, your body responds by increasing your blood pressure and heart rate, flooding your body with stress hormones and tightening up your muscles. When you are stressed all the time, the chronic tension causes your muscles to become sore, weak and loaded with trigger points. If you are stressed out all of the time and you have low back pain, it is important to do some relaxation exercises, such as deep breathing, as well as to get regular exercise.

Treating Low Back Pain With Chiropractic -
Chiropractic treatment for low back pain is usually pretty straightforward. Most commonly, it's simply a matter of adjusting the lower lumbar vertebrae and pelvis to re-establish normal motion and position of your bones and joints.

Chiropractic for the low back has been repeatedly shown to be the most effective treatment for low back pain. In fact, major studies have shown that chiropractic care is more effective, cheaper and has better long-term outcomes than any other treatment.

This makes sense because chiropractic care is the only method of treatment that serves to re-establish normal vertebral motion and position in the spine. All other treatments, such as muscle relaxants, pain killers and bed rest, only serve to decrease the symptoms of the problem and do not correct the problem itself.

If we can help, please call Lyn Lake Chiropractic to see one of our Minneapolis Chiropractors. Please call 612-879-8000 Read Less

Acute (Severe) Low Back Pain, Early Intervention ?

October 10, 2010
Just like to share this study about treating Low Back Pain!

Acute (Severe) Low Back Pain, Early Intervention ?and Chiropractic

William J. Owens DC, DAAMLP?

One of the most common areas of the body to be hurt while working, playing sports, cleaning out the garage or any other household or life chore is the lower back. The American Chiropractic Association has reported that 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time. This represents a significant health concern, especially if many of the conditions contributing to low back pain go untreated.

The injuries can be as simple as a strained muscle or sprained ligament to the more complicated intervertebral disc injury. Regardless of the structures involved, most of us have had a personal experience with lower back pain, either from an injury while working or simply waking up with severe back pain.

Finding a Quick read more or view full article doctor that can determine what exactly is wrong (creating an accurate diagnosis) and prescribing the right treatment is the most important aspect of getting well. In fact, one of the most dangerous phrases is "Maybe the pain will go away" and is often adopted by too many sufferers.

According to a 2008 study by Globe, Et. Al. on low back pain disorders reported "Most acute pain, typically the result of injury (micro- or macrotrauma), responds to a short course of conservative treatment (chiropractic care.) If effectively treated at this stage, patients often recover with full resolution of pain...Delayed or inadequate early clinical management may result in increased risk of chronicity and disability."

A 2005 study by DeVocht, Pickar, & Wilder concluded through objective electrodiagnostic studies (neurological testing) that 87% of chiropractic patients exhibited decreased muscle spasms.

The 2005 study validates the reasoning behind the later study that people with severe muscle spasms in the low back respond well to chiropractic care and prevent future problems and disabilities. It also dictates that care should not be delayed or ignored without risk of complications.

Chiropractic doctors are trained to determine the cause of the injury and have the experience to formulate an accurate and effective diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan. The cornerstone of that plan is the Chiropractic Adjustment.
Chiropractic and lower back pain has been one of the most commonly researched topics to date. There is a large volume of research showing that the Chiropractic Adjustment is effective for treating lower back pain.
These studies along with many others conclude that a drug-free approach of chiropractic care is one of the best solutions for patients with low back pain.

1. American Chiropractic Association. (2010). Back Pain Facts & Statistics. Retrieved from
2. Grobe G A, Morris C. E., Whalen W. M., Farabaugh R. J., & Hawk C. (2008) Chiropractic Management of Low Back Disorders: Report From a Consensus Process, Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics, 31(9), 651-658
3. DeVocht, J. W., Pickar, J. G., & Wilder, D. G. (2005). Spinal manipulation alters electromyographic activity of paraspinal muscles: A descriptive study. Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics, 28(7), 465-471. Read Less

Children And Chiropractic

September 26, 2010
Children and Chiropractic

A Study in Adverse Effects By:


For over 100 years parents have been taking their children for chiropractic care for various reasons. Clinically, chiropractic has been effectively treating numerous childhood ailments from asthma to scoliosis to attention deficit disorder to sports related injuries as well as other symptoms, conditions and diagnosis. This article is not about the efficacy of chiropractic caring for those types of disorders. It will be limited to the single topic; the safety of the chiropractic adjustment for children.

Having cared for children for 30 years in clinical practice for various diagnoses and wellness care, the safety of the adjustment has been the most asked question by parents and the answer has always been my personal clinical experience of "yes." As with medicine and any other healing discipline, the results have to be verified with science over time to prove Quick read more or view full article that assertion to be true.

Miller and Benfield, in 2008 conducted a study of children younger than 3 years old to determine the adverse effects of chiropractic care in that age group, arguably the most susceptible to injury based upon the fragility of that age group. The study was based upon 5,242 chiropractic adjustments and the adverse reaction rate was found to be consistent in 1 out of every 1300 chiropractic adjustments. The only adverse reaction found was increased crying time and there were no (ZERO) serious complications resulting from chiropractic manipulation in this group of children of this age range.

The "Practical Application" reported by Miller and Benfield was that chiropractic adjustments were safe for young children and adolescents.

In clinical practice, having successfully cared for children with scoliosis, attention deficit disorders, hearing loss, bedwetting, ear infections, eczema, headaches, cerebral palsy, whiplash, low back pain, neck pain and many other conditions, I cannot recall one instance that a child had an adverse reaction. It is also of importance to note that approximately 100% of the patients had visited their pediatrician or other medical subspecialists prior to seeking chiropractic care as their "last alternative" to get help. These weren't patients who needed convincing on a philosophy or religious beliefs; they were desperate for help. This is not an indictment against medicine and pediatrics; it is an endorsement for having the right care available when the correct diagnosis is rendered. Often chiropractic should be the first choice and not the last, after expensive and sometimes, dangerous testing and treatment is performed.

These studies along with many others conclude that a drug-free approach of chiropractic care is one of the best solutions for parents seeking safe care for their children.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic treats children and have great results. Any questions please feel free to call our clinic and speak to our chiropractors. Make a Free Consultation and get a one on one with the chiropractors about any issues to may have with your child. 612-879-8000


Miller, J.E., Benfield k, (July 2008). Adverse Effects of Spinal Manipulative Therapy in Children Younger Than 3 Years: A Retrospective Study in a Chiropractic Teaching Clinic, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 31(6), 419-423. Read Less


September 19, 2010
Early treatment leads to better outcomes:

If you've suffered from low back pain over the past few days, or if you get back pain sometime in the future, the tendency will be to wait it out and see if it gets better. Sometimes we even decide to take time off and lie in bed, hoping we will eventually be feeling better and back to our usual activities or work. However, more and more research shows that lying in bed or waiting it out is the worst thing you can do for yourself. Remember, only 10 percent of people develop chronic low back pain, but those cases account for an estimated $100 billion a year in health care and other costs. It's a safe bet that most of them have taken this incorrect "wait and see" approach.

Research suggests that when it comes to back pain, early intervention is best. There are many Quick read more or view full article reasons for this concept, but here is a basic summary of what current guidelines are saying:

Low back pain can sometimes be due to something more serious than a simple sprain. That's why it's important to see your chiropractor right away so they can evaluate you for anything more serious.

Spinal manipulation is one of the only treatments that is consistently being recommended for those with acute low back pain - and yet far too many people don't visit a chiropractor and choose to pop over-the- counter pain medication instead.

Avoid bed rest as much as possible. Yes, I know that it feels good and frankly, when I had an episode of low back pain once, I was tempted to lie in bed all day, too. On a basic level, it's the most "rational" thing to do. However, bed rest actually wastes away your muscles, and this effect lasts even for the lucky ones who improve with their low back pain.

For those who are pain free, the bad news is that the muscles still waste away. ?What does this mean? It means that although you may be lucky enough to be out of pain, your muscles will have put you in a position where you will most likely suffer back pain again.

That's why trying to stay as active as possible in the early stages can go a long way not only to get over the back pain, but also to help prevent future back pain episodes from happening. ??Early exercise will help ensure that your muscles and bones will continue to move to prevent stiffness and pain. I often have patients tell me that they have Googled an exercise program for their back pain and are using it. Unfortunately, there is no-one-size-fits-all exercise program for low back pain.

The type of exercises you do for a disc herniation can be totally different than the ones you do for a simple strain or sprain caused by playing a sport or lifting something at work. In fact, some exercises that you may see posted on the Internet may actually cause further damage or prolong your back pain. That's why it's so important to see your health professional to get an expert opinion on which exercises will be beneficial for your condition.

There are ways to predict if acute pain will end up developing into chronic pain. One of the most frustrating things health professionals face is the fact that although some patients may have undergone treatments, they still develop chronic low back pain. The good news is that there are certain predictors that can identify someone who may end up developing chronic back pain.

When you look at these, it becomes more apparent that seeking treatment and following all the above points is crucial to getting better. One of the biggest predictors is called "pain avoidance behavior." Quite simply, it means once you get the pain, you will do everything you can to avoid anything that will cause pain.

What happens next? You guessed it. This type of person lies in bed as much as possible. This type of person will try to avoid any exercise that may cause the slightest discomfort. Essentially, they will avoid everything that could be helpful to their condition.

That's why I always take time with my patients to stress the importance of not letting the pain overtake their lives. Continue doing what you did before, no matter how small of an effort you put in. The back pain feels like your back is going to break in two. However, with proper supervision and the right recommendations for treatment, you will not be able to damage your back any more than the situation it is in.

So, the next time you experience back pain and feel like you can't do anything, always remember that any movement or activity or treatment that keeps you moving is crucial for your recovery. Another factor is that you may be deconditioned and not fit enough.

With back pain, you can become even more deconditioned. That's why starting to move and then progressing to an exercise program is crucial to ensure not only that you get better, but also that you don't get future bouts of low back pain. Read Less

Self-Care for Back Pain

May 14, 2010
Self-Care for Back Pain: Exercises to Help the Healing Process..

When it comes to back pain, your first thoughts may be to take over-the-counter pain medication and rest whenever possible. Two bad options.

First, medication is only going to temporarily relieve the pain, if at all, and may be accompanied by various unpleasant side effects attributable to drugs.

Second, rest may actually hurt more than help. While you're seeing your chiropractor, there are a few things you can do at home to help the healing process. Believe it or not, it's based on the simple principle of movement.

When you stop moving, everything tightens up, circulation slows down, and pain chemicals accumulate in your muscles and joints. It's like waking up after sleeping in a cold room on a lousy mattress with a draft. You need to move. Here are two simple exercises to get you started (discuss these with your doctor Quick read more or view full article first):

Exercise #1:

Backward Bending (extension of the lumbar spine). An exercise called the McKenzie extension is the first thing you should try if you have sciatica (pain running down your leg). If these exercises work, your pain will diminish and may centralize, which is a good thing. Centralize means your pain goes less far down your leg, and you may feel it closer to the spine. Bending backward may not feel good at first, but you should feel better immediately afterward. If you feel worse afterward or the pain goes farther down your leg, stop, as this is not the exercise for you.

How to Do It:

Lie face-down on the floor, arms bent at your sides (sort of like a starting push-up posture). Straighten your arms up slowly, lifting your upper body off the floor as you do so. Your legs and feet should stay on the ground. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then slowly lower your upper body back down. Repeat 10 times, as often as once per hour

Exercise #2:

Flexion Exercises (bringing the leg toward the chest). People with lower back pain can also feel better with various types of leg flexion, bringing the bent leg toward the chest, or doing contract-relax and then bringing the bent leg toward the chest. These people usually have sacroiliac joint problems. (The SI joints are located on either side of the spine in the lower back.)

How to Do It:

Lie on your back with one leg bent and then other flat on the floor. Bring the bent leg up toward the chest. Wrap your arms around the leg and then try to lower it toward the floor for 3-5 seconds, resisting with your arms. Relax, and then pull the bent leg up farther toward the chest. Repeat the entire process three times.

To reduce your risk of injury, consult with Lyn Lake Chiropractic and consult with our chiropractors before doing these exercises for the first time, particularly if your pain is new and/or you would like further explanation of how to perform the exercises correctly. Read Less

Boston Marathon - Good Luck!

April 14, 2010
Good Luck to all our patients running Boston Marathon Monday April 19th, 2010.

We'll be thinking of you when your hitting your PR's in Boston. Send us pictures of you wearing our Lyn Lake Chiropractic running shirts so we can post you in our blogs and on our website.

Thank you for letting us be apart of your training and allowing us to provide you the best chiropractic care. Have fun....

Get in Gear Race Saturday, April 24, 2010

March 28, 2010
Get in Gear
33rd Annual Rite of Spring!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lyn Lake Chiropractic is a proud supporter of the 33rd Annual Rite of Spring Get in Gear Race. Being the Official Chiropractors for the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon we feel this race is the kick off for the running season in Minnesota.

We have seen many runner's already getting ready for the Get in Gear, Boston Marathon and many more races. Runners elite to beginners use the Get in Gear Race as a starting point to determine if they need to train harder and faster for more races to come.

While you're training and racing, remember to keep your body running as efficient as possible with having regular chiropractic care. If start to have any pain or discomfort ie: knee pain, foot Quick read more or view full article pain, achilles pain, shin splints, hip pain or lower back pain - when you start increasing your milage and/or speed workouts, get treated as soon as possible to avoid injuries that could stop you from training or racing this spring or summer.

Patients ask us when do you know if you need medical treatment? Our answer is when you start to have any pain. You shouldn't have any pain while running. Pain is the signal from the body telling you there's something wrong and you need to address this now, not later. Lyn Lake Chiropractic offer Free Consultation, use this consultation so we can help you determine if you need treatment.

Get in Gear is the Largest 10K in Minnesota.
Be apart of this awesome race!
You have many different races to pick from.

Runner Info:

Saturday, April 24, 2010
10K Run, 5K Run/Walk, 2K Fun Run & 1/2 Marathon


4801 Minnehaha Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55417

Start Times:
2K & FFF 2K: 8:00a.m.
10K & Half-Marathon: 9:00a.m.
(Note: Three hour limit. Roads open to public at Noon.)
5K: 9:20a.m.

       Online Registration deadline 11:59pm, Thursday, April 22, 2010    
 Corporate Online Registration deadline April 16, 2010       
 Fit-For-Fun Online Registration deadline April 16, 2010

If you have any questions please contact Get in Gear Read Less

Achilles tendonitis treated by Chiropractors!

March 21, 2010
Achilles tendonitis
Definition: Inflammation of the Achilles tendon.The Achilles is the large tendon connecting the two major calf muscles, gastrocnemius and soleus, to the back of the heel bone. Under too much stress, the tendon tightens and is forced to work too hard. This causes it to become inflamed (that is tendinitis), and, over time, can produce a

covering of scar tissue, which is less flexible than the tendon. If the inflamed Achilles continues to be stressed, it can tear or rupture.

Symptoms:?Dull or sharp pain anywhere along the back of the tendon, but usually close to the heel. limited ankle flexibility redness or heat over the painful area a nodule (a lumpy build-up of scar tissue) that can be felt on the tendon a cracking sound (scar tissue rubbing against tendon) with ankle movement.
Causes:?Tight or fatigued calf muscles, which transfer the burden of running to the Achilles. This can be due to poor Quick read more or view full article stretching, rapidly increasing distance, or over-training excessive hill running or speed work, both of which stress the Achilles more than other types of running.?Inflexible running shoes, which, in some cases, may force the Achilles to twist. ?Runners who overpronate (feet rotate too far inward on impact) are most susceptible to Achilles tendinitis.

You might even have an imbalance with your hips, pelvis or lower back that can cause you to be uneven. It's like having one of your four tires low on air, and if you think about it. There's about 1200 steps in a mile while you run, if one side of your body is higher or lower. Wear and tear will happen and could cause some symptoms.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic enjoy treating runners, since all our Minneapolis Chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic are runners. Runners treating Runners! Lyn Lake Chiropractic has great success with treating Achilles tendonitis. Our high tech therapies such as Ultrasound, Laser Therapy, Game Ready Ice Compression Therapy, Graston and A.R.T. Techniques, Kinseio Taping and adjusting.

Lyn Lake Chiropractic don't just adjust your extremities but will take a Digital X-ray of your Low Back, hips and pelvis to see why your getting these type of symptoms. Check out our website at
www. or call for a Free Consultation on how we can help keep you
running pain-free! Read Less

Great Review of Dr. Jill and Lyn Lake Chiropractic

March 9, 2010
Lyn Lake Chiropractic

Dr. Jill Field and the rest of the Lyn Lake Chiro staff are amazing. It is a flexible, welcoming, and warm enviornment each and every day. Dr. Jill is so friendly, extremely detailed orientated, and actually listened to each word out of my mouth. She listens when MD's don't. The interesting thing? I am a registered nurse who will come to Lyn Lake before my MD because of the expertise offered. Thank You so much for the life changing experiences Jill and staff!

March 09, 2010 by L.L. in Minneapolis, MN

Just want to say thank you for writing such a great review on Dr. Jill Field and Lyn Lake Chiropractic

My Fox News - ASK THE EXPERTS - Chiropractor

March 3, 2010
Chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic Provide Minneapolis, MN, Resource As Official ASK THE EXPERTS Sponsor

Lyn Lake Chiropractic, located in Minneapolis, MN, has become an official sponsor of’s ASK THE EXPERTS Online consumer resource. Their chiropractors now provide information and answer questions about common chiropractic topics ranging from back and neck pain to massage therapy and sports injuries for residents of Hennepin and Ramsey Counties.

Minneapolis, MN (PRWEB) February 4, 2010 -- Lyn Lake Chiropractic clinic has become an official sponsor of 's ASK THE EXPERTS, providing people in the Minneapolis, MN, and surrounding twin cities metro area with valuable information on common chiropractic topics and questions.

We are proud to be able to partner with such a respected media outlet as Fox to provide people in the Minneapolis area with the information they need to make informed decisions regarding their health and wellness ASK THE EXPERT was Quick read more or view full article developed in 1995 to provide consumers with access to information in the areas of health, legal, financial, and home improvement. Currently, more than 50 media outlets across the country bring consumers this relevant information on over 100 topics. ASK THE EXPERTS is a community resource that is free to consumers thanks to local sponsorship from businesses such as Lyn Lake Chiropractic.
“We are proud to be able to partner with such a respected media outlet as Fox to provide people in the Minneapolis area with the information they need to make informed decisions regarding their health and wellness,” says Dr. Kevin Schreifels, Doctor of Chiropractic and owner of Lyn Lake Chiropractic. “We know that many people in the community trust ASK THE EXPERTS to answer questions they have about important life topics and feel that our years of experience allow us to offer valuable chiropractic insights.”

Lyn Lake chiropractic currently provides information on general chiropractic care, back pain, neck pain, auto accident injuries, headaches, sports injuries, pain management and massage therapy for Hennepin County and Ramsey County. Consumers can also submit questions to Lyn Lake’s team of chiropractors directly via ASK THE EXPERTS’ online e-mail form.

“Lyn Lake Chiropractic clinic emphasizes improving your health in an effort to reduce the risk of pain and illness,” says Schreifels. “We hope that the information we provide through ASK THE EXPERTS helps people find pain relief and tips for avoiding injuries in the first place.”

Lyn Lake Chiropractic clinic has a talented team of experienced chiropractors, massage therapists and personal trainers. They also offer a breadth of other services such as chiropractic for children and the elderly, chiropractic for pregnant women, treatments for headaches, running injuries, sports injuries, and other special add-on services such as nutritional counseling, lifestyle advice, and massage therapy.

To schedule your free consultation call the clinic’s 24-hour answering service at (612) 879-8000 or visit Lyn Lake Chiropractic at 2937 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis MN. The clinic also accepts walk-ins and “just driving by” appointments.

For more information about Lyn Lake Chiropractic visit Read Less

Fight For Air Climb - February 27, 2010

February 27, 2010
Fight For Air Climb - February 27, 2010

Lyn Lake Chiropractic our Minneapolis Chiropractors are proud sponsors of the Fight For Air Climb. We'll be here today. We'll provide Massage Therapist, Personal Trainers and Chiropractors to help you make it to the top. We will support you and your friends and family by being here today. See you at the Top!


It's more than a walk, it's more than a run...go vertical for a unique challenge!
The Fight For Air CLIMB is a unique fundraising event for the American Lung Association. Sometimes called a "vertical road race" participants can use the event as a fitness target or as race. Climbers can enjoy the personal challenge or race against other climbers. In either case it's a great way to be active.
Individuals and teams race, run or walk up the 660 steps to reach the top of the Accenture Tower. Create Quick read more or view full article a team of friends, family or co-workers and compete together. This event is a great way to challenge yourself - whether your goal is just to reach the top or to be the first to cross the finish line - you will walk away with a newfound respect for your lungs!

The American Lung Association's climbs are a wonderful way to support someone who has lung disease or as a memorial to someone who has passed away.
The mission of the American Lung Association is to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease. With your generous support, the American Lung Association is "Fighting for Air" through research, education and advocacy. Read Less

Top Cop Dave Voss - Lyn Lake Chiropractic

February 7, 2010
Top Cop Dave Voss - Lyn Lake Chiropractic

Lyn Lake Chiropractic would like to say thank to everyone for letting us be apart of the fundraising for Cystic Fibrosis. 

Lyn Lake Chiropractic are very proud to be a big supporter for our Top Cop David Voss for climbing to the top raising money for the cause. I would like to send a cheer and another thank you to his wife Kim Lund that did a great job in supporting our Top Cop - Dave Voss. Dave Voss knows how important it is to stay healthy by getting regular chiropractic care at Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

First off - THANK YOU for donating to the Cystic Fibrosis cause.  I usually race for myself and the clock but today was a little different.  I know our contributions went to helping lots of folks with a terrible lung disease.  And I can totally empathize at least for Quick read more or view full article the next couple of days because the dry, hot, dusty air at full sprint for 7+ minutes has thoroughly trashed my lungs.  I am seriously wheezing and in full blown asthma attack- uggh.

And now for the results: 
The #1 overall, was Fireman Dan Casper who did it in 6:35.  I was right behind him for much of the way.  
I took 2nd overall in 7:25 and was the #1 "Top Cop" in the stair climb today!   I went with the elites and came in just 50 seconds after the perennial winner Casper.  Maybe I can beat him next year!....

Casper and I ran step for step till about the 35th floor when he started pulling away little by little.  But he didn't get too far ahead and I knew I had 2nd place locked up so, I kept hammering for the top floor.  Fun race.  Nice to place.  Lungs are thoroughly trashed!  This is an anaerobic event and god built me for endurance not sprints so I think I held my own.  See attached link if this goes through correctly.

Dave Voss  Read Less

Press Releases for February 4, 2010 Lyn Lake Chir

February 4, 2010
All Press Releases for February 4, 2010 Subscribe to this News Feed

Chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic Provide Minneapolis, MN, Resource As Official ASK THE EXPERTS Sponsor

Lyn Lake Chiropractic, located in Minneapolis, MN, has become an official sponsor of’s ASK THE EXPERTS Online consumer resource. Their chiropractors now provide information and answer questions about common chiropractic topics ranging from back and neck pain to massage therapy and sports injuries for residents of Hennepin and Ramsey Counties.

Minneapolis, MN (PRWEB) February 4, 2010 -- Lyn Lake Chiropractic clinic has become an official sponsor of 's ASK THE EXPERTS, providing people in the Minneapolis, MN, and surrounding twin cities metro area with valuable information on common chiropractic topics and questions.

We are proud to be able to partner with such a respected media outlet as Fox to provide people in the Minneapolis area with the information they need Quick read more or view full article to make informed decisions regarding their health and wellness ASK THE EXPERT was developed in 1995 to provide consumers with access to information in the areas of health, legal, financial, and home improvement. Currently, more than 50 media outlets across the country bring consumers this relevant information on over 100 topics. ASK THE EXPERTS is a community resource that is free to consumers thanks to local sponsorship from businesses such as Lyn Lake Chiropractic.
“We are proud to be able to partner with such a respected media outlet as Fox to provide people in the Minneapolis area with the information they need to make informed decisions regarding their health and wellness,” says Dr. Kevin Schreifels, Doctor of Chiropractic and owner of Lyn Lake Chiropractic. “We know that many people in the community trust ASK THE EXPERTS to answer questions they have about important life topics and feel that our years of experience allow us to offer valuable chiropractic insights.”

Lyn Lake chiropractic currently provides information on general chiropractic care, back pain, neck pain, auto accident injuries, headaches, sports injuries, pain management and massage therapy for Hennepin County and Ramsey County. Consumers can also submit questions to Lyn Lake’s team of chiropractors directly via ASK THE EXPERTS’ online e-mail form.

“Lyn Lake Chiropractic clinic emphasizes improving your health in an effort to reduce the risk of pain and illness,” says Schreifels. “We hope that the information we provide through ASK THE EXPERTS helps people find pain relief and tips for avoiding injuries in the first place.”

Lyn Lake Chiropractic clinic has a talented team of experienced chiropractors, massage therapists and personal trainers. They also offer a breadth of other services such as chiropractic for children and the elderly, chiropractic for pregnant women, treatments for headaches, running injuries, sports injuries, and other special add-on services such as nutritional counseling, lifestyle advice, and massage therapy.

To schedule your free consultation call the clinic’s 24-hour answering service at (612) 879-8000 or visit Lyn Lake Chiropractic at 2937 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis MN. The clinic also accepts walk-ins and “just driving by” appointments.

For more information about Lyn Lake Chiropractic visit Read Less

Fight For Air Climb - February 27, 2010

January 21, 2010
Fight For Air Climb - February 27, 2010

Lyn Lake Chiropractic our Minneapolis Chiropractors are proud sponsors of the Fight For Air Climb. We'll be there. We'll provide Massage Therapist, Personal Trainers and Chiropractors to help you make it to the top. We're trying to help raise $100,000.00 and so far we're at about 26% of the goal. Please join us or donate to support the cause. Drop by Lyn Lake Chiropractic and donate money and checks into our Donation Bucket for THE FIGHT FOR AIR CLIMB!

It's more than a walk, it's more than a run...go vertical for a unique challenge!
The Fight For Air CLIMB is a unique fundraising event for the American Lung Association. Sometimes called a "vertical road race" participants can use the event as a fitness target or as race. Climbers can enjoy the personal challenge or race against other climbers. In either case it's a great Quick read more or view full article way to be active.
Individuals and teams race, run or walk up the 660 steps to reach the top of the Accenture Tower. Create a team of friends, family or co-workers and compete together. This event is a great way to challenge yourself - whether your goal is just to reach the top or to be the first to cross the finish line - you will walk away with a newfound respect for your lungs!

Why Should You CLIMB?

Your support helps the American Lung Association in the Fight For Air. With lung disease on the rise, we are fighting for research that will find a cure for tomorrow. We are fighting for those who can't quit smoking and those who shouldn't start. We are fighting for lungs that burn from exercise rather than from ozone. We are fighting for asthma education to stop children from dying from asthma attacks. We are fighting for laws that improve air quality both inside and out. And we won't breathe easy until we win the fight.

The American Lung Association's climbs are a wonderful way to support someone who has lung disease or as a memorial to someone who has passed away.
The mission of the American Lung Association is to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease. With your generous support, the American Lung Association is "Fighting for Air" through research, education and advocacy.

Call Lyn Lake Chiropractic at 612-879-8000 or 1-800-LUNG-USA to contact your Local American Lung Association for more information about these events or:

Maura Studer

Director of Development

American Lung Association in Minnesota

490 Concordia Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103

(651) 223-9561 Read Less

Headaches helped by Chiropractic

January 3, 2010
Most people with headaches treat themselves with over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), acetaminophen (Tylenol) and naproxen (Aleve). If these fail to provide more than short-term relief (which they often do), other supportive treatments are available. It is important to remember that OTC medications may have side effects and potential interactions with prescription medications. This can lead to a whole host of problems and emphasizes the value of alternatives to drugs. Here are some of the most important (and effective) nonpharmaceutical options for dealing with headaches:

A Minneapolis Chiropractor:  I have never seen a headache patient who did not have some type of misalignment of the bones of the neck (cervical spine). It is amazing how much muscle spasm and tension can be caused by misaligned bones. When bones are even slightly out of alignment, the muscles attached to them become stressed, so they become tight. Tight Quick read more or view full article muscles restrict the flow of information through the nerves and circulation through the blood vessels. This can contribute to all sorts of problems, including headaches and neck pain.

Having your chiropractor adjust those spinal bones back into their normal alignment will reset your system. The joints will have better movement, the muscles can begin to relax on their own and the circulation and nervous systems can start to flow again. The spine and the bones of the extremities really do hold the key to feeling good for the long term.

Massage Therapy: A good therapeutic massage by a certified massage therapist can relax muscle tissue, improve circulation, and clear out the toxins that are trying to drain (lymphatic system). It is astonishing how much muscle tension accompanies any type of headache in the body. The muscles of the neck and upper back are among the most powerful in the body. After all, they have to hold up the head, which can weigh as much as a bowling ball.

When chiropractic and massage work together, patients will respond especially well to care. Consider having chiropractic and massage treatments within 36 hours of each other. This way, the adjustments and the muscle relaxation can work together.

Ergonomics:  Daily habits and body positions are extremely important when it comes to preventing headaches. For example, for many people, headaches start with something as simple as their pillow. In general, sleeping on your back is best with a pillow under your neck and head. If you are going to sleep on your side, the pillow needs to be wide enough to span the distance between your shoulders and neck. Custom-made pillows are now available to help give you the proper support you need. Ask your chiropractor for guidance in this area to help ensure you get the pillow that's best for you.

Your computer desk or workstation and telephone setup also need to be examined. Improper keyboard and monitor placement can cause eye strain and make you crane your neck for hours on end. A chair that is not adjusted properly or fit to your body type can stress the entire body, including the neck. All of these factors can contribute to headaches.

Exercise: Performed correctly, specific exercises can help strengthen upper back and neck muscles and improve posture, which will reduce the risk of muscle tension and poor-posture-related dysfunction that can contribute to headaches. Exercise also reduces emotional stress, which often goes hand in hand with a headache. Remember, make sure that the exercises you are performing do not strain any of your neck and upper back muscles. Consult with your doctor about the exercises you are doing to make sure they are not stressing your body too much and creating further problems.

Which Type(s) of Headache Do You Get?

Tension headaches are the most common type of headache, and yet their causes aren't well-understood. A tension headache is generally a diffuse, mild to moderate pain that many people describe as feeling as if there's a tight band around their head. As many as 90 percent of adults will suffer one or more tension headaches. Tension headaches are more common among women than men.
Migraine headaches - are the second most common type of headache. An estimated 28 million people in the United States (about 12 percent of the population) will experience migraine headaches at some point in their life. Migraine headaches affect children as well as adults. Before puberty, boys and girls are affected equally by migraine headaches, but after puberty, more females than males are affected. An estimated 6 percent of men and up to 18 percent of women will experience a migraine headache during their lifetime.

Cluster headaches are so named because the attacks come in groups. The pain arrives with little, if any, warning, and has been described as the most severe and intense of any headache type. It generally lasts from 30-45 minutes, although it might persist for several hours before disappearing. Unfortunately, the pain can recur later in the day. Most sufferers experience one to four headaches a day during a cluster period.

Cluster headaches frequently surface during the morning or late at night; the cluster cycle can last weeks or months and then can disappear for months or years. It is estimated that less than 1 percent of the population are victims of cluster headaches. More men (about five to one) than women suffer from cluster headaches.
There is no doubt that headaches of all types affect quality of life. Some people have occasional headaches that resolve quickly, while others are debilitated. Tension, migraine, and cluster headaches are not life-threatening. However, due to the quality and intensity of the pain, people often have trouble concentrating, and their work and home life suffer. In many cases, you hear of people having to go to sleep in order to make the headache disappear, which can be difficult to do when you're in pain.

What You Can Do to Get Rid of Headaches?

Most people with headaches treat themselves with over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications such as asprin (Motrin, Advil), (Tylenol) and  (Aleve). If these fail to provide more than short-term relief (which they often do), other supportive treatments are available. It is important to remember that OTC medications may have side effects and potential interactions with prescription medications. This can lead to a whole host of problems and emphasizes the value of alternatives to drugs.

Here are some of the most important (and effective) nonpharmaceutical options for dealing with headaches:

Chiropractic: I have never seen a headache patient who did not have some type of misalignment of the bones of the neck (cervical spine) which can cause neck pain and headaches. It is amazing how much muscle spasm and tension can be caused by misaligned bones. When bones are even slightly out of alignment, the muscles attached to them become stressed, so they become tight. Tight muscles restrict the flow of information through the nerves and circulation through the blood vessels. This can contribute to all sorts of problems, including headaches and neck pain.

Having your chiropractor adjust those spinal bones back into their normal alignment will reset your system. The joints will have better movement, the muscles can begin to relax on their own and the circulation and nervous systems can start to flow again. The spine and the bones of the extremities really do hold the key to feeling good for the long term.

Massage Therapy: A good therapeutic massage by a certified massage therapist can relax muscle tissue, improve circulation, and clear out the toxins that are trying to drain (lymphatic system). It is astonishing how much muscle tension accompanies any type of headache in the body. The muscles of the neck and upper back are among the most powerful in the body. After all, they have to hold up the head, which can weigh as much as a bowling ball.

When chiropractic and massage work together, patients will respond especially well to care. I suggest to my patients that they should have their massage and chiropractic treatments within 36 hours of each other. This way, the adjustments and the muscle relaxation can work together.

Ergonomics: Daily habits and body positions are extremely important when it comes to preventing headaches. For example, I have found that for many people, headaches start with something as simple as their pillow. In general, sleeping on your back is best with a pillow under your neck and head. If you are going to sleep on your side, the pillow needs to be wide enough to span the distance between your shoulders and neck. Custom-made pillows are now available to help give you the proper support you need. Ask your chiropractor for guidance in this area to help ensure you get the pillow that's best for you.

Your computer desk or workstation and telephone setup also need to be examined. Improper keyboard and monitor placement can cause eye strain and make you crane your neck for hours on end. A chair that is not adjusted properly or fit to your body type can stress the entire body, including the neck. All of these factors can contribute to headaches.

Exercise: Performed correctly, specific exercises can help strengthen upper back and neck muscles and improve posture, which will reduce the risk of muscle tension and poor-posture-related dysfunction that can contribute to headaches. Exercise also reduces emotional stress, which often goes hand in hand with a headache. Remember, make sure that the exercises you are performing do not strain any of your neck and upper back muscles. I often recommend my patients who are starting a fitness routine for the first time to consult with a personal trainer or physical therapist for at least 3-5 sessions to learn the proper techniques for exercises. For those of you already exercising, consult with your doctor about the exercises you are doing to make sure they are not stressing your body too much and creating further problems. Call your local Minneapolis chiropractor.

612.879.8000 Read Less

Merry Christmas - Lyn Lake Chiropractic

December 26, 2009
Lyn Lake Chiropractic and our family would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Years. Call our clinic for a free 15 minute massage and Free Consultation.


Sports Injuries and Running Injuries

December 14, 2009
Sports Injuries and Running Injuries-

Lyn Lake Chiropractic Chiropractors Specialize in Treating Athletes of All Levels:

Lyn Lake Chiropractic Specializes in treating Sports Injuries. They work with kids, weekend athletes, high school and college athletes, and pro athletes. Anyone that is active can end up with a sports injury that would benefit from being treated by a sports Minneapolis chiropractic clinic.

Many amateur and professional athletes are sidelined with injuries that could be avoided. Others sit it out on the bench because their injury does not respond to ordinary treatment. Still, others are playing, but at less than peak efficiency, simply because their structural system is not balance. Progressive coaches, athletes, and doctors are realizing that pain killing drugs are not the answer. They merely cover up the symptoms, deceiving the athlete into actions which could make the injury more serious and longer lasting. 

Lyn Lake Chiropractic's approach to health closely relates to the needs Quick read more or view full article of the sports participant. Most sports involve body contact, fast starts and stops, and body positioning that places an unusual amount of strain on the back and structural system. Lyn Lake Chiropractic considers a person as an integrated being, giving special attention to the spine, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. 

Sports chiropractic is a natural health care method that stresses the importance of keeping all the systems of the body functioning efficiently so the player enjoys peak performance, experiences a minimum injury risk, and has fast recuperative powers. 

Many world class and Olympic athletes, as well as professional stars and teams, have retained sports chiropractors to provide care. Joe Montana, Nolan Ryan, Muhammad Ali, Kareem Abdul-Jubbar, and Carl Lewis all utilize chiropractic care. The Players Association of the NFL has officially incorporated sports chiropractors as a regular part of care. Chiropractors have been selected as attending doctors at the Olympic Games and at national and world championships in track and field, cycling, volleyball, powerlifting, aerobics, and triathlons. Lyn Lake Chiropractic will not only help get you out of pain, but will try to find the cause so your symptoms don't return.

"Lifting weights and seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis has made me a better golfer. I've been going to a chiropractor for as long as I can remember. It's as important to my training as practicing my swing."   – Tiger Woods.

Running injuries, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, and foot pain can be treated with chiropractic.

Shin Splints
This running injury often causes pain along either side of the lower leg. Symptoms vary greatly from dull tightness to a painful area along the lower leg. Injuries have a higher incidence of occurrence in athletes starting a new running or aerobic program. 

Achilles Tendonitis
Inflammation of the tendon that connects the calf muscle to the heel. Can be stiff at the beginning of a run and feel better during the workout. Pain varies from dull ache to acute, knife-like pain. Which can cause pain with Achilles Tendonitis while running or walking.

Stress Fracture
Usually located in either the lower leg (tibia or fibula) or one of the metatarsals (toes), the 2nd and 3rd toes being the most common. This type of running injury can be difficult to diagnose in its early stages and can be confused with shin splints. 

Runners Knee
Knee Pain
Usual symptoms of this running injury include pain directly under the kneecap, or the surrounding area. Climbing or descending stairs may cause knee pain. Usually the runners knee - running injury responds well our minneapolis chiropractor.
Heel Pain - Arch Pain - Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis
Foot Pain
Common type of running injury - varies from a slight tightness in the bottom of the foot to an intense heel pain that may worsen when getting out of bed in the morning and then lessen after a few steps. The pain is often reproduced if the toes are dorsiflexed (pulled up). An X-ray will sometimes reveal the running injury, known as plantar fasciitis, (foot pain) as a "heel spur" on the bottom of the heel. This running injury is usually due to an over pronation of the foot and ankle while walking and running. 

With plantar fasciitis, the pain is more severe when running on the balls of the feet. If pain is more intense on heel contact, a condition called Heel Spur Syndrome could be present. Heel Spurs result from excessive ossification (bone formation) due to the constant pulling of the fascia at the point where the fascia inserts on the bottom of the heel, this can be extremely painful. Minneapolis Chiropractors can help with this issue with adjusting your feet, ankle and extremities, massage, ultrasound, laser, taping. Our Lyn Lake Chiropractic Chiropractors would be glad to assess your shoes, running shoes or sport shoes and suggest the proper shoe your body needs to help correct the problem.

Ilio-Tibial Band Syndrome
These running injuries can manifest themselves anywhere along the entire length of this highly fibrous connective tissue running from the top of the hip to just below the knee. At its worst, pain can be very intense at either the outside of the hip to the outside of the knee. A complete biomechanical evaluation, foot to hip, is needed to diagnose the problem and prevent further running injuries. Stretching can aggravate running injuries of this type.

Want to stay up to date on the best tips to avoid running injuries?
Call Lyn Lake Chiropractic. Read Less

Condition of the Month: Whiplash

December 6, 2009
Condition of the Month: Whiplash


An injury to the soft tissues of the neck that occurs from a sudden jerking or “whipping” of the head.  This type of motion strains the muscles and the ligaments of the neck beyond their normal range of motion.  Whiplash often occurs when a vehicle stops suddenly in a car crash or is struck from behind.  Either of these two actions causes things in the vehicle to be thrown forward…including passengers.  A seat belt will keep a person’s body from being thrown forward, but the head may snap forward, then backward, causing a whiplash injury in the neck.  In addition to car accidents, whiplash can be caused by roller coasters and other amusement park rides, sports injuries, or being punched or shaken.  (Whiplash is one of the hallmarks of shaken baby syndrome).


Chiropractic care works on correcting complications and relieving pain associated with whiplash injuries. If you, Quick read more or view full article or anyone you know are involved in a car accident call to see if chiropractic may be able to help you call Lyn Lake Chiropractic at 612-879-8000 for a complimentary consultation. Read Less

Press Releases for December 3, 2009

December 3, 2009
Press Releases for December 3, 2009

Lyn Lake Chiropractic Clinic Honored as 2009 Minneapolis, MN Talk of the Town Award Recipient
Lyn Lake Chiropractic, located in Minneapolis, MN, is awarded with the 2009 Talk of the Town Plaque of Honor for Excellence in Customer Satisfaction.

The Talk of the Town Awards are the only independent award that honors the best in business based on popular user reviews found on today's most active user review websites.

Minneapolis, MN (PRWEB) December 3, 2009 -- Lyn Lake Chiropractic clinic has been honored by Celebration Media U.S. as one of its 2009 Talk of the Town Award Recipients in the category of top Minneapolis, Minnesota chiropractors.

2009 Minneapolis Chiropractic Talk of the Town Award:

The Talk of the Town Awards recognize a host of businesses and professionals who have been noted by their customers through multiple websites for their excellent service and care. Research is collected and based Quick read more or view full article on high rankings from user review websites including,,,,, and

We pride ourselves on offering the best quality chiropractic care possible. For the Minneapolis community to rate us so highly tells us we are living up to the superior standards we strive to achieve.
Achieving five star ratings across numerous sites, the chiropractors, massage therapists and personal trainers at Lyn Lake Chiropractic have a strong record of customer satisfaction. The clinic is also recognized as the Official Chiropractor of the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon and accredited by the Better Business Bureau.

“We are honored to receive the 2009 Talk of the Town Plaque of Honor for Excellence in Customer Satisfaction,” says Dr. Kevin Schreifels, Doctor of Chiropractic and owner of Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

“We pride ourselves on offering the best quality chiropractic care possible. For the Minneapolis community to rate us so highly tells us we are living up to the superior standards we strive to achieve.”

Lyn Lake Chiropractic also offers other services, such as chiropractic for children and the elderly, chiropractic for pregnant women, treatments for headaches, running injuries, sports injuries, and other special add-on services such as nutritional counseling, lifestyle advice, and massage therapy.

To schedule your free consultation call the clinic’s 24-hour answering service at (612) 879-8000 or visit Lyn Lake Chiropractic at 2937 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis MN.

The clinic also accepts walk-ins and “just driving by” appointments.??For more information about Lyn Lake Chiropractic visit Read Less

Scheuermann’s and thoracic disc herniations

November 25, 2009
Due to the increase of patients with mid back pain we are seeing at Lyn Lake Chiropractic, we decided to write a little info blog to help educate people on a couple of topics.

Scheuermann’s and thoracic disc herniations. Please use this for information only and not for diagnosis or a treatment plan. Consult a Chiropractor or Medical Doctor. I wrote this to help one of my friends that recently had an MRI and had questions on what to do next.

Scheuermann’s kyphosis

This condition (also called Scheuermann’s disease) occurs when the front of the upper spine does not grow as fast as the back of the spine, so that the vertebrae become wedge-shaped, with the narrow part of the wedge in front. The wedge-shape of the vertebra creates an increase in the amount of normal kyphosis (front angulation of the thoracic spine)

The wedging of vertebrae in Scheuermann’s kyphosis is most Quick read more or view full article common in the thoracic spine (upper back), with the apex of the curve typically between the T7 and T9 levels of the spine. Although less common, Scheuermann’s kyphosis may also occur in the junction between the thoracic and lumbar spine (thoracolumbar spine) or in the lumbar spine (lower back).

The cause of Scheuermann's disease is unknown, but is thought to be due to a growth abnormality of the vertebral body. The growth plate anteriorly (in the front) stops growing but the posterior part of the growth plate continues to grow. This is due to a condition known as osteochondrosis.
Scheuermann’s disease does not spread and is not really a “disease” but a condition that can arise during growth. It is more common in males and appears in adolescents usually towards the end of their growth spurt. If the roundback deformity is severe, patients are more likely to have discomfort or pain along with the deformity as they age.

Treatment options for Scheuermann's disease:

Treatment will vary depending on the size of the curve, the flexibility of the curve, the patient’s age and the patient’s preferences.

Chiropractic is extremely important for anyone with Scheuermann, Sheuermanns does not make the discs brittle. What chiropractic will do is ensure that the joints in the back have motion in them because as the joints lose their motion they begin to degenerate (you don't use it, you lose it). So it is particularly important for people with Sheuermanns to have their spine adjusted by a chiropractor because there’s already some degree of spinal degeneration involved with the disease. Chiropractic will not cure this disease however many people have found it to help decrease the curve and keep it from getting worse.

Some other thoughts on treating these symptoms:

Chiropractic adjustments of the spine are beneficial, increasing the movement and nutrition of the joints

Exercise has been proved to help with the treatment of Scheuermanns disease, but contact sport like rugby and karate are forbidden. The vertebral endplates are fragile leading to fragmentation of the bone and cartilage. Obviously trauma should be avoided.

Specific exercises to strengthen the muscles between the shoulder blades are advised. Either by your chiropractor or P.T.
Using a foam roller, over which the back is gently extended is recommended and flexion distraction.
Swimming, particularly breaststroke and backstroke, is excellent.

Thoracic Herniated Discs

Any injury that causes a high degree of sudden force on the discs in the upper spine could lead to a thoracic herniated disc. Examples of a traumatic event that may lead to a thoracic herniated disc include a fall, car accident or sports injury that places sudden force on the upper back.
Thoracic herniated discs tend to occur in younger patients prior to significant degenerative disc changes. While in most cases some history of mild trauma has led to an exacerbation of the patient’s symptoms, a mild trauma (such as reaching up while twisting) will usually just worsen symptoms from a degenerated disc. Regardless of the cause of the thoracic back pain, getting a correct diagnosis is critical because it will guide treatment of the thoracic herniated disc. Thoracic disc disease is conceptually similar to disc disorders in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, but symptomatic lesions (anatomical problems related to the symptoms) are far less common.

The most common location for thoracic disc disorders is at the thoracolumbar, mid back pain (the thoracic and lumbar parts of the spinal column) junction (T8-T12) in the mid back. The true incidence is unknown because many thoracic disc disorders do not cause thoracic back pain or other symptoms, and they comprise only a very small percent of all herniated disc surgeries.

In one study, 90 asymptomatic patients (with no pain or other symptoms) were evaluated with thoracic MRI scans. These were the findings:

1. 73% of patients were found to have disc abnormalities in the upper back, such as a thoracic herniated disc.
2. 37% specifically had a thoracic herniated disc.
3. 29% had radiographic evidence of spinal cord impingement identified on the MRI.

These patients were followed for 26 months and none of them developed thoracic back pain from their thoracic disc disorders. The fact that so many people had thoracic herniated discs but no pain or symptoms is important to mention, as it shows that people may have both upper back pain and a thoracic herniated disc, but that the disc disorder may not be the cause of the thoracic back pain – it may just be an incidental finding. In fact, there are many causes of upper back pain that are much more common than a herniated disc.

Thoracic Disc Herniation Treatment

The vast majority of thoracic disc herniation can be treated without thoracic surgery. There are a variety of non-surgical treatment options that can be tried, and often patients will need to try several, or a combination of different treatments, to find what works best for them.

1. A short period of rest (e.g. one or two days) and activity modification (eliminating the activities and positions that worsen or cause the thoracic back pain). After a short period or rest, the patient should return to activity as tolerated. Gentle exercise, such as walking, is a good way to return to activity.
2. Narcotic and non-narcotic analgesic medications to help reduce the thoracic back pain. Narcotic pain medication is usually only prescribed to treat severe upper back pain for a short period of time. For mild or moderate thoracic back pain, an over-the-counter pain reliever such as acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) is commonly recommended for thoracic herniated discs.
3. Anti-inflammatory agents, to help reduce inflammation around the herniated disc in the upper back, including:

  • Medications NSAIDS – Advils, oral steroids.
  • Anti-inflammatory injections – epidural steroid injections.
  • Ice packs - applied to the painful area for 15–20 minutes at a time, as often as necessary.
  • Strengthening exercises - stabilization exercises do not directly affect the herniated disc, but they
    can stabilize the thoracic spine muscles. This has an effect of decreasing the load experienced by
    the disc and vertebrae. Stronger, well balanced muscles help control the thoracic spine and
    minimize the risk or injury to the nerves and the disc.
  • Manual manipulation - usually performed by chiropractor.

    The patient’s activity levels should be progressed gradually over a 6 to 12 week period as symptoms improve. In the vast majority of cases, the natural history of thoracic disc herniation is one of improvement with one or a combination of the above conservative (non-operative) treatments.

    Thoracic Surgery

    Most often surgery is recommended if more conservative measures do not relieve your symptoms. Thoracic herniated disc surgery is reserved for cases of myelopathy (Defined: Disorder in which the tissue of the spinal cord is diseased or damaged.), progressive extremity weakness, and intolerable radicular pain that does not get better with non-surgical treatments.

    In cases where thoracic surgery was indicated, two researchers evaluated 19 patients treated with either costotransversectomy or trans-thoracic decompression of a thoracic disc herniation.

    The following was reported:

  • 16 patients with good or excellent outcomes
  • 3 patients with fair or poor results
  • 2 of the poor outcomes were in the costotransversectomy group.

    With these results in mind, the researchers opined that the trans-thoracic approach should be the preferred.

    Another approach you can try - supplements:

    Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are components of normal cartilage. In the body, they are the building blocks for cartilage and appear to stimulate the body to make more cartilage.

    Many people with back pain especially osteoarthritis use supplements in their diet to ease the pain of. Glucosamine and chondroitin are the most well-known and best tested.

    Glucosamine works to improve the condition of the cartilage of the body. The cartilage is a fibrous substance most often found in our joints. One of its main functions is to attach bones to other surfaces of the body such as tendons Glucosamine works by making the cartilage stronger and more pliable.

    Chondroitin is another substance that is normally found in the cartilage in joints and disc of the body. It is responsible for improving the ability of cartilage to defend itself against stress. It also helps to inhibit action on the part of certain enzymes that have the ability to break down the cartilage of the joints. Several clinical trials have shown that when chondroitin was taken regularly long term, people had reduced pain and inflammation.

    MSM or methyl sulfonylmethane is a herbal supplement that is sulfur based. This substance is a naturally found sulfur and is normally found in the foods that humans and animals eat on a daily basis. The way that this substance works is that it reduces inflammation. It also has been shown to reduce painful sensation by stopping or reducing the pain impulses that are relayed on the nerve fibers from the body part through the nervous system to the brain.

    The combination of the three supplements gives the consumer the best combination possible. Glucosamine and chondroitin help to improve the structure of the cartilage as well as reducing inflammation while MSM quickly reduces inflammation and pain that comes along with these illnesses. The addition of MSM can give people much quicker results as well as an added boost in a well rounded combination of herbs for issues such as we have discussed here.

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic likes to use a product by Metagenics.

    Chondro-Relief Intensive Care: Ingredients -

    Glucosamine Hydrochloride, Chondroitin Sulfate, MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), Vitamin C (Manganese ascorbate),
    Manganese (Manganese ascorbate), Hyaluronic Acid.

    What Lyn Lake Chiropractic would do to treat these issues.

    We would provide chiropractic adjustments, Ultrasound, Cold Laser treatment, EMS, Hot or Cold Packs, Massage, Therapeutic Exercises, Traction and more! If you want us to help set you up on some core exercise, you can meet one of our Certified Personal Trainers at no cost.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at Lyn Lake Chiropractic and we would be glad to help point you in the right direction. If needed, we will refer you to either a Neurologist and/or Neurosurgeon for a second opinion on what you should do next. I hope this helps! Read Less
  • How do you find out if you have a subluxation

    November 22, 2009
    We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. We have a significant health problem in this country. A different way of thinking about health is the key to unlocking this problem. The current healthcare model is failing and relying on it can be dangerous to your health. Your body is programmed for health and balance and has the intelligence to return to health and full function if given the opportunity with keeping your spine and nervous system unblocked and free of interference such as a subluxation in your spine. Your spine is the life-line of your body. Every family should have a chiropractor as part of your lifetime wellness team.

    This healthcare system really is about disease and when you apply such a system to a population you get a sick population.

    Current health statistics and trends:

    16,000 death per year from taking Quick read more or view full article NSAIDS ie: Advils, 900,000 people died of heart disease a year, 82% coronary disease cases in 84,000 female nurses found to be lifestyle related. Obesity is up over 60% in the past 10 years, Type 2 diabetes up over 90% in the past 10 years.

    Solution to these problems is not more than different strategies and behaviors. Chiropractic represents an entirely different health model. Our focus is on health promotion rather than treatment of disease. We recognize health comes from inside out. We believe there as an intelligence in the body that guided its formation from two cells and has the ability if uninterrupted can heal the body.

    Life energy is flowing through your nerves, like the electricity flowing through your household appliances. If you have a cut in the line you have no or less function to that appliance or body part. Which could be a pinched nerve causing numbness, pain or tingling into your legs or arms. Headaches, neck pain, low back pain and more can be caused by a subluxation, or simply put a pinched nerve from a bone out of place or a muscle putting pressure on your nervous system.

    How do you find out if you have a subluxation or a bone out of place? The same way you find out if you have a cavity in your mouth, you get checked out. Many conditions will not cause symptoms until it's too late.

    Subluxation is just a condition, so by getting adjusted by your chiropractor will not only remove your pain but will help keep you healthy. The role of chiropractic in lifetime family wellness is to keep your goal of staying healthy throughout your lives.

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic will give you a free consultation and a free 15 minute massage to anyone who wants to get their spine checked for subluxations. If we feel you're a chiropractic patient we can help, and you feel you want to become our patient we will check on your health insurance to see what is covered, if you don't have insurance or have a high deductible we will work with you to make it affordable. From this point we will schedule an exam and x-rays and find out what is causing your problems.

    Get checked today! Please call us or find a chiropractor near your home and ask for a through exam. Stay healthy! Read Less

    Chiropractic supports massage therapy

    November 18, 2009
    Chiropractic Care for your Pain
    Both long-term muscle tension and sudden impacts, such as a fall, car accident, whiplash can pull and hold your joints out of normal alignment. These misalignments, called subluxations, can disrupt nerve transmissions, especially in the spine which houses nerves affecting the entire body. The result is pain or other symptoms, such as numbness or tingling, both at the site of the misalignment and frequently at related sites elsewhere in the body.
    Lyn Lake Chiropractic chiropractors uses manipulations to return your joint to its normal position and restore joint mobility. Often, this restores balance within your body, allowing a return to optimal, pain-free health or other symptoms, such as numbness or tingling, or other symptoms, such as numbness or tingling, both at the site of the misalignment and frequently at related sites elsewhere in the body.

    Soft tissue components of your pain
    Joint subluxations, troublesome enough on their own, are Quick read more or view full article almost always accompanied by tension or injury in your soft tissue: muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia (connective tissue that permeates muscles and forms protective sheets throughout your body). Soft tissue pain can actually spread because it causes protective muscle tightening in surrounding areas. Over time, tight, inflamed muscles and fascia (together called myofascia) suffer poor circulation and can develop glue-like myofascial adhesions which prevent muscles from lengthening completely. Painful trigger points can also develop, often referring pain or tingling to other areas in the body. In extreme cases, tight muscles can compress nerves just as painfully as a subluxation.

    Why soft tissue is important
    Addressing soft tissue problems is an important complement to chiropractic care. This is because muscles move joints, while ligaments and fascia support them. If a subluxation is adjusted without addressing related soft tissue problems, you may still experience pain. In addition, your tight muscles and shortened fascia can pull your joint out of alignment again.

    Massage therapy supports Chiropractic
    You can benefit in a number of ways by adding massage therapy to your chiropractic care. Recovery is normally faster and more complete when you address multiple components of your pain. Chiropractic treatment often proceeds more easily, with less discomfort, when soft tissue has been relaxed with massage. You may be less anxious and more ready to receive chiropractic adjustment after a relaxing massage. Adjustments frequently last longer when muscle tension is released that might otherwise pull your joints out of alignment again.

    Chiropractic supports massage
    If you are seeking massage therapy for pain but find your pain Persists, recurs or even worsens after your massage, chiropractic could help in these ways: . If your pain involves a subluxation, chiropractic adjustment may give immediate relief as your joint is restored to alignment and mobility. You may find that surrounding soft tissue heals quickly once it is no longer subjected to the stress of misaligned joints. The joint movement in chiropractic adjustments can sometimes relax deep layers of soft tissue that can be difficult to reach with massage. . Your chiropractor can use x-rays and manual diagnostic techniques to evaluate other possible causes for your pain and can make appropriate referrals if necessary. Read Less

    Back Pain Treatment Less Costly With Chiropractic

    November 15, 2009
    I thought this is something to share.

    Back Pain Treatment Less Costly With Chiropractic Care

    The report appears in the Oct. 11 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.

    Although the researchers did not look at patient satisfaction in this study, Metz says company studies show that 95% of chiropractic care patients are satisfied with the care they receive.
    Patients often say they are satisfied with the chiropractic care they receive, says Scott Boden, MD, director of the Emory Orthopaedic and Spine Center in Atlanta.

    "Chiropractic patients tend to be satisfied because of the hands-on attention they get," Boden tells WebMD. "But there are different schools of chiropractic and different kinds of chiropractors. There are some that make accurate medial diagnoses and give appropriate treatments, and there are those that treat less well-documented disorders with treatments that may not be of acceptable quality. There is a wide range of variation."

    Doctors, too, vary in the quality of Quick read more or view full article care they offer back pain patients, Boden says. Patients without chiropractic care coverage may first see general practitioners who may run up health care costs by prematurely sending patients off to get expensive tests and treatments.

    "A disease like back pain can have a lot of variability in the ways medical professionals approach patient care," Boden says. "The best thing is to have an organized, integrated approach that uses state-of-the-art and cost-effective care. Many -- if not most -- primary care providers have little training in how to manage musculoskeletal disorders. That leads to some of the costs. If you were to match a chiropractic network against trained physicians instead of general medical practitioners, you might get different results." Read Less

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome- Lyn Lake Chiropractic

    November 9, 2009
    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Is it difficult to grasp a jar, bottle, or cup? Have you lost the strength to twist open a large jar? Do you have tingling or numbness in your hand, wrist, or fingers? Or, does your wrist just plain hurt? If you have some or all of these symptoms, you may have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

    What is CTS? It is common to hear this term used frequently when patients have wrist or hand pain. The human body has two long bones that start at the elbow and extend to our wrists. These bones are called the ulna and the radius. Connective tissue attaches the bones near the wrist from one side to the other. Picture in your mind, a piece of silk attached to both bones and pulled tightly. The pressure on the nerves below is the most common cause of true carpal tunnel syndrome.

    Fortunately, Quick read more or view full article not all wrist pain should be called CTS. It is important to determine, if in fact, the symptoms are being caused by the pressure on the nerves of the wrist, or if there is a different cause of the problem. It is VERY common for these types of symptoms to exist when there is a neck misalignment, history of auto injury, or other spinal conditions. The nerves of the neck control all the nerves of our arms and hands. If the nerves of the neck are being compressed, wrist and hand pain is a common symptom. Lyn Lake Chiropractors are trained to determine whether your condition is a true carpal tunnel syndrome.

    How can Lyn Lake Chiropractic Help you?
    In some cases Lyn Lake Chiropractic can use physio therapy (Ultrasound, EMS, Massage, Graston, Kinesio Taping, Cold Laser Treatment) and/or manipulation of the wrist to alleviate the symptoms of true CTS. In more serious cases, a surgical referral may be required. If it is determined by the Chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic, that the cause of your symptoms are due to a neck-related situation, a series of chiropractic adjustments may be recommended. Whatever the cause, be assured that we will do our best to lead you in the most appropriate direction for the resolution of your health issue. If you have any questions please Call Lyn Lake Chiropractic or your local chiropractor. Read Less

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic and Flu Season

    November 5, 2009
    Your best defense against flu during the winter season is having a STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM. Regular chiropractic adjustments improve nerve and body function ensuring your immunity at its peak! See your local chiropractor now and stay healthy.

    Free Consultation at Lyn Lake Chiropractic located in Uptown, Minneapolis Minnesota. Our Minneapolis Chiropractor has a decade of experience in keeping you on the Best Wellness Plan.

    Children Chiropractic - Lyn Lake Chiropractic

    November 4, 2009
    Children Chiropractic Care

    At Lyn Lake Chiropractic, we recognize that children often have a need for children chiropractic care. While resilient and quick to heal, children are subjected to numerous factors that can result in injury and illness. The very events of birth and infancy can represent most of our earliest trauma to the spine and nervous system. Toddlers, faced with the challenges of learning to crawl and walk are constantly straining and falling. Preschool and elementary aged children play relentlessly hard and do not always exercise the best judgment concerning risk. Older children often develop poor posture, engage in physically demanding sports and are faced with ever increasing workloads at school. Late teens and graduates are often starting their first jobs and are not work hardened to all the physical and mentally fatiguing demands of the work force.

    In our Chiropractic Clinic, we treat children and family members of all ages. Quick read more or view full article As parents ourselves, we want the best for your children as for our own. We believe childhood should be free of pain, discomfort and distress as possible. Chiropractic care offers conservative treatment for a host of problems for even the youngest of children. Chiropractic care in our office begins with a complete history and physical examination irregardless of the age of the patient. For those children still too young to communicate their distress, Our Chiropractors will thoroughly explore the history of the child's condition with you as the parent. Only after a careful examination, a detailed explanation of your child's condition and having obtained your consent as a parent will age appropriate treatment begin children's chiropractic care.

    Dr Jill Field and Dr Kevin Schreifels have adjusted many children at all ages. Question I would ask, if the chiropractor that is about to adjust your children? Do they have children of their own? Being a father of 3 children, and many nephews and nieces our chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic have the knowledge and personal experience. Read Less

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic supports Team Minnesota USA

    October 31, 2009
    Our patients at Lyn Lake Chiropractic in Minneapolis Minnesota would like to ask everyone to cheer our guys on in the NYC marathon...Good Luck Team USA

    Jason Lehmkuhle, Josh Moen to Compete at USA Men's Marathon Championship in New York City on Nov. 1

    Minneapolis/St. Paul - Oct. 28, 2009 - Team USA Minnesota's Jason Lehmkuhle and Josh Moen will be among the competitors at the USA Men's Marathon Championship hosted by the ING New York City Marathon on Nov. 1. The two will be part of a deep American field contesting the national marathon along with some of the world's best international marathoners who will be in the mix for the open prize purse and overall title. Between the open division for men and women and the USA Championship division and other awards, the prize money purse totals $800,000 for the 40th running of the New York City Marathon.

    Lehmkuhle's credentials include Quick read more or view full article a fifth place finish at the U.S. Men's Olympic Marathon Trials held in New York's Central Park in November 2007 followed by an eighth place finish at the ING New York City Marathon in 2008. He has a best in the distance of 2:12:54. This fall, Lehmkuhle placed third at the USA 20k Championships on Labor Day in a personal best time of 59:04, placed second at the Cow Harbor 10k in 29:18, and was fourth at the USA Men's 10 Mile Championship in a personal best of 47:16.

    "I've run three races this fall and they have all gone very well with new PRs at 20k and 10 miles," said Lehmkuhle. "These fast races are certainly a positive indicator, but, in my experience, good races at shorter distances are certainly no guarantee of marathon success. My training has been very good during this buildup. Generally, the marathon-specific workouts have been on par with my best ever.

    "This year's ING New York City Marathon is probably the deepest American field since the 2007 Olympic Marathon Trials and definitely the most competitive marathon field top to bottom that I have ever run in. It's exciting to be part of. I think I can run in the 2:11 to 2:12 range in New York and I'm going to focus on that. The goal for me in a marathon this top-heavy is to run a smart race, finish well over the last four miles and, in the process, maybe run down a few guys who should beat me on paper."

    Moen will be running in his second marathon at the New York Championship, having run his first at the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon in 2008 in a race that was marked by heavy rain and wind. His time was 2:23:16. During 2009, Moen has continually improved, setting personal bests in the 5000 and 10,000 meters on the track of 13:35.73 and 28:26.26 respectively. On the roads, he was sixth at the USA 7 Mile Championships in July and second at the USA Men's 10 Mile Championship on Oct. 4 in a personal best time of 46:38. In addition, this fall Moen won the Victory 10k and the Run for Oromia 5k, both in Minneapolis.

    "My training this year for the marathon has been different in that I've done more racing and actually done less work than in the past," said Moen, who joined Team USA Minnesota in August 2008. "This has made my legs feel fresher and given me more of a pop in my stride. Jason and I have been doing the harder workouts together.

    "I think New York will go very well. I'm not sure how well but it's going to be good. I want to run competitively to the end in the U.S. Championship. Jason has given me some insights from his experience at New York. I'm expecting Manhattan to be the point where I need to relax and not be fueled too much by the crowds as there will still be nine miles to go."

    NBC Sports will televise the 40th running of the ING New York City Marathon on Nov. 1 at 2 p.m. (Eastern) in a two-hour tape delay coverage. The women's professional field starts at 9:10 a.m., the men's championship and open field begins at 9:40, followed by a wave of runners at 10:00 and at 10:20. A record field of more than 40,000 runners from around the globe will take to the streets of New York. The 26.2-mile race will be seen by 2.5 million spectators lined along the route as runners pace through New York City's five boroughs -Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Manhattan, and finish at Tavern on the Green in Central Park. Read Less

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic - Torticollis, Neck Pain

    October 26, 2009
    Neck pain comes from a variety of sources.  We will go into the most commonly seen  problems here:
    Acute Torticollis ( sore neck ):  You and I have both had the problem at least once in our lives.  You know it when you get it, too!  You didn't sleep very well and you woke up to realize you can't move your head because your neck is so stiff and painful.  You may even have to hold onto your head to lift it off the pillow.  Wow, talk about waking up on the wrong side of the bed!  Well, as I said, you are not alone, and we can help.  Torticollis is the fancy word for my head doesn't want to move.  It is caused by the tightening of the muscles of the neck and, in the acute case, oftentimes associated with misalignment of the spine.  Torticollis usually lasts up to two Quick read more or view full article weeks.  None of us has time for that, so come in as soon as you can.  We will get you adjusted, on physical therapy modalities and massaged.  By the time you wake up the next morning you will be at least 50% better.  Usually it takes 3 consecutive days of adjustments to get you back to feeling yourself again.  Some cases are tougher than others, but we will do our best to get you back as quickly as possible.
    Chiropractors offers a treatment option for neck pain that is utilized by millions of patients. Chiropractors are doctors who specialize in the care of non-surgical conditions of the neck pain with gentle, time-saving approaches that address the mechanical (how the spine moves) and neurological (nerve-related) causes of sore neck pain.
    Why Consult a Chiropractor? ?Chiropractors are rigorously trained to diagnosis the different types of neck pain conditions and to then recommend specific treatment approaches for those conditions.
    Your local chiropractors are specialists in spinal manipulation—an active, hands-on care that returns motion to the spine. With a return of normal spinal mechanics, muscles relax and pain is resolved. Restricted spinal motion—meaning that the spine doesn't move as easily as it should—can cause some pretty sore neck pain.
    If you wake up with that neck pain call your local chiropractor or Lyn Lake Chiropractic and get out of pain. Read Less

    Boost Your Immune System With Chiropractic Care

    October 21, 2009
    Boost Your Immune System With Chiropractic Adjustments

    Boosting the Immune System with Chiropractic Adjustments:

    In a study of 107 people who had long term chiropractic care, all were generally normal. Their immune systems had no reason to produce resistance to disease. The chiropractic patient also had 200% greater immune-competency than people who had not received chiropractic care and 400% more than those with cancer or other serious diseases.

    The immune-competence did not decline with age; it was uniform for the entire group.?M.N.M. **Study by Dr. Ronald Pero, Ph.D 1975. New York Preventative Medicine Institute and Environmental Health at NYU. (David Singer, 1993)?Nobel Prize winner for brain research, Dr. Roger Sperry discovered that the more misalignments in the spine, the less energy was available for thinking, healing and metabolizing.?

    The Effects of Specific Upper Cervical Adjustments on the CD4 counts of HIV Positive Patients:?

    A 48% increase in the CD4 cells was demonstrated over Quick read more or view full article six month duration of the study for the adjusted group. Chiropractic Research Journal : Volume 3. (1) 1994.

    Chiropractic Wellness Care:
  • Should begin at birth.
  • Encourages early detection and correction of spinal problems before they become chronic.?
  • Establishes a strong, straight, stable spine that is CLEAR of nerve interference!
  • Removes interference to your central nervous system.?
  • Corrects vertebral subluxations.
  • Helps restore the body’s in-born, built in ability to heal itself.

    Who do you care about that would like to be healthier? Have them call Lyn Lake Chiropractic. Read Less
  • Lyn Lake Chiropractic wants you to be safe - snow!

    October 18, 2009
    Snow Shoveling Safely
    Tips On Proper Technique And Precautionary Measures

    Winer is coming so we at Lyn Lake Chiropractic thought we'd send out a blog on shoveling safety:

    Be careful, because all that beautiful white snow can be deadly. Heart attacks, back strain and muscle soreness are just a few of the problems attributed to shoveling snow.

    If you shovel for 30 minutes, you'll clear away 200 calories along with the snow. Snow shoveling is very demanding on the body. Typical winter conditions (a little more than an inch of snowfall and temperatures that dip below 20 degrees) cause death rates from heart attacks to triple among men 35 to 49 years old. Shoveling snow can be very dangerous if the right precautions aren't taken.

    What makes shoveling more dangerous than other average tasks around the house is the temperature. Your heart rate and blood pressure increase during strenuous activity. That, coupled with the body's Quick read more or view full article natural reflex to constrict arteries and blood vessels when exposed to the cold, is a recipe for a heart attack.

    Snow shoveling can certainly be good exercise. But there are certain higher risk groups who should think twice before picking up that shovel.

    If you've ever had a heart attack, if you have heart disease, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, you probably don't want to do the shoveling yourself. At the very least, you should consult your doctor before attempting it.

    Smokers may want to resort to that snow blower - and certainly you should never smoke while shoveling. Tobacco smoke constricts blood vessels just as cold air does; the combination can be dangerous.

    And if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you could be putting yourself at risk. You don't want very strenuous snow shoveling to be the only thing you've gotten off the couch for in a month. It's definitely something that needs to be worked up to.

    Here are some tips to make shoveling safer:

    Always remember to dress warmly. You may be working up a sweat, but that doesn't mean you're immune to the effects of the cold.

    Don't feel you need to get the whole driveway cleared in one shot. Take breaks every 15 minutes.

    Go inside for some hot chocolate, but don't drink coffee. The caffeine may increase your heart rate and cause your blood vessels to constrict, just like smoking does.

    Keep hydrated. Drink plenty of water.

    And most importantly, know the warning signs of a heart attack. These may include chest pain, shoulder, neck or arm pain; dizziness, fainting, sweating or nausea; or shortness of breath. And if you think you're having a heart attack, seek medical help immediately.

    When shoveling, it's important to avoid back strain. The average shovel (loaded with 16 pounds of snow) ends up moving 192 pounds of snow, if you load your shovel about 12 times a minute. That's almost 2,000 pounds being lifted in just over 10 minutes!

    Here is how to shovel properly:
    Lift with your legs, not your back. Bend your knees and keep your back as straight as possible so that the lifting comes from your leg muscles, not your back. Never bend at the waist. Step in the direction that you're throwing snow. This will help prevent the lower back from twisting and will help alleviate any lower back pain soreness that you might typically experience the day after a hard shoveling job.
    Create some distance between the hands. This will give you more leverage and make it easier to lift snow.
    Pick up smaller loads of snow. It's best to shovel by sections. If you're shoveling deep snow (a foot or more), take it easy and shovel two or three inches off at a time.
    Do push. Don't lift. Save your back and your energy by simply pushing the snow to the side instead of lifting the snow and throwing it off to the side.
    If you have any slight pain in your back, the quicker you get into our chiropractic clinic the faster you can get back out there shoveling pain free. Lyn Lake Chiropractic located in minneapolis offer free consultations. Read Less

    Good Night's Sleep with Lyn Lake Chiropractic

    October 13, 2009
    Getting a Good Night's Sleep

    Americans spend more than $2 billion each year on sleep-aiding medications. Sleep is supposed to be a natural process. What's going on? There are many issues in the way of getting a good night's sleep. Daily stresses - work problems, financial difficulties, family challenges - can all keep a person up at night. We rehash what was said over and over again, or we endlessly review the problems confronting us, creating more anxiety and worry while the minutes and maybe even hours tick away.

    Eating late at night - particularly fat-filled foods and snacks - may also interfere with a person's ability to fall asleep and sleep restfully. Late night meals engage all the resources of your digestive system - your body is actually doing a lot of work when it's supposed to be resting. Not good. And, of course, a lot of this late Quick read more or view full article night food is stored as fat, creating additional problems.

    Not enough exercise also contributes to lack of restful sleep. When you're doing vigorous physical work, your body needs to recover. Sleep allows your body to repair and rebuild, getting stronger in the process. Regardless of one's stresses and worries, vigorous exercise makes a physical demand on your body that will put you right to sleep.

    If you're not exercising regularly, this strong physiologic need for deep rest is missing, and you'll likely be tossing and turning the night away.

    Old, soft, lumpy mattresses are another potential sleep-disturber. But too-firm mattresses may also cause problems. A good mattress is supportive and comfortable - it "gives" in all the right places and provides a balanced, springy platform for a restful night's sleep. The solutions are straightforward and none of them involve medication. Regular exercise is the key ingredient. With consistent exercise, your body's need for sleep will win out over your conscious mind's automatic mechanism of repeatedly processing the day's events.

    Chiropractic care may be another key ingredient. Gentle chiropractic treatment ensures that all your body's systems are talking to each other and the right messages are getting through. Chiropractic treatment ensures clear communication from one body system to another. Late at night, systems shut down when they're supposed to and the result is a good night's sleep. Our Lyn Lake Chiropractic Chiropractors will be glad to provide you with important information on customized exercise and nutrition programs that will help you continue to be healthy and well. Read Less

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic - Review We want to Share!

    October 11, 2009
    "For ANYONE who doesn't know if they believe in chiropractic care or has questions, Lyn Lake Chiropractic is your answer!! I've been to other chiropractors,I can compare and this is the BEST chiropractor I've EVER been to ANYWHERE! from the second I walked in to their friendly office to my warm goodbye and future appointment booked, i knew I came to the right place. The care was so thorough and specific to my needs i was blown away. You should experience what everyone is talking about! Lyn Lake chiropractic is amazing! I can't wait to come back, Thank you LLC, Dr. Jill and Dr. Kevin rock!!!!!!"

    Neck Pain, whiplash, Lyn Lake Chiropractic

    October 9, 2009
    Neck Pain, whiplash and Chiropractic: Conservative Care of Cervical Pain, Injury and treatment at Lyn Lake Chiropractic

    Your neck, also called the cervical spine, begins at the base of the skull and contains seven small vertebrae. Incredibly, the cervical spine supports the full weight of your head, which is on average about 12 pounds. While the cervical spine can move your head in nearly every direction, this flexibility makes the neck very susceptible to pain and injury.

    The neck's susceptibility to injury is due in part to biomechanics. Activities and events that affect cervical biomechanics include extended sitting, repetitive movement, accidents, falls and blows to the body or head, normal aging, and everyday wear and tear. Neck pain can be very bothersome, and it can have a variety of causes.

    Here are some of the most typical causes of neck pain:

    Injury and whiplash due to Auto Accident Injury: A sudden forced movement Quick read more or view full article of the head or neck in any direction and the resulting "rebound" in the opposite direction is known as whiplash. The sudden "whipping" motion injures the surrounding and supporting tissues of the neck and head. Muscles react by tightening and contracting, creating muscle fatigue, which can result in pain and stiffness. Severe whiplash can also be associated with injury to the intervertebral joints, discs, ligaments, muscles, and nerve roots. Car accidents are the most common cause of whiplash.

    Growing Older: Degenerative disorders such as osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disc disease directly affect the spine.
  •     Osteoarthritis, a common joint disorder, causes progressive deterioration of cartilage. The body reacts by forming bone spurs that affect joint motion.
  •     Spinal stenosis causes the small nerve passageways in the vertebrae to narrow, compressing and trapping nerve roots. Stenosis may cause neck, shoulder, and arm pain, as well as numbness, when these nerves are unable to function normally.
  •     Degenerative disc disease can cause reduction in the elasticity and height of intervertebral discs. Over time, a disc may bulge or herniate, causing tingling, numbness, and pain that runs into the arm.

    Daily Life: Poor posture, obesity, and weak abdominal muscles often disrupt spinal balance, causing the neck to bend forward to compensate. Stress and emotional tension can cause muscles to tighten and contract, resulting in pain and stiffness. Postural stress can contribute to chronic neck pain with symptoms extending into the upper back and the arms.
    Chiropractic Care of Neck Pain?During your visit, Lyn Lake Chiropractic will perform exams to locate the source of your pain and will ask you questions about your current symptoms and remedies you may have already tried. For example:
  •     When did the pain start?
  •     What have you done for your neck pain?
  •     Does the pain radiate or travel to other parts of your body?
  •     Does anything reduce the pain or make it worse?

    Chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic  in Minneapolis MN will also do physical and neurological exams. In the physical exam, your doctor will observe your posture, range of motion, and physical condition, noting movement that causes pain. Your doctor will feel your spine, note its curvature and alignment, and feel for muscle spasm. A check of your shoulder area is also in order. During the neurological exam, your doctor will test your reflexes, muscle strength, other nerve changes, and pain spread.

    In some instances, the chiropractor might order tests to help diagnose your condition. Our Digital
    x-rays can show narrowed disc space, fractures, bone spurs, or arthritis. A computerized axial tomography scan (a CT or CAT scan) or a magnetic resonance imaging test (an MRI) can show bulging discs and herniations. If nerve damage is suspected, your doctor may order a special test called electromyography (an EMG) to measure how quickly your nerves respond.

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic are conservative care doctors; their scope of practice does not include the use of drugs or surgery. If your chiropractor diagnoses a condition outside of this conservative scope, such as a neck fracture or an indication of an organic disease, we will refer you to the appropriate medical physician or specialist. He or she may also ask for permission to inform your family physician of the care you are receiving to ensure that your chiropractic care and medical care are properly coordinated.

    Neck Adjustments:  A neck adjustment (also known as a cervical manipulation) is a precise procedure applied to the joints of the neck, usually by hand. A neck adjustment works to improve the mobility of the spine and to restore range of motion; it can also increase movement of the adjoining muscles. Patients typically notice an improved ability to turn and tilt the head, and a reduction of pain, soreness, and stiffness.

    Of course, our Lyn Lake Chiropractic chiropractors will develop a program of care that may combine more than one type of treatment, depending on your personal needs. In addition to manipulation, the treatment plan may include mobilization, massage or rehabilitative exercises, or something else.

    Research Supporting Chiropractic Care:  ?One of the most recent reviews of scientific literature found evidence that patients with chronic neck pain enrolled in clinical trials reported significant improvement following chiropractic spinal manipulation.

    As part of the literature review, published in the March/April 2007 issue of the Journal of?Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, the researchers reviewed nine previously published trials and found "high-quality evidence" that patients with chronic neck pain showed significant pain-level improvements following spinal manipulation. No trial group was reported as having remained unchanged, and all groups showed positive changes up to 12 weeks post-treatment. Read Less
  • Low Back Pain - Minneapolis Chiropractor

    October 6, 2009
    Eighty percent of people suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor's office, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. In fact, it is estimated that low back pain affects more than half of the adult population each year and more than 10% of all people experience frequent bouts of low back pain.

    The susceptibility of the low back to injury and pain is due to the fact that the low back, like the neck, is a very unstable part of the spine. Unlike the thoracic spine, which is supported and stabilized by the rib cage. This instability allows us to have a great deal of mobility to touch our toes, tie our shoes or pick something up from the ground, but at the cost of increased risk of injury.

    As long as it is healthy and functioning correctly, Quick read more or view full article the low back can withstand tremendous forces without injury. Professional powerlifters can pick up several hundred pounds off the floor without injuring their low back. However, if the low back is out of adjustment or has weakened supporting muscles, something as simple as taking a bag of groceries out of the trunk of their car, picking something up off the floor, or even simply bending down to pet the cat can cause a low back injury.
    Until recently, researchers believed that back pain would heal on its own. We have learned, however, that this is not true. Recent studies showed that when back pain is not treated, it may go away temporarily, but will most likely return. It is important to take low back pain seriously and seek professional chiropractic care. This is especially true with pain that recurs over and over again. Lyn Lake Chiropractic can help!

    The Causes of Low Back Pain
    There are many different conditions that can result in low back pain, including: sprained ligaments, strained muscles, ruptured disks, trigger points and inflamed joints. While sports injuries or accidents can lead to injury and pain, sometimes even the simplest movements, like picking up a pencil from the floor, can have painful results. In addition, conditions such as arthritis, poor posture, obesity, psychological stress and even kidney stones, kidney infections, blood clots, or bone loss can lead to pain.
    Due to the fact that there are a whole lot of things that can cause low back pain, and some of those things can be quite serious if left untreated, it is important to seek professional help. Chiropractors are the experts at diagnosing the cause and determining the proper treatment for low back pain. Here are some of the most common causes I see:

    Whenever there is a disruption in the normal movement or position of the vertebrae, the result is pain and inflammation. In the lumbar spine, these usually occur at the transition between the lower spine and the sacrum. Subluxations can lead to debilitating low back pain. Fortunately, subluxations are easily treatable and often times a significant reduction in pain is experienced almost immediately after treatment.

    Disc Herniations
    Contrary to popular belief, a herniated disc does not automatically mean that you are going to suffer from low back pain. In fact, one study found that almost half of all adults had at least one bulging or herniated disc, even though they did not suffer any back pain from it. On the other hand, herniated discs can be a source of intense and debilitating pain that frequently radiates to other areas of the body. Unfortunately, once a disc herniates, they rarely, if ever, completely heal. Further deterioration can often be avoided through regular chiropractic care, but a complete recovery is much less common.

    Sprains, Strains and Spasms
    This is commonly the source of low back pain among the weekend warriors. You know, the type who have very little physical activity during the week, but once the weekend arrives, they push themselves way too much. By the end of the weekend, they are lying flat on their back counting down the hours before they can get in to see their chiropractor. Overworking the muscles or ligaments of the low back can lead to small tears in the tissues, which then become painful, swollen and tight.

    Whenever you become stressed, your body responds by increasing your blood pressure and heart rate, flooding your body with stress hormones and tightening up your muscles. When you are stressed all the time, the chronic tension causes your muscles to become sore, weak and loaded with trigger points. If you are stressed out all of the time and you have low back pain, it is important to do some relaxation exercises, such as deep breathing, as well as to get regular exercise.

    Treating Low Back Pain With Chiropractic
    Chiropractic treatment for low back pain is usually pretty straightforward. Most commonly, it's simply a matter of adjusting the lower lumbar vertebrae and pelvis to re-establish normal motion and position of your bones and joints.
    Chiropractic for the low back has been repeatedly shown to be the most effective treatment for low back pain. In fact, major studies have shown that chiropractic care is more effective, cheaper and has better long-term outcomes than any other treatment. This makes sense because chiropractic care is the only method of treatment that serves to re-establish normal vertebral motion and position in the spine. All other treatments, such as muscle relaxants, pain killers and bed rest, only serve to decrease the symptoms of the problem and do not correct the problem itself. Read Less

    Kare 11 News clip - Lyn Lake Chiropractic

    October 5, 2009
    Lyn Lake Chiropractict played a big part in the Medtronics Twin Cities Marathon in helping many runners with running injuries get to the finish line. Here's a fun link of our skeleton wearing our Lyn lake Chiropractic shirt at the Expo, he even made the news.

    KARE-NBCMinneapolis-St. Paul, MN Sunrise at 630am
    Oct 2 200906:30AM CT


    Carrie Tollefson Olympian, Lyn Lake Chiropractic

    October 2, 2009
    Team USA Minnesota - Carrie Tollefson USA Olympian supports Lyn Lake Chiropractic.
    We had a great day at the Medtronics Twin Cities Marathon Expo in St. Paul MN at the River Center.
    Our booth had so many runners hanging out and asking us about running injuries and how we can help. We provided free massages and Kinesio Taping. Great day!!!!

    Free Running Shirts - Lyn Lake Chiropractic

    September 29, 2009
    We have new, fresh Lyn lake Chiropractic running shirts hot off the press.  If you or you know someone running the 10 mile or marathon this weekend we would be glad to provide them or you with our high quality running shirts.

    We just ask that you wear them, and as a bonus we have a professional photographer taking pictures of anyone wearing our shirts, even spectators. You can get a copy of these pictures after the race by checking out our website.  We'll be linked to the photographers website.

    Wear them proud, you'll be amazed how many runners and spectators. will be cheering you on, we gave out over 2000 running shirts this year. If you need a shirt call the clinic 612-879-8000 and we'll put one aside for you in your size. We only have 300 right now ready to be worn at the race.

    Have a great race...

    Running Injury, Lyn Lake Chiropractic

    September 24, 2009
    Lyn Lake Chiropractic - 4 Most Common Running Injuries

    With the Twin Cities Marathon getting close - running is an activity that picks up in popularity. It’s a great way to boost cardiovascular health. However, it can also place a lot of stress on the musculoskeletal structure of your body.

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic often sees improper footwear and over-training as common causes for running injuries, along with misalignment in the hips and pelvis. If you think you’ve incurred one of the injuries described below, consult your chiropractor or Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

    You may need to suspend or reduce your running routine until the problem is healed. You can help lessen pain and inflammation of these injuries by applying ice to the affected areas for ten minutes every two hours.  Here are the most common problems associated with running: 

    1. Plantar fasciitis
    Is a repetitive strain of the plantar fascia that leads to painful inflammation of Quick read more or view full article this tissue located at the bottom of your feet. The pain is typically worse in the morning, and then tends to ease as the day goes on.  What causes it? - Running puts an increased mechanical load on the arch of your foot. If your arch is not properly positioned, or your muscles leading to the foot are too tight, you may be adding abnormal stress. 
    What can you do? -  Besides ice therapy and adjusting your running routine, treatments may also include adjusting you feet, ankles hips and lower back. Extra Treatment -  Ultrasound, Laser Therapy, GameReady Ice Compression Therapy, ART, Graston, Kinseio Taping myofascial stripping techniques used to the bottom of your feet. Our Minneapolis chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic treat runners daily and have great success.
    2. Shin splints
    Pain or tenderness along the front of the shin where your tibialis muscles attach to your lower leg. The pain is usually sharp when you’re running and often feels achy while you’re at rest.  What causes it? - Tendons of the tibialis muscles wrap around the arch of your foot, helping to support it. When the arches experience excessive loads, these tendons are placed under strain. When this happens, your muscles pull away from their attachments to the shin bone. Improper shoes, running on hard surfaces and over-pronation of the feet may aggravate this condition.  What can you do? - Avoid running on concrete surfaces. Have our Minneapolis chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic check the mobility and alignment of the bones in your feet and ankles. If needed get the treatment you need either at Lyn Lake Chiropractic, Sports chiropractor, Sports Medical clinic.

    If over-pronation is detected, you may need different running shoes or orthotics. The chiropractors at our clinic will do a free gait analysis to make sure your in the right support shoes. Once your pain is reduced, regular stretching of the muscles in your lower legs can help stop future problems. 

    3. Runner's knee pain (chondromalacia patella)
    Knee pain felt under the kneecap, accompanied by a grinding or popping noise when bending the knee. You may also notice swelling and redness.  What causes it? - Improper positioning of the patella over the knee joint. This triggers your kneecap to excessively rub against the surface of your leg bones, leading to repetitive wear and tear of the cartilage and recurring inflammation. Improper knee alignment is commonly caused by instability of the feet or pelvis. Tightness or imbalance in the quadriceps muscles may also cause symptoms.  What can you do? - Stop running and get chiropractic advice. Have our Minneapolis chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic check the alignment of your feet and pelvis. Misalignment in the feet may require orthotics and imbalance in the pelvis may be helped with chiropractic adjustments.

    When pain subsides, you may try strengthening the vastus medialis obliquus muscle - one of the quadriceps muscles of your thigh - to prevent this problem from returning. 

    4. Iliotibial (IT) Band Syndrome
     Tenderness and inflammation at the outside of the knee where the iliotibial band crosses the knee joint. The pain usually starts while running and can intensify as your run progresses. Walking on hilly surfaces or using stairs can make the symptoms worse.  What causes it? - Anything that creates tightness in your IT band. The result is likely friction, pain and inflammation. Fallen arches are often responsible. This condition causes the lower leg to rotate inward upon a heel strike. This pre-stretches tissue and makes it vulnerable to excessive strain. Pelvic imbalances or restrictions may also contribute to this syndrome.  What can you do?-  Avoid running on hills, stretch and ice after your run if you feel pain and rest. Have a chiropractor check your pelvis and your feet for imbalances. Although extremely painful, massaging the outside part of the leg may also help reduce the tightness and soreness, Ultrasound, Laser tx., Active Release Techniques (ART) and adjusting your hips, knees, ankle and feet if needed.  Once the pain is manageable, stretching the tensor fascia lata muscle, located in your thigh, as well as the gluteal muscles may help halt the return of this syndrome. 

    Alignment is the key to avoid most running injuries. Be sure to have your chiropractor check your alignment, it's just making sure the biomechanics are working together. Correcting the problem early may help prevent a more painful situation from happening down the road. 

    Disclaimer: Information contained in this Topic is for educational and general purposes only and is designed to assist you in making informed decisions about your health. Any information contained herein is not intended to substitute advice from your physician or other healthcare professional.  Read Less

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic - Stronger Low Backs

    September 22, 2009
    Lyn Lake Chiropractic - Strong Low Backs: Having One That Works Without Low Back Pain. You never know until you hurt it how much you use your lower back all day long. When your lower back is injured, every movement becomes painful. Simple actions, such as getting out of a chair or bending over the sink, become excruciating, and your daily routine becomes difficult and frustrating. If this happens please call our Minneapolis chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic or checkout our website for more information.

    Back pain affects 60 to 80 percent of U.S. adults at some time during their lives, and up to 50 percent have back pain within a given year. Some of these problems are easily treated and never return, but in five to ten percent of patients low back pain becomes chronic and the person continues to have recurrences and Quick read more or view full article exacerbations. Effective treatment of uncomplicated lower back pain involves treatment in a chiropractor’s office and beginning and continuing an exercise program. A recent study conducted by the Medical Research Council, a research organization based in the United Kingdom, has found that patients given a combination of spinal manipulation and exercise experienced greater improvement in back function and greater reduction in pain compared to those treated with spinal manipulation or exercise only. Most mechanical low back pain is associated with tight leg muscles and weak abdominal muscles. Leg muscles need to be stretched and abdominal muscles need to be strengthened to avoid recurrences of low back pain. People are generally not aware of these relationships.

    You may know you “should be exercising”, but you may be unaware of the importance of stretching. Also, abdominal strengthening is usually the last thing a person thinks of when he or she thinks of doing exercise. Exercise is a three-step process: stretching, exercising, and abdominal strengthening. Don’t forget getting adjusted on a regular basis will be effective and help keep you on your Wellness Plan. Stretching prepares you for the work of exercise, and is done first before anything else, gently and gradually. You may be tighter than usual on a particular day. This is not important - you should never try to stretch to where “you think you should be”. Just stretch, making sure to pay attention to what you’re doing. It’s easy to injure a muscle if you’re thinking about something else, or if you’re rushing, trying to squeeze in some stretching before dashing off to the gym.

    Abdominal strengthening helps support the lower back. Spinal muscles are not designed to carry your body weight. If your abdominal muscles are weak, then your back muscles will be used to carry your body weight, and eventually you’ll have a lower back injury or low back pain. Abdominal strengthening not only helps keep your lower back healthy, but also helps maintain good posture. Postural benefits include an easy, relaxed gait; muscles that are long and supple, rather than short and tight; and an open chest that allows for easy, smooth breathing. Your body is a machine. Everything’s connected. A lower back problem affects many other areas, ultimately. By making sure to stretch regularly and by including abdominal exercises in your gym routine, you can help ensure having a lower back that works instead of having low back pain daily.

    Our chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic will help set you up on a stretching program and rehab to strengthen your low back muscles and core muscle strength. Read Less

    White Tea - Lyn Lake Chiropractic

    September 21, 2009
    White Tea Could Keep You Healthy And Looking Young!

    ScienceDaily (Aug. 14, 2009) — Next time you’re making a cuppa, new research shows it might be wise to opt for a white tea if you want to reduce your risk of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis or even just age-associated wrinkles. Researchers from Kingston University teamed up with Neal’s Yard Remedies to test the health properties of 21 plant and herb extracts. They discovered all of the plants tested had some potential benefits, but were intrigued to find white tea considerably outperformed all of them.

    Professor Declan Naughton, from the School of Life Sciences at Kingston University in South West London, said the research showed white tea had anti-ageing potential and high levels of anti-oxidants which could prevent cancer and heart disease. “We’ve carried out tests to identify plant extracts that protected the structural proteins of the skin, specifically elastin and collagen,” he explained. Quick read more or view full article “Elastin supports the body’s natural elasticity which helps lungs, arteries, ligaments and skin to function. It also helps body tissue to repair when you suffer wounds and stops skin from sagging.” Collagen is a protein found in connective tissues in the body and is important for skin, strength and elasticity, he added.

    The researchers were blown away by exactly how well the white tea had performed. “We were testing very small amounts far less than you would find in a drink,” Professor Naughton, one of the country’s leading specialists on inflammation, said. “The early indicators are that white tea reduces the risk of inflammation which is characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis and some cancers as well as wrinkles.”
    Eight of the other plants and herbs analysed also helped protect against the breakdown of both elastin and collagen. After white tea, bladderwrack performed well followed by extracts of cleavers, rose, green tea, angelica, anise and pomegranate.

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic will try to help you understand the value behind proper nutrition to help you in your Wellness plan that you and the Minneapolis Chiropractors at Lyn Lake Chiropractic decide what your treatment plan will be to keep you healthy. Read Less

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic - Sports Medicine Article

    September 20, 2009

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic cares for professional athletes, those striving
    for personal goals, and dedicated fans. Dr. Schreifels and Dr. Field are
    avid marathon runners who understand the need for chiropractic care
    as it relates to staying healthy in the quest to achieve personal goals.
    They provide comprehensive care for the patient's entire body - knees,
    hips, elbows, back - to find the pain's cause and to let the patient return
    to enjoying their life. They also specialize in auto injuries,
    bulging/herniated discs, headaches, low back pain, and sciatica.

    They are the Official Chiropractors of the Medtronic Twin Cities
    Marathon, work with Team USA Minnesota Athletes, and provide
    care and injury prevention seminars to numerous running groups
    around the Twin Cities.

    Staff includes certified personal trainers and massage therapists to
    assist in rehab and injury prevention. Modalities utilized include
    ultrasound, cold laser therapy, EMS, and Game Ready Quick read more or view full article Icing system. Read Less

    Lyn Lake Chiropractic treats Colic

    September 16, 2009

    The theory that an irritated spine may contribute to colic is supported by the frequent improvement in symptoms with gentle chiropractic adjustments. Because the birthing process is very stressful on the neck of a newborn, it is very common for there to be several subluxations in the neck and back that can irritate the tiny and delicate nervous system. It has also been observed that babies with colic seem to need more attention and are more sensitive to the things around them than other babies - again indicating that there are some neurological differences.

    Both the mother's and the baby's diet can be huge factors in the development of colic. One of the biggest offenders is cow's milk. Cow's milk contains the sugar lactose which many newborn babies cannot digest very well, not to mention that cow's milk contains many proteins that are not good for an infant's digestive system.

    Another Quick read more or view full article potential dietary contributor to colic is the mother's diet while breastfeeding. Women who breast feed should stay away from spicy foods, alcohol and tobacco, as well as to avoid eating too much of any one particular food. A semi-bland, high-protein diet that excludes dairy is probably best - at least during the first three or four months of breastfeeding.

    If your baby suffers from colic, there are a few things that you can do to help:

    Seek regular chiropractic care at Lyn Lake Chiropractic, or a chiropractor near you.

    Place a warm water bottle on your baby's stomach.

    Rock your baby in a rocking chair or cradle.

    Give your baby a warm bath.

    Gently rub your baby's stomach.

    Go for a drive with your baby in the car seat.

    Feed your baby more often with less food at each feeding.

    If you feed your baby formula, avoid soy or dairy-based formulas.

    I have three little girls and only one had colic issues. After altering my wife's diet our baby girl still had colic symptoms. At 4 months old we decided to adjust her, the colic symptoms stopped almost immediately that night. The question is, does chiropractic adjustments help with colic symptoms? With the research and my personal experience I'd have to say it works. The adjustments for a little child is so light and with trigger point therapy with some minor massage we have had many great success stories at Lyn Lake Chiropractic.

    If you don't live near our clinic, please take the time to find a chiropractor near your home and ask them if they treat children, then when they say yes. Ask the chiropractor if he has children of their own, because if they adjust their children that will tell you that they know what they are doing. If you have any questions or would like us to call the chiropractic clinic for you please let us know. We are here to help everyone. Read Less

    Allure, Glamour and Self -, Lyn Lake Chiropractic

    September 15, 2009
    From Mall Walkers to Marathon Runners ... From High Mileage to High Heels ...
    From Manolos to Marathons

    “I was really impressed with this clinic. No mat-
    ter what your lifestyle, they have your back! From running injuries and
    auto accidents to slipped discs, sciatica, even high-heel mishaps —
    Lyn Lake Chiropractic takes a comprehensive approach to treating your
    ailment. Their service menu includes Chiropractic, Certified Massage
    Therapist, Personal Trainers and many more high tech rehab toys to help
    heal anything you might be dealing with. They are the Official Chiro-
    practors of the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon. Check this place out.”

    As seen in the March 2009 Issues of Allure, Glamour and Self Magazines.

    2937 Lyndale Ave
  • Minneapolis
  • 612-879-8000
  • Minnesota Monthly on Lyn Lake Chiropractic

    September 14, 2009

    There’s an electrifying energy at Lyn Lake Chiropractic. When you open the door to the hip, loft-like clinic, you’re greeted by a friendly, smiling office manager, rockin’ tunes piping in from ceiling speakers, and a staff of some of the most dedicated chiropractors, massage therapists, and personal trainers in the metro area. The atmosphere is upbeat, fast-paced, and family-friendly. A regular patient is greeted with a friendly “Hey Jerry! How’s that knee feeling?” while another staff member asks a patient’s 3-year-old daughter if she can “please-please-please” hear her latest knock-knock joke.

    In this over-stressed, under-appreciated world we live in, it’s obvious that the staff at Lyn Lake Chiropractic love what they do.

    And what “they”—owner Dr. Kevin Schreifels, Dr. Jill Field, three massage therapists, and two personal trainers—do is treat pregnant patients, children, anyone with back pain, and those suffering from running and athletic injuries. The doctors, both avid Quick read more or view full article marathoners, understand running issues and have been the official chiropractor of the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon for six years.
    On any given day, the room is busy with athletes, those who have been in auto accidents, and members of the Minneapolis Police and Fire Departments.

    As if on cue, an officer arrives for a quick adjustment. Part of the beauty of Lyn Lake Chiropractic is that walk-ins and same-day appointments are accepted during business hours. A 24-hour answering service allows patients to call and schedule appointments when needed.

    Their passion for health, wellness, and chiropractic care is evident in their safe and natural approach to pain management (each patient’s muscles are warmed and relaxed before an adjustment) and helping each of their patients—from infants to seniors—achieve and maintain their maximum health potential. Read Less

    Helping our community - Caring Bags.

    Due to the weather changing and it's getting colder outside, we know there's a surplus of people living on the streets and with the encampments we want to help these people by giving.
     Lyn Lake Chiropractic  will be putting together something we call - Caring Bags.

    These Caring Bags will allow us to go around the Minneapolis area and hand out to people that need a little hope and help. We're putting many different items in these bags to hand out. Some of the many items will be - hand warmers, tooth paste, tooth brush, warm hats and gloves, snacks, little water bottles and a gift card so they can get something warm to eat and maybe give them a chance to warm up.

    If you want to donate something to put in these Caring Bags, just drop it off at either Lyn Quick read more or view full article
    Lake Chiropractic Uptown or Lyn Lake Chiropractic Northeast. We just ordered 300 draw string back packs and once they get here (within two weeks), the chiropractors and staff at Lyn Lake Chiropractic will stuff the bags and hit the streets.  If this is a sucess we would like to do more of these Caring Bags all winter.

    Just trying to give back and help our community!

    If you have any questions please feel free to call our Minneapolis Chiropractic Clinic -
    Lyn Lake Chiropractic 612-879-8000
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    Did you know we now have five Lyn Lake Chiropractic locations? If you're on the North side of Minneapolis, look us up! Or in the St Paul area, check us out!